Reviews for Chain of Love by Chie

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Meu Dragostea (Chapter 17) - Thu 03 Jun 2010

Mooooore!!!! 0.0 this is so goooood!  I love that it isn't rushed, and that you have managed to keep Sesshomaru character. good work, i hope to see more soon!

Darrakk (Chapter 10) - Tue 25 May 2010

I'm sorry, but you really need to keep track of the length of the chain. Sometimes it appears to be the length you have specified, other times it seems significantly longer. If the chain is currently 3 coils of 1 inch each, every single movement Sesshoumaru makes will drag Kagome's arm around. Him getting dressed would be an issue. Same as her but at least she has two arms. Everytime he reaches for something, her hand would be right there (just pictured Sess peeing with Kagome's Hand 3 inches away, Not pretty). And like eating, Kagome would practically be feeding him.

You should probably make the chain lengthen for those types of things, but maybe stay the same when they bathe to increase intimacy? I don't know. Just please at least mention the problems.

Darrakk (Chapter 6) - Tue 25 May 2010

Cool story, keep writing it. I have a question that may throw a spanner in the works: how is Kagome relieving herself? With Sesshoumaru standing four feet away looking somewhere else? That would be weird. Maybe some more magical technicalities?

Alexis Lundy (Chapter 17) - Fri 14 May 2010

Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter!

Addy (Chapter 17) - Thu 13 May 2010

!  I wish you wold update more.  I think about it sometimes, and I was wondering if it owuld ever be updated.

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 17) - Thu 13 May 2010

I sooo loved this chapter. As much as I love Sesshoumaru, since Kagome has him, I'll take Kenichirou. LOL. What he says about Kagome is a good suggestion. Loved it. Please hurry with the next update.

Karli (Chapter 17) - Thu 13 May 2010

First Let me say WOW Great Story.

Was the family Kagomes saw in the park a Future Verson of her and Sesshomaru with a child? Personally think yes.

and the stranger stalking totally thought Naraku.

I just curious on why the well stopped working for a whille, and why Rin doesnt go to the west place.

Its Late, i might go back some of the chapters tomorrow i think i might ahve missed something.


sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 17) - Wed 12 May 2010

awe breats! serves them right! i cant wait to see what happened next

Sala (Chapter 17) - Wed 12 May 2010

Ah, a long-awaited chapter!  And it was a good one. :)

Bree (Chapter 1) - Sun 02 May 2010

I LOVE YOUR STORY! It's taken off so well. I can hardly wait to see what happens next. I know your probably busy with other things, but could you....



LOL! I think I might burst into flames otherwise.

Alexis Lundy (Chapter 16) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

Can't believe you left it there, lol. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Presto-chan (Chapter 16) - Fri 09 Apr 2010

Oh no, who is it?! *laughs* Betcha it's the Matchmaker -or, at least, I wouldn't be surprised. Or even Kenichirou. Grinning in triumph, perhaps?

I haven't really been giving reviews lately, but since this is... *counts fingers* ...about... the fifth time I've read through Chain of Love, I thought I may as well make a comment *grins*.

I really enjoy the dynamics between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. *mellow-dramatic voice* (think Lory from Skip Beat!) What a beautiful friendship! I think you made the transition into their relationship perfectly-I'm just hoping you can also excel where many authors seem to stumble; taking their relationship further. For some reason people always seem to feel the need to either rush or hold out too long.

If it makes you feel any better, I have faith in you. You go for it girl!



FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 16) - Wed 07 Apr 2010

NO! NO! NO! NO! Please, please you MUST update soon. It was just getting really, really, really. really GOOD! I have to know what happens next. I love how Sesshoumaru is at the ending of the last chapter. I will be looking forward to next one. I can't wait so please hurry.

Itsumademo (Chapter 16) - Sun 04 Apr 2010

I have just finished reading through all the current chapters of your story in two days and i must say i am enchanted.

Sure there are mistakes here and there, missing words and pronoun confusion but all in all i truely have loved your story. Your style has a uniqueness to it that is so sutble and yet also there...i just know it but can't really describe it. A good balance of decription and dialogue as well as thought. All good and nicely done.

I have so immensily enjoyed your chapters so far, they have really put me in the SessKag mood ^-^ I am fervently awaiting more chapters as soon as they can be done. For you left me with an amazing, yet nefariously cruel cliffhanger! Nice work. ;P

Also, i feel you deserve a large amount of praise. Not only have you been writing a wonderful fanfiction, as well as others i am sure, but oyu are keeping up with--what sounds like--and amazingly painful amount of schoolwork! That impresses me highly; largly because i am such a horrid procrastinator. I wish you great luck with all these school related projects you seem to get pilled ontop of you. And also thank you for still keeping up with your lovely story, I, as a fan, could not be more pleased that you are dedicated to its existence!

Please continue and update, but also maintain your school life and sanity--or better yet, insanity X3

Good luck my dear, and much love.  

My my...0,o ...i feel like a SessKag drawing may come of this tale from me! I do hope i can do something in a timely manner that befits it well. Both unlikely though...hopeful...okay not really hopeful but i shall make an attempt with passion!

Vicky (Chapter 16) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

WHATTTTTTTT....who is that?!?!? Cliffy is evil....dammit...I wanna read more.  Please update soon.

Valore (Chapter 16) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

omg how can you leave it there!

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 16) - Thu 01 Apr 2010

Awww a cliffy! Awesome chapter as always Chie! I'm glad that Kagome is now realizing she needs to let go of Inuyasha. And because of that she needs Sess to comfort her! awww its sweet! Can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck with your exams and everything! :)

Addy (Chapter 16) - Thu 01 Apr 2010

Thanks for the update.  :D  I've been waiting for  awhile for this story to be updated, and I'm glad you finally found time to be able to update.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 16) - Thu 01 Apr 2010

O_O wtf is in the r0om with them!?!?!?! maaaaaaaaaaaa

Kai (Chapter 16) - Thu 01 Apr 2010

omomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW So good! And that scene where Sesshomaru layed down next to Kagome, I just went nutswith the warm and fuzzy feelings. Fantastic chapter! Now you must update before I start running around and screaming.

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