Yay! Finally some interaction between our favorite couple. I do admit that I was finding it frustrating to have to wait, but understand that the foundation of the story has to come before all the goodness.
Awesome job! Can't wait to get the next update!
So...why her instead of Tor? What would make Sess look at Kagome that way? Nostalgia? Are you going to have them start off as being good friends before anything else happens? Still loving this story and you are still doing an excellent job on it!
Yeah! They finally see each other. This is very well written. Can't wait for more!
I still love it!!!! Though I do have a question. When/Is Kagome and Sesshoumaru going to meet soon again or not? Hope you post soon!!!
hugs and puppies
Diane (Chapter 7) - Sat 25 Dec 2010
Very glad to see an update, now I get to look for the next 1, has a 2 goofs that I noticed & 1 gender bender, 5 paragraphs down dogs have ruffs not roughs lower down in the same paragraph, this doesn't make much sense, was as should be something else; Sesshomaru was as the horse reached out to bite the little girl. Last paragraph; Sesshomaru scooped her into her arms, Sess is a boy so it should be Sesshomaru scooped her into his arms.
OMG!!! You did update! So, him realizing that some humans are not that bad and worthy to be protected broke the spell? Or was this temporary? also, when will they meet up with Kagome again and how will the two be introduced? I'm anxious to see how that happens. Great Job and Merry Christmas!!!
TruGemini (Chapter 6) - Mon 18 Oct 2010
Sorry... Been away for a while. Loved the update though. They finally get to meet. The soothing voice and the scent that calms seems to have been found. Now if he can only remember who she is. This promises to be awesome! Keep up the great work!
REDWOLF (Chapter 4) - Sun 19 Sep 2010
CRIVENS! CRIVENS!! CRIVENS!!!!!!!! You're back!!! I'm sooooo happy!!! ^_____^ Please continue this story! It ish awesome!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Can't wait to see what happens next!!
To tell you the truth, Fluffy Lady, I've read Second Chance (I love it, by the way!) and I've had your story (Queen of the Kennel) on my faves list. At no point did I even think about Second Chance while I was reading your story. Until you pointed it out, I didn't see any similarities and I started reading Striking Falcon's story first. To here that someone accused you of plagarism is well, blasphemy lol. As a reader of both stories, I can clearly say that this story is completely on its own and is not a copy of Second Chance. I hope your other readers...and those liars can see that too.
Onto the story, LOVE IT lol. Keep up the awesomeness. I had to go back and reread everything because I tend to forget some things lol and it reminded me of how well written this story is ;) Thanks!
Normally I am not one to respond to reviews that other people write, but RoseDream, what you have written and the comments you have made are crude and ridiculous. other people have written stories where it takes time for Sess and Kag to get together. It is the writer's perogative to write the story as they see fit. As I noticed you have not published anything at all, why tear down the work of someone who is trying? Those of us on this site who are or have posted stories do so for the enjoyment of ourselves and others. We have a respect for those trying to write and do not just tell them to take the story elsewhere because it is not flowing the way we feel it should. Maybe as a suggestion, you should discontinue reading this story. I want to see how this story turns out and like for stories to build as opposed to it always being Sess and Kag meet, instant relationship, happily ever after. On that note, Fluffy Lady, take your time and craft your story the way you deem fit and to your satisfaction.
stars (Chapter 5) - Thu 12 Nov 2009
please updata
Rosedream (Chapter 5) - Thu 12 Nov 2009
This is the first flame I have ever written. That said. what the F? this is a sess and Kagome fanfiction website. The story is well written. But beyond that take this off of this website and put in on fanfiction.net or something because the lack of Kagome and Sess is horrifying. You have a Mary Sue f--ing up the whole concept. You have taken six chapters to get no where with the Kagome and Sess relationship. I am appalled that you feel that this is a Kagome and Sess story. Sess has been in far more intimate scenes with this Tor than Kagome. In fact you have barely written Kagome in to this story. Take this story somewhere else.
Diane (Chapter 4) - Tue 10 Nov 2009
Oh cool, are you continuing this or only posting what was already done & this is it? I'd REALLY love it if you started updating this again. Especially since it was left on a cliffy.
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