Saphira17 (Chapter 5) - Sun 16 Feb 2025

Please continue this story, what happens next?  What about Shippo and Rin, are they alive? Living with Sesshomaru in his shiro? Can Sesshomaru and Kagome go back to through the well to stop the holy war like the text Sesshomaru found stated? What happens to Kagomes job? Does kazuki come back to Kagome, or does his behavior expel him from future chapters?  Also, now that Sesshomaru has Kagome back, what are his plans? Will he speak to Kagomes' family?

KyraTekak (Chapter 5) - Thu 28 Nov 2024

Hope you finish the story

Szilvia (Chapter 5) - Thu 20 Apr 2023


Kérlek folytassa.

Saphira17 (Chapter 5) - Wed 05 Oct 2022

Wait, what's going to happen now? Can they get back to Sesshomaru's time if they want to? 

SmilingFool (Chapter 5) - Fri 16 Sep 2022

OMG girly you've out done yourself again...  Man what a chapter I figured Kagome would be in a hospital with the bruises and all but an apartment that Kazuki has a key to.  Lucky Sesshomaru was there to catch that rat and teach him not to mess with Kagome or any other female.  And anther thing you're such a teasing author...  LOL Giving us a little bit of fluff/lime/lemon, however its all good because the next chapter promises to be so much better.  I can't wait...  You've made my day and I thank you...  Until next time have a great weekend.

SmilingFool (Chapter 4) - Mon 12 Sep 2022

Okay that was a great chapter loved how Sesshomaru continued to wait for Kagome and how he never thought to jump in the well after her...  I wonder what happened to Kagome to make bruising on her face or the smell of her blood...  How long has it been since he seen her or her him?  Is she in a hospital?  If so why?  Update soon.  Love the story thank you for updating.

SmilingFool (Chapter 3) - Sat 23 Jul 2022

Wow this is so sad, I feel bad for Kagome and I secretly wished Kazuki was Sesshomaru in a glamour but by the second chapter I knew he was not he'd never treat Kagome like that.  At least she's moving on however, I get the feeling her work partners are more than human, I hope they are.  But Sesshomaru missing is concerning?  What happened and if he is alive, he might be out of the country or just didn't know the exact timeline Kagome was from.  Another thought just popped up.  I hope he's not a test subject.  Anyways, Love the continuation.  I had fun reading the chapters you posted so far and look forward to reading more.....

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