Silverchan, I just started reading your story and couldn't put it down for two days until I reached the newest chapter - I am captured by it and hope you update soon.!!
If you ever need a back up beta let me know! Love doing that stuff too!
Keep up the great story!!!
Kiri Kyohaku
dayna (Chapter 16) - Tue 23 Feb 2010
OMG I am so so so so sorry I haven't reviewed up until now. This story is soooo addicting I just had to keep reading. I love the fact that Kagome is protrayed as being so strong, and I fully understand why she doesn't like Taishi, Who would lol I'm really worried about the baby as it is coming so early but for some odd reason I feel like the youki in Kagome's blood has something to do with it. Even though she is not a demon. I dont worry too much because when she monitored the baby earlier in the story it seemed to be doing fine and i dont thing one argument with Taishi should have hurt the baby. Well can't wait to see what's going to happen next. Great job on the story.
So... that ending was unexpected. I wonder if Kagome is carrying the reincarnated kami? What will happen if the baby is in danger of dying? When will we see Sin, Jiji, Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha and Kikyou again? What would Jiji say about the predicament that Kagome landed in? I hope both Kagome and her baby will be ok and maybe she can finally get away before war breaks out near her castle. Keep up the good work and update soon. :P
stars (Chapter 16) - Mon 22 Feb 2010
please updata soon
it had never been the human lord's child all along, right? it's sesshomaru's?
please, I can't wait! update as soon as possible! I need to know!!! ^^
Gah! Is she really miscarriaging..(sp) Or wait is it because Kuro the child, and was always born with defects?
and Poor kagome, having to watch those people die. At least the little boy was saved. Now I can't wait to see how the next chapter goes!
I think it's time for the baby to come since the father of the baby is actually Sesshoumaru. I hope I'm not wrong. If I'm right, she'd better be ready to protect the baby or it's life will be in danger along with her's and Shippo's.
I know you want your readers to have patience but I'm tired of her situation with Taishi and wish for more encounters with Sesshoumaru. So far he has not had a very big role in the story. Like you, I like love to build slowly between them, too. But how's it going to build if he's never around.
Sorry for the grumbling because after all it is your story.
Time for a white haired, yellow eyed half demon to be born!
crazygilunleashed (Chapter 1) - Sat 20 Feb 2010
there are not enough words to describe how much i love this story i just hope that you update the story soon i'm so in love with this story and every day i anticipate the next chapter of this stor y your my addiction. ^^
TruGemini (Chapter 16) - Sat 20 Feb 2010
Yes...Taishi should die! I can't wait to see what happens once the baby is born. She will be a whole other defensive once that happens. I am sooo excited. Thank you for updating this story. What mayhem do you have planned next?
Aki (Chapter 16) - Sat 20 Feb 2010
keep it up and please update soon
WOW!!!! Poor Kagome! Please O' Please update soon!? I love this story!!!!
update update update update!!!!!!!
Aki (Chapter 15) - Wed 10 Feb 2010
This is sooo awesome, i love it! but why do i have this strange feeling the child is sesshoumaru's? xD that'd be a nice twist.
Update soon.
OMG, this story is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO original. I LOVE it. It is so refreshing. I love all of the new characters. I love Kagome's skills. I just LOVE this story LOL. Anyway, I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter. This story has to be one of the most refreshing things I have read in a LONG time. I want to nominate/vote for this story. Are the awards over yet? Or are they still doing nominations?
sensho (Chapter 15) - Sun 07 Feb 2010
I must say that I really love your portrayal of Kagome and I´m really not easily pleased. I love her and Shippo the most and I´m glad that they are your main characters. Kagome´s husband is stupid but I really think she should be a bit nicer to him as long as she´s pregnant, later she can escape wither her kids. I´m really missing Jiji and Koru, too. It was so sad when you killed him and Kagome doesn´t even know that he died. How come the monks who were also blessed still haven´t found her? Why doesn´t Kagome try to contact Jiji, has she forgotton about him? And what about Sesshoumaru? This is under the Kagome/Sesshoumaru section but other then his heat-time he still can´t stand her. Then there is Sin, what happened to him? I also really would like to know what happened to Inuyasha? Why is he acting worse than Naraku? It´s really weird to see him so uncaring and callous to Kagome. Even if he doesn´t love her as much he does Kikyou, he still had strong feelings for her. It´s sad to see him like that.
Haha, I love this chapter! The dynamics between Kagome and Lord Taishi are hilarious; it reminded me of when I was reading The Bonehunters (Steven Erikson) the other day and was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe, though I'm kind of sleepy so I don't have the energy. And I think I know what's wrong with 'their' baby! It wouldn't happen to have pointy ears and silver hair, would it? *laughs*
I really like this story so far! Just one thing: I was rereading and I noticed that while it's gotten a lot better, some of your grammar and spelling is off in the first chapters. Perhaps you or someone else should look them over?
I'm looking forward to more.
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