I don't think that was right of Inuyasha to not expose his identity to Kagome. Now she's going to be hurt and angry that it's too late to spend time with an old friend. She'll also be confused as to why he did not want her to know who he was and that he went out of his way to antagonize her into disliking him in his disguise as 'Moe'. No one should hang such a guilt trip on another person. The 'if only' will always stay with her the rest of her life.
I just discovered this story and am enjoying it. I'm glad you picked the title "King Nothing'. It fits more than just Sesshoumaru. I'm glad you took the wig off him. It didn't make much since and was unreliable. Also, the gloves made his hands stand out more than if he had just exposed his claws which could have easily been trimmed every day. Markings can easily be taken for tatoos in a world where tatoos are prominant, even unusual ones. His hair color could be explained away as being dyed or even natural. People even have surgery to change the shape of parts of their body, which could explain his ears since he is the author of stories about demons. People could think him eccentric by changing his 'humanity' to look like a demon as a sales gimmick. It has happened before.
I hope Kagome begins to get suspicious that something is not right about Jack.
Hope you feel better soon!!
I just did a marathon read of the story so far and find it wildly interesting. I really enjoy Together in Tokyo as well!!
Okay, fine! If you're going to let a little thing like extreme agony keep you from typing for a while, then go ahead. It just shows where your true loyalties lie. Hummph! ;) Feel better soon.
Sophie (Chapter 6) - Wed 31 Mar 2010
It never fail to amume how grandpa is trying to purify Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha! He's soo funny. I'm glad you're back!
Sophie (Chapter 4) - Fri 19 Feb 2010
Sesshoumaru's story was so sad, it's good you added the picnic scene here to light the mood. Very interesting story, I wil wait for another chapter! Keep going!
She didn't know it was Sesshomaru in chapter one, even though his name was Sesshomaru, his aura was familiar, and she thought his attitude was similar to the original Sesshomaru. But now she knows. And Sesshy is all melancholy. Can't wait to see how the two interact with each other.
Fascinating! Kagome seems different in this fic. She didn't give anything away, even when she knew it was Sesshomaru. She's kind of hard boiled. I can't wait to see what she does next...
Sophie (Chapter 3) - Sun 14 Feb 2010
Very good story. I can't wait for next chapter. Please continue!
Jess (Chapter 1) - Mon 08 Feb 2010
ooohhh this is soooooo good so far :) I love it!!!
You have talent :) Update soon!!!! :)
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