Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 48) - Fri 19 Feb 2010

Awwww!  What a sweet reunion; it's too bad the good news had to come paired with a bad situation.  I'm very curious as to what Sesshoumaru will have to say about this new development!

Wonderful chapter Miss O!  I'm glad that Kagome has her friend back :)

Yay twins!

88pieces (Chapter 48) - Fri 19 Feb 2010

holy crap TWINS!!  and you were holding out on us!!  i bet sessh already knows that is what the letter is for right?   ugh i want to kno what is in that damn letter!!!

Snowfall (Chapter 48) - Fri 19 Feb 2010

OMG!  What a complication!  I wonder if Miroku will even tell Sesshoumaru.  He's likely to go ballistic in order to be with her.  I'm so glad that Inuyasha is finally there.  I hope they're safe.  It's time to get ready for work and I didn't get to thoroughly read the chapter.  I will when I get home.  ^_^

krazy4fluffy (Chapter 27) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

aahhh so much still to read !! Damn real life for taking away my precious reading time X_X lol :P


xoxo awesome !!! too much talking and repeating urself sometimes tho... Still, it's nice ^^

Tana_san (Chapter 47) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

You know, when Miroku decided to take on this job, I'll bet no one told him he's have to learn how to handle personalities like InuYasha and Sesshoumaru. They definitely ARE as different as night and day and if you think you're going to dominate either one of them, you're in for the lesson of a lifetime.

 I almost burst when InuYasha turned and peed on Miroku in the last chapter. Where DO you get these things? Not only can you write drama, action, adventure and romance but girl, you are one great comedian too!!! I just adore when you put this kind of stuff in your fics. Not only has Miroku had a hard time with Sesshoumaru , but now he has to deal with InuYasha.  I agree, it made for a VERY long trip. I'm glad Miroku finally gave in and apologized to InuYasha for not understanding everything he was going through and the two were finally able to relax alittle before they saw Kagome. I wondered what happened to Miroku's diplomatic manners when he pulled out that Star Trek like phaser/taser thing. I actually had to grin at InuYasha's reaction. He was SO ready to shoot his mouth off and let Miroku have it and all it took was one look at that thing and he behaved like a good puppy until Miroku finally saw he was wrong for taking out his frustrations on InuYasha.

I kind of felt bad for Miroku. He just doesn't seem to get anything right when dealing with these two InuYoukai. Hopefully, he can gain their trust and friendship after they've had all the training they require and they can take time to get to know each other. I feel they'll need each other in the future when it's revealed what happened to Kimuro.

And the best part of this chapter????..." ARE WE THERE YET?"...Priceless!  JEN

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 47) - Wed 17 Feb 2010

Awesome chapter! I laughed my butt off when Inuyasha peed on Miroku. I about died laughing! Can't wait to see what happens next! :)

krazy4fluffy (Chapter 1) - Wed 17 Feb 2010

OMG that's THE PROLOGUE?? U shuld be a fu-... ehem an effing writer !!! No no, like seriously... not as a hobby O_O U R AMAZING! THAT'S AMAZING! AMAZING!!...






I LOVED it... I'ma continue reading now ^^


88pieces (Chapter 47) - Wed 17 Feb 2010

ooooo i cant wait till they get back together .

and what about the letter from sesshou.  i want to kno what it says

caint wait till the next one

Sesshomaru (Chapter 46) - Tue 16 Feb 2010

Pissing Yasha + Miroku's wet pants = HILARIOUS!

Tana_san (Chapter 46) - Tue 16 Feb 2010

The best part of this whole chapter was where Mikaru said that now Miroku belonged to InuYasha! I was just in fits over that! Sooo, funny! I'd go into more detail but I've got my husband awake and he's talking nonsense in my ear so I'll get off the computer. He was just sleeping right before I finished...oh how I wish he'd had gone to work...JEN

Snowfall (Chapter 46) - Mon 15 Feb 2010

That doctor's death really has me worried.  I hope Inuyasha makes it to Kagome alright.  It was scary that a department agent showed up at his door.  Mikaru better be careful now.  I wonder who the bad guy is and hope it isn't Sato.  I really like him. I'd love to know how they are going to fake Inuyasha's death.  That would be very interesting.

*snicker*  What made you think to have Inuyasha piss on Miroku?  That was hilarious!  LOL  I'm sure Sess will get a kick out of it once he hears about it.  I think I'm just as excited as Kagome is about Inuyasha coming to see her.

I felt so sorry for Sesshoumaru when he couldn't find Miroku.  That was scary.  Whew!  Or...was it really Miroku that was in there?  Or was it the bad guy in disguise.  Oh no!  Is that why he couldn't smell him?  Damn!  You've got me so worried for them!

Can't wait to see what happens next! ^_^

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 46) - Mon 15 Feb 2010

OMG LMAO!  Poor Miroku! 

Definitely needed the laugh, thank you :)  The suspense is killing me, I can't wait until Inuyasha and Kagome get to meet up again, it was definitely a close call for him though.  Very suspicious visit indeed.

I look forward to the next chapter, keep up the great work!

moonlight's.kiss (Chapter 45) - Sun 14 Feb 2010

oh, i can not wait for Inuyasha to get there! i'm hoping him and Kikyou will get together... hoping cough cough... so  yea if  they do get together.. cough... then it will be too funny seeing Kikyou fall all over him(: update soon!

Sesshomaru (Chapter 45) - Sun 14 Feb 2010

Please continue!!!

88pieces (Chapter 45) - Sun 14 Feb 2010

oh im so excited for the little reunion!  It'll make things easier for kags.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 45) - Sun 14 Feb 2010

Great chapter!  Cute little setup you have going for Kikyo and InuYasha, maybe just in time for Valentine's Day???  I do wonder why Kagome gets her migranes though, it seems like whatever's behind that is what's hindering her training, and we definitely don't want that!  We want she and Sesshoumaru back together, damnit!

Keep up the great work!

Tana_san (Chapter 44) - Sat 13 Feb 2010

Looks like things just became a little more complicated with the death of Kimuro. I agree with Sessh, with his heighten senses, he's the perfect one to do some uncover investigating and living where he did and being part of the neighborhood watch, he knows how to get the job done.

Boy, Kikyou has alot to learn about people and life. She sounds like she's from the days of old when prejudice and slavery was acceptable. She needs to learn that life is about changing to make things better for all, not just certain people. She shouldn't have been left alone to to wallow in her hatred. I believe Kagome will be a good influence on her as soon as Kagome can kick her on her butt a few times. I can just IMAGINE the impact InuYasha will have on her! That'll be grand! With his personally and coloful language...ha ha ha ha...I can just see her face and how can she handle someone like him?

Oh, wow, I can't wait to see where all this is leading...but I can sure feel it's going to be glued to our seat good!  JEN

Sesshomaru (Chapter 44) - Sat 13 Feb 2010

This is an interesting development......please continue!!

Kiri (Chapter 44) - Fri 12 Feb 2010

Oh you have me so wrapped up in this story !!!!  Can't wait for the next chapter!  Thank You !  >^.^<

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 44) - Fri 12 Feb 2010

Go Shippou!  Way to put that meanie in her place XD 

Quite an interesting turn of events you created regarding Kimuro.  I wonder though, is he REALLY dead, or is it a clone-like thing like the Sesshoumaru that died had been?  Can't wait to find out!

Keep up the great work :D

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