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sweetest angel (Chapter 6) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
i really love this story! i have a question thought. i know that it was normal for the monk and everything but why shave kagome's head? In 6 months she will leave right? even if they were to not shave her again during her stay, she won't have much hair after that training! :/ won't be pretty at all! well, maybe you have a trick up your sleeve! will have to wait and see! I still hope she won't change too much because of her training, or at least, her way to see youkai. i think I won't like what will happen to kagome in the next chapter! *sniff* poor poor kagome! can't wait to see what will happen next! please, update as soon as you can!!

Yumi_the_Dark_Faerie (Chapter 5) - Tue 18 Aug 2009
Cool! I like this no I LOVE this story it's so cool! I love Jiji he's so awesome and funny! He reminds me of my dad too. He just passed away in June so I miss him and reading this just reminds me of the times he used to tease me like Jiji does to Kagome. But I can't wait for the next chapter!

MLMonty (Chapter 5) - Sun 16 Aug 2009
Well that was certainly an interesting last two chapters.

raven (Chapter 5) - Sat 15 Aug 2009
This is such a great story. I find myself logging on to the internet just to see if you have updated. I'am very curious about KamiSama. I can't wait to see what is next.

GreyEcho (Chapter 5) - Fri 14 Aug 2009
I love yur story and Jiji is awesome! I just confused about the he part of naraku's plot. Either way this should be interesting.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 5) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
Wow!! This story is progressing by leaps and bounds... and such lovely, long chapters too... just right to settle down and get lost in! I love the slow, careful progression, the way you're fleshing out the characters and showing the subtle interactions between them all. It's quite refreshing to find stories that don't immediately throw Sess & Kags together - and, I feel, builds a better, more complex story. I can tell that the multiple threads in this one are building into one terrific epic that will soon become THE must-read!! Thank you so much for continuing to post this delicious piece of work here, and for making my reading that much more enjoyable by doing so! :-) ~~Wiccan~~

NightQueen (Chapter 5) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
I love Jiji!! He is a wonderful original character. I've just completed the first 5 chapters and I have to say it is now one of my favorite stories. I love watching Kagome grow and learn how to take care of herself and her kit. I really love the father daughter relationship between Jiji and Kagome. I think she needs a positive male influence in her life. He actually teaches her things and praises her when she accomplishes her goal! Fine job I can't wait for chapter 6.

Blueluna (Chapter 4) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
Just started reading this story tonight and I can say I am in LOVE with your writing, and that's something for me to say since I'm so god darm picky.

autumngold (Chapter 4) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
This is such a fun story! I have to admit, though, if I was Shoda I would really hate Jiji! That is a horrible nick-name! :) Thank you so much for the two updates! I really like this story! I can't wait to find out if Sesshoumaru will even recognize Kagome when they meet again. Maybe if Jiji refuses damage Sin's manhood Sesshoumaru will! I really don't want him to get together with Kagome. Especially because Jiji was right, he didn't show the proper respect to Kagome. Maybe since she is human he doesn't think he has to. Please update again soon. I can't wait to read more.

Lady of Jupiter (Chapter 1) - Wed 12 Aug 2009
I love your story!!! I like how you are taking your time building the story and the characters. There are so many stories out there that are rushed. They do not spend any time creating a world or character backgrounds just jumping into writing a stale world with no true life to it. There is no law that says the love interests have to meet in the first few chapters. I have seen and read to many stories that rush Kagomes development into a strong confedent person in the first chapter and in the next here comes her soon to be love interest; instead of building a stong foundation for the characters and the story grow and live from. You are showing us what other authors forget or rush thru; that there is more to writing a great story then starting the main plot at the begining and ending it soon after. Even tho you are still just begining this story, you are dragging in you readers for the ride. You are not afraid to write the way other authors are. Please continue to write and create the way you have already. I can hardly wait for you to continue with and finish this great story.

TruGemini (Chapter 4) - Tue 11 Aug 2009
Ok, please let this be a Sess/Kag story, just draw it out before they meet again. I know eventually JiJi is going to train Kagome to get better using the weaponry she makes so develop that and let Sess and her meet when she is selling weapons or something.

KagomeReborn (Chapter 3) - Tue 11 Aug 2009
I like where you story is going.. i like the backstory of JIJI .l eagerly awaiting SIN's reappearance.. is Sesshy's going to appear ? loved the way you had Sango tell them off...

stars (Chapter 3) - Sat 08 Aug 2009
please updata

shiningstar* (Chapter 2) - Fri 07 Aug 2009
Just gets better and better... I love jiji! Such a funny blind demon... Is he a character you created just for this story, or is he from something else? Whichever, he is cool, so I can't wait to see what else he teaches Kagome. Keep it up!

shiningstar* (Chapter 1) - Fri 07 Aug 2009
Hm, not a good fic for those on team Inuyasha... luckily, this is a Kag/Sess sight, so I don't think many will mind. While your story does have some grammatical errors *resists taking red pen to correct* the story is pretty good, and I look forward to reading more of it.

TruGemini (Chapter 3) - Fri 07 Aug 2009
You are doing a great job with Kagome's character. You have her not necessarily out of her school girl phase, but not completely grown up either. And please, keep this as sess/kag, but make sure he has plenty to be jealous over. Thanks for more insight into JiJi. What is the purpose of the blood thing? Is that the spell keeping her undetected? Awesome work, please continue!

TruGemini (Chapter 2) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
JiJi has definitely become my favorite already. He is a very interesting character.

faby (Chapter 1) - Tue 28 Jul 2009
Who is it, -who is it!?

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