Ohhhh...goodness..THANK YOU!! My heart was aching at Sesshoumaru's death and I almost cried having to read about Kagome's reaction to it. Though, thank you..for making her hurt Inu-baka. He deserved it! But, thank you, thank you for not making Sesshoumaru's death be too long..I don't think I could have handled more chapters like that. So, please hurry, I must know what happens next. Please...continue on!!
Whew! Of course, I knew Sesshoumaru would live, but you sure had me scared for awhile. I'm so happy. I wonder if he'll kick Inuyasha's ass. What he did was so dishonorable. Sesshoumaru would never have done that to him. Well, I can't wait to see what you do next!
Eve (Chapter 16) - Tue 09 Mar 2010
Girl I can not wait for the next chapter ! You have me so into this story!
Tears down my cheeks! wating with bated breath!!!!!!
Lexie (Chapter 16) - Tue 09 Mar 2010
oh wow. just wow. this story is really hitting the heart. i can't wait to read more PLEASE UPDATE!
Ohh, Ohh, Ohh! I see foreshadowing! Yes, yes! Great chapter, just like the last. Thank you for indulging this action whore. ^_^ I absolutely love cliffies too!
I'd hate to be you right now.... LOL... Really though that was cruel but an awesome story. I do hope Kagome beats the shit out of Inuyasha and that she doesn't give up hope. She forget about Tensuiga.... What's the deal with that? Blood merging hummm good deal make it final for pairing.... Update soon...
WooHoo! Total awesomeness! Excellent description. I'm so excited that I can barely put a sentence together. I love suspense and action. Can't wait to see what you do next. Oh, and Inuyasha is really pissing me off. I hope Kagome purifies his ass. ^_^ Having Kagome's spirit go back to the past via Goshenboku was a great idea. Loved it. Loved the entire chapter. Thanks for posting!
ha that would be such a wonderful stress relief. I always read about Inuyasha/Sesshoumaru going off and destroying trees when they get angry, but personally I think blowing them up would be much more satisfying :)
This was a nice update. I love seeing Kagome's skills at work helping Rin. She's really coming into her own in this fic. Also I enjoyed the way affection and relationships are progressing between Sesshoumaru and Kagome here at a realistic rate.
Maribel Mota (Chapter 11) - Mon 22 Feb 2010
wao, very suit, i think that a bit more of smutty scene would be fantastic, also a bit of kik of naraku ass to? well, we keep in touch so as always please update as soon you can. bye.
I love a happy Sesshoumaru. Please hurry with the next update. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
*^_^* I really like this story!
awwwww.....but...but....Sesshy was finally going to see her again!! how can you just end the chapter there?! Q.Q pwease update soon!
maribel mota (Chapter 10) - Tue 16 Feb 2010
ohhh that's so grate, you know, like i said before i like the way you show the friendship between then it's the way it is, some people forget that.but you are doing just the perfect way, so keep going and update soon bye.
maribel mota (Chapter 8) - Thu 11 Feb 2010
very touching, but i miss my seshi, so don't let him behind ok! so see you soon.
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