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Loveyaa (Chapter 25) - Tue 26 Apr 2011

I decided to read your story and couldn't stop myself. I can say that I am quite glad that I didn't have to wait for every chapter. The chapters have a way of drawing you in and keeping u even though they are so long in length. I can't wait to see what happens next and esp how you get Sesshoumaru and Kagome back together since you claim this to be a sess/kag story. I do like that even though there are arcs that they all build on each other and you reunite characters and the pieces. I feel bad that Inuyasha has turned and now him and Kagome are literally at each others throat. I hope that this situation can be explained and finds a somewhat happy resolution. I can't wait for the next part of the adventure :)

Ceysna (Chapter 25) - Tue 26 Apr 2011

HOLY!!! Omg!!! I donno how to put this into words that was AMAZING!!! 2 updates in one month!?!?!?! TTvTT I can die happy now... no.. wait... no I can't... I must see more of you amazingly epic awesomeness!!! *cackles gleefully, rubbing hands together* I can't WAIT to see how Kags handles Kik-@itch >:^D May your plunnies be inspiring. X^( I hope that extra power boost helps heal Kags... lol Lady Goddess.... *giggles* that would get under her skin even MORE!!! LOL omg!!

Lily Noir (Chapter 25) - Tue 26 Apr 2011

ooooooh, awesome ..... GO kickass Kagome ..... I sooo knew she had that in her, and I have the distinct feeling that she sealed him like kikyo did. I just know that the dead-undead bi**h put some sort of curse in that arrow that hit Kagome, there're gonna be some serious concequences next chapp. I just hope that someone kills kikyo so that her soul can return to it's rightful owner.

this update's fast and real appreciated. You're an awesome writer.

Can't wait for more


A ravenous fan. (Chapter 25) - Tue 26 Apr 2011

Oh my god! I can't believe you left it there! That was one amazing chapter! I couldn't stop reading no matter what! My family kept tryin to talk to me and all I could do was tell them to wait, this was so good!

I am still railing at how intense the fight was! A battle like no other!

What I don't know is if Inuyasha is dead or not, and also, what were the extra beads that he was wearing?

Jiji was amazing! He came to Kagome's rescue like a father would do to protect their young! He is my favorite character and I hope to see more and more of him!

Sesshomaru has been a bit MIA, and I was hoping to see him sometime, but so far he is still doing his lordly duties and having no interaction with Kags. When is he coming back?

I hope Kikyo finally bits the proverbial dust once and for all, and hopefully you will do it as painfully as possible! She deserves to suffer more than anyone at this point, and if you give her a quick death then justice will not be served! Cripple her or give her a miserable existence full of pain and regret for her actions against those who didn't deserve it!

Please update soon again! This story is too good to be left alone!

_HentaiTenshi_ (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

Shiiiiit....Karma is a fucking BITCH. Wow. I'm a little sad that Inuyasha went down that way. But let's see what's happening. What I'm waiting for is Kikyo to die a most brutal and painful death, so Kagome can get the rest of her soul back and everyone can move on. But great chapter. :) Idk why you were worried. It was still great even though it was a re-write. I AM sorry about your laptop though. Thanks for the new chapter!!! Loved it like always, and still waiting for more!! XD

Infinite Silence (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

Ah! I love this story, I read it about 3 weeks ago, and have been waiting for an update! BTW I love jiji! :D He's my favorite! :D I hope that there is another update soon!


Also, I didn't notice any unneeded semi-colons however, once I get into a story I hardly notice punctuation....

NightQueen (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

Awesome update!! I love a warrior Kagome!!  I love Jiji and I have also started to love Kagome's guards!! This story gets better and better with every chapter!  I can't wait to see what happens next!!!!

Number Q (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011


I read your story, and I think it's really good, but the grammar mistakes are many and close between(no offense) and if you have a beta, that's great, but if not, I would love too. Just let me know, okay?

Sophie (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011


fredisagirl (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

Damn,  inuyasha, miko, arrow, tree. again? I sitting here stunned. Excellent story. Next get Kikyou.

Kimi Rain Matsu (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

How deliciously evil of you to end the chapter so. lol.... This was by far the best chapter of this story. Thank you for updating so soon.

Miss.Undo (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

Oh shit twwo updates? ima cry! <3 so every one knows threes the charm! lol please please update again! love the story and when is sesshomaru coming back?

Rose (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

HOLY CRAP!!!! That was awesome! I just read all the chapters that you have posted so far and all I can say is WOW. No words can describe it. I love this story and the latest chapter. This whole chapter I thought that Sessomaru was going to pop up and save her and kill his brother. But DAMN was i wrong. Keep up the awesome work and I can't wait for the next update!

Questseeker (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

This has to be my favorite chapter of the story so far hands down! It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I can't wait for the nxt chapter, ni matter how long it takes!

TruGemini (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

OMG! these last two chapters were these best silver-chan!!! I do hope that we get to see a chapter where Kagome really takes Kikyo to task and reminds her of who the better incarnation is. That would be awesome!!

Fubuki (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

Ahhh! thankyou Silverchan, fortunately, I know we haven't seen the last of Kikyo, and to know that those dammed advisors are going to respect her now (hopefully). Maybe now that Kagome has realised she needs to train, there will be more fun in the offerings as well

and maybe even more regular updates. the lack of a beta only bought forth two spelling mistakes that I could see

But all in all it was ENJOYABLE thankyou

PsychoKitsune (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

That....was one of the best fight scenes I have ever read. I absolutly love how you encorporated every element from the entire story into this. I shall be waiting with baited breath for the next chapter. I hope you won't keep everyone waiting for too long. ^^

De Bee (Chapter 25) - Mon 25 Apr 2011

This chapter was BEASTLY!!!!!  It was like an adrenaline rush from begining to end!!! If I could draw (which I can =( ) I would LOVE to do the last scene with Kagome firing the arrow at Inuyasha. Even though it isnt beta'd, it was very well written and descriptive. I thouroghly enjoyed reading this chapter. I look forward to the next installment in 5 months, till then, i'll just keep reading the entire story over again. Keep up the good work!!! =)

Kimi Rain Matsu (Chapter 24) - Sun 24 Apr 2011

I have to tell you how much I love your story. I know you might hear that alot but I'm going to say it again. You are a wonderful storyteller and I wish I could tap into, if only for a moment, that incredible pool by which your imagination is fed. I was addicted to your story from start to finish and I eagerly await the next installment. By the way have you ever thought of writing your own characters. You have a knack for this and I could easily see you writing a piece that will capture our hearts the way Inuyasha has. I wish you luck in your schooling and will be on pins and needles till you post a new chapter. Keep up the good work.

dark (Chapter 24) - Sat 23 Apr 2011


to begin, i have to say im incredibly impressed! ive been reading sesshomau/kagome stories for long while, and its rare (the word "rare" being important) to find a story that doesnt follow the same path...... you want me to be honest? i was attracted by the fact that your story had 227,578 words and 24 chapters! iadmit it! i was growing tired of reading so many short stories and face it, dokuga is filled with them, i enjoy them but i hadnt read anything long in months. i noticed a few times you were hurt, because people complained this story didnt follow the usual sesshy/kaggs routine... well im GLAD in doesnt! yes i know it should be that way because this is dokuga... but after reading so far now i cant wait for sesshomaru and kagome to go into another heat! you have made this story really exciting! added a lot of twist and turns, giving kagome one hell of an attitude!, married her (get this... to a HUMAN!!!!!) , she eating demon food, the monks training, kuro, then taichi... wow! then sin... and then theres the unresolved issue with kikyo... i cant wait for that one! inuyasha well, i just know he will be under kagomes foot soon. and lets not forget oh no!, shes keeping a few teeth! lol! i love all the arcs you add because they add more to the story, i dont see them as annoying, you said it yourself, they are in your eyes important, and untill now i agree. after all you are the creator and what you say goes, all good food takes a while to cook, thats how i consider this story, food, my favorite being chocolate cake, so take your time baking the next chapter, im sure it will be awesome!

about your writer's block, i hope you can get your muse in control soon, ill be waiting for an update from your amazing story wich by the way is added to my favorites! this story is a total 10!

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