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iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 9) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

Firstly, love the double entendre of the title for this chapter.  Hung up, indeed!  Sorta kinda feel bad for Kagome, but not really.  She did bring this on herself.  I'm not even sure how she could redeem herself to be honest.

InuYasha is a coward, plain and simple.  I don't feel bad for him either.  I suppose I am in a very unforgiving mood today, lol! 

All-in-all this chapter was wonderful.  The tension is nearly palpable, and you do a great job with all the emotions running rampant.   Nicely done!

LoveSessho4Evah (Chapter 9) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

Who the hell is she to hang up on him? Congratulations, you've successfully made me actually hate her. Really why is she acting like he did her wrong when she is a triffling ass skank who should know better. Ok now I need to calm my nerves after this chapter. Ok, I hope she gets what she deserves and then some and don't she dare turn to my Sesshy for help.

knifethrower (Chapter 9) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

Wow, I've re-written this review about ten times!  Kagome is guilty of being selfish and blind and stubborn.  But she is not evil, and she certainly doesn't deserve the little "surprise" InuYasha has in store for her.  Does he subconsciously hate women?  Honestly, I have known men who set up scenarios like this, while maintaining a facade of total innocence.  But I have to admit, I want the drama.  I want her to walk into that party, prepared to be brave about Sesshomaru with Kaguya, only to find out that the man who supposedly loves her has set her up like the girl in "Carrie".  Not in the name of justice, or teaching her a lesson, but just for the love of the train wreck. 

Whatever happens, please, please, please, make Sesshy ride in like the white knight he is and save her...

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 9) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

This is so heatwrenching.  It makes me cry for Sesshomaru.  Actually, I cry for the both of them.  How long is InuYasha going to string her along?  How long will Sesshoamru pine for her before his heart turns to someone else?

Ava 365 (Chapter 9) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

I really have no patience with people like Inuyasha. I like straightforward people, so I find him a complete coward. And when is Kagome going to realise that Inuyasha is not worthy of her love? Personally I would never stand to be the second best, no matter how much in love I was. I would feel so cheap and used. Perhaps you could show us a bit more of Kagome, how she is feeling with Inuyasha not letting go of Kikyo, and if she is trying to find new friends or is just drowning in self pitty. Keep going with the story, I reay love it so far!

jgem (Chapter 9) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

It's interesting that Kagome has been basically treating Sesshoumaru in the same manner as Inuyasha has been treating her, but it seems that it is becoming clear to her. Can't wait for the next chapters to see how Kagome handles not having either man available to her.

Zyren (Chapter 9) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

this fic pisses me off to no and and yet i still cant help but click everytime i see that its updated. ARGH!! kudos to Sessh for at least attempting to move on but Inuyasha is such a bastard!!!!  and Kagome too!!! since she's obviously letting the affair go on still, yea she doesnt know hes engaged now but its still WRONG!! jeez i hope they both get whats coming to them.

MorganEHW (Chapter 8) - Sun 15 Nov 2009

GAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HURRY...I wanna read chapter 9 now...Man I love this fic!

Saholia (Chapter 8) - Fri 13 Nov 2009

I don't know what to make of Kagome's character....Part of me feels bad for her, but then another part of me feels like she's getting what she deserves :(  Sesshomaru's character is very nice though--and I'm kind of glad he moved on--if only for a bit. I can't wait to see what Kagome does or if she'll have a revelation that she really is in love with Sesshomaru. Keep it up! :)

Sada (Chapter 8) - Fri 13 Nov 2009

I love how different this story is. Its so original and wonderfully executed. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Patricia (Chapter 1) - Fri 13 Nov 2009

Payback is a bitch!

ive been waiting for this sweet revenge. now that kags getting a little wake up call, i see the changes are starting. I hope things can progress between them, cant wait to see how they get back in contact, I hope he still feels strongly for her, even with kaguya.

and i hope inu gets busted. waiting for some more drama!

cant wait for the update!

p.s. I was listeing to this song while reading called "Church Bells" by Etta James and it reminded me alot of kagome, and how she will feel when kikyo and inu get married. if you want to check it out its a good song, might inspire you?

FangedBeasty (Chapter 8) - Fri 13 Nov 2009

I can understand waiting for someone that you have a chance with, but Kagome had no chance what so ever.  She shouldn't have even accpeted to being with Inuyasha, didn't she think of Kikyo at all?  Now, she is mad because Sesshoumaru tried to move on from her?  What is she jealous that he could move on, whereas, she could not?  I personally, think that Kaguya is just using Sesshoumaru.  At least that is the way that it seems to me.  Anyway, I can't wait to see where else you take this story, I still feel bad for Kikyo though, she is completely unaware as to what is going on.  Poor girl.

Ash (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Oooh Sess is a bad, bad boy. Poor Kagome. But its good that she's getting that kick in the ass that's been coming to her. This chapter demonstrates how selfish she is: "He loves me"? She already knows his feelings for her but she used him anyway. That's low. The ending was perfect! I just can't wait till Inuyasha gets his just desserts! Preferably loudly and in front of his "wedding party". I hope Kikyou finds out the truth too!!

Question though, during this whole wedding planning and whatnot has Inuyasha still been visiting Kagome or has he cut her off completely?

Good luck on your papers! I know how annoying they can be lol.

Musouka (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Payback Is A B For Sure.

Kagome Got Whats Coming To Her She Shouldn't Have Strung Sesshomaru Along, Now She's All Alone How Sad && Depressing *Sarcam Intended*

Can't Wait To Read More Good Luck On Those Term Papers!

Tara-Yomitorika (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Wow, after I left my first review, I started reading through the others and was absolutely surprised how many people seem to hate Kagome. Ok, wasn't THAT surprised, but still felt I had to throw this out there: I do NOT hate Kagome. I actually kind of pity her, of course not to the extent of Sesshoumaru, but it makes my heart ache that someone can see that kind of love in front of them and not act on it, especially the fact that she CAN see it... kind of sad, actually. Well, again, props to the author-master lol 



Tara-Yomitorika (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Amen to that! lol It's still stupidly, aggravatingly, fantasically tragic, though... aka, I love it! lol

RayRay (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Is it bad that I literally shouted at the computer screen "HA! PAYBACK'S A BITCH, KAGOME!" when she was watching Sesshomaru with Kaguya on tv? If so, then...oops? :P Haha anyways, LOVED this chapter, even if it was a filler. I see sooo many things coming up in the future because of what happened in this chapter, and with Kagome sitting at the family table for the banquet? omg, I am giggly with excitement to find out what you're going to have happen next. Yes, Sesshomaru/Kagome is my favorite pairing, but xD I figure in order to get to that pairing you sometimes have to have obstacles and GIRL you have thrown some in there!

Akay (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Oh yeah and wow Sesshoumaru was actually looking forward to this being publicly televised.  Sneaky sneaky!!! LOL and he knows her oh so well, wet hair and ramen sitting on the sofa haha.  Oh yeah I don't really care for Kaguya, but at least she's a good enough distraction for Sesshoumaru... as little of a distraction she is really.  And the paparrazzi with their question about the poll.  People envying Sesshoumaru's life.  I was along the same lines as Sesshoumaru.  Like "really?!?!?!" because if only they knew about Kagome and the way he is with her... I wonder if they will sill feel that way.  Good thing he's relatively private.

Akay (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

HAH! Payback!!! In your face Kagome! That was a good filler chapter MissTeak. I don't appreciate how she KNEW Sesshoumaru loved her! And threw stuff in his face!  UGH she make me so mad! I can't wait til she find out about Inuyasha and them.  And I actually think that Kagome will be more comfortable sitting with strangers than with the family lol.

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Hi has been a long time. I had been constantly checking for updates on Wisteria and I see where you started a new story which by the way, I love. My heart aches for Sess and you're right about one thing 'payback is a bitch'. Maybe now Kags will re-examine her feelings for the two brothers. Yasha is a PIG for doing what he is doing to both young ladies and a coward for not making the decision to be honest with Kags and let her get on with her life. If I were Kags, I would not settle for second place. I think even if Sess and Kags get together, there may always be those awkward feelings of doubt and mistrust; "such a tangle web we weave indeed."

A lovely and engaging story as usual. Good luck on your term papers, I know you will do very well.

Hugs and smiles to an excellent writer and my favourite author.

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