So what happens next?
I absolutely love your story! I can't wait for the next chapter (: I love the connection Sessho and Kags have together it's really amazing :D
this . . . . is . . . . . AMAZING!!!!!!!!
it may be one of the longest fanfics i've ever read but it's definitely one of the very best!!!!!
the way it's written . . . . the emotions portrayed . . . . it's just feels real. not sure if that made sense but oh well >.>
and Rin's gonna be the baby isn't she!!!!! that's awesome!!!!!!!
i can't wait till the next chapter of this story comes out!!!!!!!
please update soon. This is one of my favortie stories I cannot wait to see how you complete this task.
Taro's my favorite character too, and I'd love to read a fic with him as the main character. ^^
I hope you're not going to abandon this and The Breeder. Seriously, they're two of the best fics I've ever read.
Hey! The story is progressing great so far! I KNOW there has to be a lot more chapters coming up. Has your computer been salvaged yet? I'd definitely like to continue reading this story upon completion, and I can't wait! :)
Whenever refering to Taro's sight, you write see as see so whenever I read it, in my head it's all ephathized like se-ee ^_^ It sounds kinda funny lol
I want more! please continue to write. i've been waiting patiently.
finially i have finished reading, gah it was long. I found some pieces boring but more then anything i found the plot interesting, i couldnt stop reading it mate.
I fell in love with Taro, he is i think one of the most interesting characters. also liked how her loved Rin, and how they use to play. Again he is one of the more interesting characters, which i think is mainly because his serects are his own and has never came out and dirctly said what the future holds.
Azumi i almost stopped reading when she planned and killed Rin.
One thing i think that made me keep reading was you didnt put Kagome and Sesshomaru in the spot light as a couple at first. I mean She was asleep for 500 years. Also the Fact you told Kikyou, sango and miroku's story.
I also noticed that when Kagome Woke up she became the centre of the story, same with sesshomaru. But that is great since you worked on the back ground of the story.
Okies im starting to babble on ill sign off now.
can't wait ill you upload the next chapter, it's really an amazing history ;)
Oh my Goodness, woman!
You are truly amazing. I read you story the The Breeder and looked you up to see if you had any other juice goodies for me, and this story has surpassed all of my imaginings. You need to update as soon as possible because I am at such a cliffy! Your words awe me and I love your originality and drive with this story, Know that you are oing an amazing job and that I am waiting with bated breath for an updae. I have spent the last two days glued on my computer chair devouring your story.
Amazing work!! ~ little flower
*cries* I am soooo sad to know that you lost 15 chapters for this story! (stupid computer *kicks invisible computer*)
Please please please update soon! I need to find out what happends next!
*note I am going to sound really greedy and selfish here but thats just because this fic is amazing*
I really want to find out what happens to Taro after the final battle
and when does rin show up? damn it I want to see rin!
also want to read some more Sess/kag loving
as well as Inu and Maya
and I also want to find out how the demons and humans well get along...
point is there is so much left unfinished and I cant wait for you to finish it...(though I am aware that you have a life...I am selfish enough to want to ignore that fact...please indulge me *laughs*)
anyways sorry for wasting your time with my babbling but just know that there are many waiting to read some more of this fabulous tale and we appreiciate you taking the time to write it.
your big fan (because I also love you fic The Breeder)
Sooo....i read all the chapters till this point in about 3 days...and i have to say....AMAZEMENT! I love the connection with Taro and Kagome, its so loving. Then theres heartache, made me want to cry (<.< I did), just to feel that betrayal...that feeling sucks! And jealousy and evil is just everywhere with those bitches! I digress....
Cant wait for your next update.
loved it! please update soon! i really want to know what happens next.
SPOILER. Do not read if you haven't read past chapter 33.
The thought of Sesshoumaru loving another woman seriuosly makes me cry. They [Sess and the other woman] haven't even met yet, but I'm already feeling depressed. lol
Anyway, your story is one of the greatest I've ever read. You're amazing.
I do hope you update soon even if I'm still far from chapter 78. ^^
Thank you for writing this amazing and entertaining story. You definitely deserve all those recognitions and then a whole lot more ^_^ I haven't slept in more than 24 hours because this story is just too good to put down!! Sleep deprived but it is sooo worth it.
Amazzzinng story. I love it!!!!!! You. Are. Awesome!!!!
Hey, I love this story. So many Sess/Kag stories out there are like: Sess hates humans, but he's gonna jump on Kagome regardless... and while some of these stories are well written, you can't really thrust change upon a person so set in his ways and expect him to adapt. He's sorta like a grandpa in this way... or and "old dog" of which "can not be taught new tricks" as the saying goes. The wait for Sesshoumaru-Kagome interaction was agonizing, but you wrote it very well and I believe it was worth it.
This story is rreally great I look forward to reading more.
where's the rest???????? i love this it's really good plz update really really really soon love it
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