Well, at least we know the beast is back....but........Is Sesshoumaru acting on all four cylinders?
Wow, what a chapter!!! AMAZING!!
Sesshomarus beast does know, how to drive me insane... Such a selfish, stupid creature... -.-
I really pity Sesshomaru for his lack of chance... And I hope, they will come together!! Else, I will end up in lala-land... xD
Now I can only wait for the next chapter. I hope, you will update soon. :D
Aaww... poor Sesshomaru! He kepts getting put through so much. Bless his heart. The beast is so selfish! He needs some sense slapped into him!!
Tenma Akari (Chapter 71) - Mon 09 May 2011
Hi Madison!
Thanks for the update per usual!!! I have to be honest though, I'm not sure how to take the development that the story has taken. It feels a little drawn out and conflicted now and I have to be honest I'm getting a little impatient to see where things are going. I know this is probably a part of the process, exploring their emotions, but I feel we already know Kagome's deep wounds and fears. As for Sesshoumaru, I feel very torn that he might end up becoming human after all the long and hard work that you've put into your previous chapters. I can only guess that you've opened the floodgates to continue with Bloodstained, but it's nearly killing me!!!!
As always your writing is superb and very visual, I simply love what you've done with the story, but I am very on edge now with the turn that the story is taking. Thank you for updating again, I appreciate your work, and look forward to the next installment!
omg! please update asap!
This chapter is truly fantastic... You really outdo yourself with each chapter! Sesshoumaru's angst....I can feel every single feeling that Sesshoumaru does! You are amazing!(yeah..I know...really old news...but they are really, really true!)
By the way....is Sesshoumaru going to turn into a human?!?
I can't wait to read the next chapter!*wink*
Nilee1 (Chapter 71) - Mon 09 May 2011
Love the chapter, love the story...killing half of yourself; being what you are not for the sake of someone you love--that can't turn out well. The beast has to comes to turns with his guilt and grief the same way that Sesshoumaru did. He is youkai.
SILVERMOON MARU (Chapter 70) - Sun 08 May 2011
Amazing chapter!!! Wow!! Why is the beast saying that she isn't theirs?? and what happened to Kagome?? That was a really evil cliffhanger. I love how the decisions and the wish came out. Everything is so interesting, the characters fit perfectly with their personalities. OMG!! I want to read what is next!
I like the depht of Sesshoumaru and Kagome, that there is much more to them than what the eye can see, they are much more real than other fics.
Great job!! Please keep on!! :) Thank you for writting something so wonderful.
Can't wait to keep reading! :) Ja ne!
steph (Chapter 70) - Sat 30 Apr 2011
ahhhh! too much suspense!
hm your story interests me! can't wait to keep reading! :) i hate what happened at the beginning of the story up until Kagome was taken back to her time, but I love this story at the same time! Ja ne!
You make me feel ashamed to keep my name Duchess of Darkness (lol) But then I guess you should be named Queen of Darkness....most befitting wouldnt you agree?
Such beautiful painful darkness that makes your readers weep with hatred, longing, and a feral need for revenge but at the same time open their eyes to the potential light, hope, the bright side to all the darkness that first clouded the characters in your story. Understand that their is a long painful road to forgivness. Man it was refreshing and not many people can describe too many dark stories as "refreshing". But I can with this one.
Hey If you ever write a romance novel and get it published I got dibs on the first autgraphed book. Got me?
okay, i realize that you just updated, but this cliffie is simply NOT acceptable! I CANNOT deal with all the whining going on around here (me), so you simply MUST Update again... Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze????
Seriously, this is a great story, even though it (you) made me cry! It does need some editing, well I'd say medium editing. You have been writing very fast and have used the wrong words in a number of places. That's what happens when your fingers can't keep up with your brain. I cannot wait for the next chapter!
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