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NightQueen (Chapter 16) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

I have to say you are truly one of my favorite writers.  I always feel the intensity of emotion that you instill in each of the characters you write about.  You've had me crying since the first chapter, but this last chapter really was a tear jerker!  I've found this story to be very original.  Great job and I really can't wait to see what happens next!

Kazumi (Chapter 16) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Please please please please please contiue at the rate you're working at! I absolutely love it!

Silverkitsune26 (Chapter 16) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Love your story. I really like the twist and turnes you put in there. Would love to see kagome as the Grim Reaper/Shikigami.

Can hardly wait for your next update because your story is well written and fun to read.

Please update soon.

Silverkitsune26 ^_^

Oh Please (Chapter 16) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

I absolutely adore this story.  I have read in silence, taking my pleasure without returning any feedback, and for that I feel terribly guilty.  You should know that I thrill to see a new chapter of this story, and especially when it is more than one chapter at a time!

Your portrayal of Kagome's suffering if poignant and in character.  You brought me to tears in the first few chapters as she had to deal with Kaede and Sango's daughter.  I'm glad you risked it and made Sesshomaru fall for her. 

I'm glad you made Kagome's powers so incredible that her former friends are shocked and awed.  I never expected Kikyo to figure out her identity.  That was a nice touch.

It seems that Kagome has not realized that Sesshomaru has control over when she goes back to being Death since she is evoked until he dispells the contents of the bowl that are under his lock and key.  Although, it would be quite horrible for her to have to remain Death until the loss of her family in the future.  She would probably be insane by then after doing her duty for centuries.  How many times would she gather the souls of her friends after reincarnation in that period of time.  And does the condition of her atonement cease at their first death, or for the successive deaths of their reincarnated souls?  Something to think about

So, again, I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying your story on an emotional level and a cerebral level.  Keep up the great work!

InuAngel (Chapter 16) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

WOW! Your fic is incrediable!  It's like a good book you don't want to put down!  I haven't read anything like this before.  I love Kagome as death, I was sad at first when she died and had a cold face and her emotions trapped but was relieved when she was granted emotions again.  I understand why she has to be death, she needed to understand that people die no matter how much you don't want it, but it is also a part of life and there are reasons beyond her human thinking for their deaths.  I think the gods wanted her to understand that and learn her lesson.  I want to know if she will return to life after her lessons are learned?  I guess I will have to wait to find out.  I know her time as Reaper will be up after her friends have gone but the gods can change their mind can't they? Your fic is moving at a great pace not to fast not to slow, it's not rushed and well thought out and I can see your enjoyment in writing it!  I knew Kikyou could see her when she first laid eyes on her at the castle if not when Kiade died.  Your story is incrediable, you ROCK!  I'm glad your committed to finishing it, you seem to update daily, that's my pet peeve about fan fiction so many good stories get left to float in the site unfinished, I know things happen but authors should respect their fans and readers and at least post a note to inform them of the sitiuation.  Don't let that happen your story it to damn good and very unique!  Like I said I haven't read anything like it before, no plot or theme or character versions like yours, I am so in love with your story!  I can't wait to see what happens next!  Write on!!!

Much Love


Phantomlogic (Chapter 16) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

**bows down**  Amazing!  The concept, the writing, it is simply brilliant!  I was somewhat skeptical of how Death would become romantically involved with Sesshoumaru, but I think you did a fantastic job with it.  Also, I didn't really think Sesshoumaru was OOC.  He is the type who, once he possesses something, does not easily give it up.  When he wants something, he takes it and keeps it.  It is quite obvious that he wants Death, and now that he has had her, he will not let her go.  I hope she is stong enough to take on a determined demon lord!

Also, can't tell you enough how much I love the speedy updates!  Every single time I check back, there is a new one, which I devour with aplomb!

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 13) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Oh..geez...I cannot tell you how much I love Sesshoumaru in this chapter. His determination is amazing. I am so loving this story. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you continue to write..and how glad I am everything I get an update message that there are more than one chapter already uploaded and ready for me to read. Continue on...please.

knifethrower (Chapter 16) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

So sad and sweet!

Vanessa (Chapter 15) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Usually I don't review until the story is ended that way I could give a more overview on how I enjoyed a story or not... BUT    

Yay!!! I'm so loving the fact that everytime I return on here there is a new chapter... I do feel that this story won't be the everybody has a flowery happy peaches and cream ending. I can't begin to tell you how much that thrills me... I like the fact that Kags is realistic and she isnt woe unto me all powerful damnsel.  The story is well written in her balance of strength and limitations. Keep up the good work...

fallen (Chapter 15) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

YAY! I knew if I stayed up late enough I would find that you updated again! It was a sad chapter really, I knew it wouldnt be all sunshine and rainbows as you put it but the hurt and coldness was so evident that it was very heartbreaking. Thank you again for blessing us tonight! As always it was great!

Megs (Chapter 14) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

I just read all the chapters....and now Im depressed! Sesshy has to find a way to bring Kagome back to life so they can live happily ever after! Beautiful story's very refreshing!

fallen (Chapter 14) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Wow...thats all there was to say I think. It was an amazing chapter. I was almost in tears at the end with the hurt I could feel for her. The lemon was great too of course, but the emotion and feelings you put into this chapter were what spoke to me the most. Thank you very much for writing another chapter to this wonderful story tonight.

TruGemini (Chapter 13) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

That's an interesting twist on Death being a lover. I'm liking how you are working this out.

fallen (Chapter 13) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Another great chapter! I have been checking Dokuga all day waiting for an update and I wasnt dissapointed! I really feel for Kagome here, it must be so hard to see your friends so weary of you but yet harder still if they were to embrace you. Thank you so much for updating, I cant wait to read more!

Althea (Chapter 13) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

What another wonderful chapter. You had me crying when Kikyou was talking to her.

Dani (Chapter 13) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

I can't wait to find out how he makes Death his!

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 12) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

I am so loving this story. Please continue on, I cannot wait for the next update. More!

summerbirdy (Chapter 12) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

waaaa!!!!! Me loves this one. This is so going to my bookmarked stories.. I don't want to loose track of this. Amazing...


Romance between Death and Sesshoumaru. It sounds so... fitting. Let me guess; he's the last to die of those Kagome loves, right? right? Aah, can't wait new chapters and story to go forward..

Althea (Chapter 12) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

Ok its official, I love your story. You have made me feel a wide range on emotions. Not many stories do that. You are doing such a wonderful job. Brilliant idea by the way, using the Staff of Two Heads, and the Fang of Heaven.

But (there always seems to be one of those, rofl) I beleive that there is a King of the Underworld in japan's culture, King Enma. Which was done in Yu Yu Hakusho (which is another good anime), Botan was the charater of the Grim Reaper. Just a bit of food for thought.


knifethrower (Chapter 12) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

You have been subtle in your depiction of Sesshomaru and Kagome's attraction, I for one would like to see something more definitive.  This is a very different story.  I'm enjoying it so much, and appreciate how fast you update.  You are really doing an amazing job.

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