I love Myoga! Go little Flea-man! This was soo funny, I love how after his last comment he heads for the hills, sneaky flea!
Another great story!! Yeah, I could just see Miroku's smile, as he led all those women from the village. I know he was speaking of another monk, but I could picture him doing it. LOL It makes you wonder if he had actually heard the story, or if it was one of his more perverted dreams. It's so nice of Songo to allow him to dream so much. He gets to sleep waaaay more than the rest of them. Good Job!
Loved it, that was one of my favorite tales when I was little. Keep up the good work!
I've never heard of alot of these fairytales. I like them though. I especially liked how Inuyasha got to tell his own story. Is it my imagination, or did Inuyasha actually prove a point. LOL
Great job!!
This was pure win. I love the tales and the mingling with the Inuyasha characters and world. Keep it up!
Very cute, even though it's so short. I love how you had Inuyasha be the one to explain this to Sesshoumaru, it was perfect :).
Wise words indeed from our little Yusha!
Very cute. I love how Rin is the one telling the story this time :). And how Jaken ushers the kids away at the end when they start getting a little too obsorbed in what they were doing.
Awesome chapter, and all that jazz~! *Jazz hands*
HA HA HA! What a wonderful ending. *giggles*
'Jaken promptly fainted.' hahaha love it. Another amazing job :). In case I haven't mentioned it before, I love this story. And I love how you added a more Japanese twist to this one, having a geta instead of glass slipper and such :). Awaiting your next update.
I really liked the developement in the last chater, but I really liked the end i this chapter too. All the stories were awesome, and most had me laughing out loud. I even pitied Naraku a bit. :P good job. I can't wait to read more.
*dies laughing* *revives* LOL. I loved the ending to this chapter. I can already tell I'm going to love the rest. XD
OMG I love it! Even with the more violence. Noticed a few typos, a sentence missing a capital letter and such, but nothing major :). Love Sesshoumaru's last line and can't wait for you to update again :).
aww cute ^^ i was just thinking of another story you could do.. Alice in Wonderland :) i saw the movie today
Kagome - Alice
Naraku- Queen of hearts
Inuyasha - White Rabbit(totally white rabbit lol, comeing to pick up Kagome saying she's late)
i dano those are kinda the main characters i don't think there's a love interest but you could probably twist it in somewhere :)
awwww that was the best make-up scene ever! keep up the good work with your wonderful stories.... cant wait for the next chapters =)
Oh my god that was beautiful! The ending brought tears to my eyes :), in a good way. Did notice a slight problem, I believe '“We make camp.' should be 'We'll make camp'. But other than that, amazing job and so can not wait for your next update!
this is a great collection of stories :) and the previous chapter is so cute :) i can't wait for more fairy tales :)
wow, your brilliance of a writer shows here in the fact that you managed to invoke more empathy out of me for Naraku, I always felt a little sorry for him but this was touching. Great work.
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