just the typical: watch grammatical errors and spelling. I thoughts these were very interesting pieces. The first one had a nice twist, and the last was very romantic but angsty and dark. It was also nice to see a poem in here. There are few on Dokuga. This one was nice because while it was a poem it also told a small snippet of a story. My only issue would be trying to keep Sesshomaru more IN character. I get that this is an "Emo" piece but it would have been nice to explore the "Emo" side of sesshomaru as he is.
Ikaru (Chapter 1) - Fri 07 May 2010
This was very well done, other than a few minor spelling and grammar issues it was very well written as well. I believe my favorite had to be the first one, his pain at losing her was very easily felt...Overall very well done, Keep up the good work.
Hairann (Chapter 4) - Fri 30 Apr 2010
Very interesting pieces. A few grammar and spelling errors such as luck instead of lucky, but on the whole, not too many. I'm not really a fan of Emo but I think they were tastefully done and were pretty interesting to read. My favorite was the first one, though I believe the first scene would have been better in third person, I loved how you had him 'dreaming' about having a dream. It was very unique and I rarely get to say that. Keep up the good work and I hope to read more from you in the future.
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