Reviews for Binded by Lucy Morningstar

ButtButtDoodle (Chapter 1) - Fri 07 Mar 2025

This is a promising start! Can't wait to read this story further!

Young Kagome (Chapter 36) - Mon 18 Oct 2021

Ohhh I realllllllly loved this story!! It was so hard for me to put down, my mind HAD to know the ending. I'm glad I gave this a chance! It was really beautifully written. It was soo unique and I ALWAYS wanna read stories where they're all reincarnated in the future!!! You gave me one of my story wishes so thank you!! You also gave me all the closure I need with stories! How all the side characters ended was fantastic. Especially the surprise one at the end like whhaaaaaaaat!!!!! Does Kagome know??? Is that who sent the photo. I don't think so. My guess is instigator Sesshomaru lol!

My only dislike was the ending. I get why you chose to do it. And in any other circumstance I would REALLY adore it. But it felt more like he wanted Rin all along, and Kagome was just a means to his end. Like he cared for her in his own twisted way but Rin was end game. I wanted Kagome to be end game. That disappointed me. Really I feel tricked. I didn't want a love story with him ending up with Rin or I'd read a Sess/Rin story. This small detail hurts me because I seriously loved this story, I wish I could just suck it up and get over myself. But I think story pairings are about who they end with. I'm ok when they start off with different people. And I'm ok with bad endings, as in they don't end up with each other. Typically by death. But when they END with entirely different people is when I get turned off. And that's what your story hinted at, which sucks for me lol. In your defense I would say this is a Sess/Kag since he is staying loyal to her for the rest of HER life. But when that's over he gets what he truly wanted. His soul was never Kagomes, she just borrowed it. It was always Rins. That's what I got from this. 

I truly dislike Sess/Rin so unfortunately for me I have to end this gorgeously tormented story with a horrible taste in my mouth. Yeah it didn't technically end with them but it is implied, since Sesshomaru always gets what he wants. Sorry I couldn't be happier with this masterpiece. I stated earlier but regardless of my complaining, I truly am happy I gave this a try. However I don't want to risk anymore disappointment by trick pairs with your other stories so I will withhold from your wonderful writing. I'm so sorry I'm greedy for Sess/Kag that I can't step out of my comfort zone to continue reading great stories like this one. It's truly my loss. Keep up your great work though! Revel in making weak ones uncomfortable! 

SHORTFRY (Chapter 36) - Thu 30 Sep 2021

This was EPIC!!! Wow, and WOW. I love all the twists and turns, I love how it didn't wrap up in a perfect package of "happily ever after" because life doesn't always work that way, and that every easy way out comes at a cost of morality. I love this psychological spiral of Kagome as she struggled to stay true to a self that had long since passed. Sesshomaru's characterization was impeccable and a joy to read each progression in every chapter. Definitely a favourite of mine! You've done an excellent job! Thank you for sharing this masterpiece!

rini (Chapter 36) - Wed 29 Sep 2021

So ... wow!! That was a...should I say psychological rollercoaster. I had started reading this fic a long time ago but then I couldn't continue for a today when I started reading it again I skipped few initial chapters in between untill I was in the middle & then continued. . I guess it was a good depiction of how Kagome regressed & now that I am writing this little review I realise it wasn't about her growth but rather the opposite.  Sesshomaru at some points reminded me of a loyal personal secretary or a confidant who will do anything for you & know everything about you but still be strangely detached... You have such a way with words.

I should say I wasn't at the best mental state to read this fic. With my chaotic n depressing mind these days I tend to avoid reading tragic stories or at least with sad endings or ambiguous endings ( ESPECIALLY AMBIGUOUS ONES) There are somethings that I either missed or didn't get & I don't think I have the guts to go through that rollercoaster of reading it again so could PLEASE please explain that why Kagome always seemed to be trying to rectify or repent, was it solely because of bringing back Sesshomaru or was it something she left behind in Feudal era ?? And in the end was Sesshomaru's true love & loyalty to Rin rather than Kagome when he asks her to give him Reiko?? ( Does he sees Reiko as he saw Rin romantically or he just wants to stay by her reincarnation's side since he could not in her last life?)

  I hope you are able to leave me answers???? English isn't my first but I hope I am able to pen down my view & appreciation of your writing..

Thankyou for sharing your finely written work. 

SHORTFRY (Chapter 23) - Wed 29 Sep 2021

I had started reading this when it was originally posted, and now re-reading it again (since the details were a bit fuzzy now), I am picking up on all the little clues that I had probably missed before! Like the rice cracker thing hinting at not only Kagome/Kikyo's ties, but how Jyohaku is Naraku/Onigumo's reincarnation too. And all the clues hinting at Ichiro as well, that was neat. This fic gives me the chills in a good way, you have such a way with words to make bring out the mysterious, dark-and-sinister vibe that's keeping me HOOKED! can't wait to read the rest and see how it ends :)

Anj (Chapter 35) - Tue 20 Jul 2021

I just read through this and wow. I am absolutely in love with this version of Sessh. His singular focus to make this sanctuary he promised Rin the future would be is fascinating. He's facilitating all of these terrible things, but you can't help be feel sympathetic for him and his loss. I also really appreciate that Kagome didn't follow the path that Kikyou did. In saving Sessh it seems like she has forged a new path (one I kinda hope she sinks into). Long story long I've really enjoyed this fic, you have a wonderful talent for storytelling.


Congratulations on the baby! 

SmilingFool (Chapter 35) - Mon 19 Jul 2021

Now that was a chapter I've waited years for to read....  Well done... loved it..  Man the fight between the old monk and Sesshomaru  was awesome...  At least Kagome and Sesshomaru are safe now..  They just need to use Sesshomaru's posion to eat the monk and the blade and blood along with Kagome's clothes...  wow that was so good.....  

GothRiotGrrl (Chapter 1) - Mon 19 Jul 2021

I know I left a review at A03 but I want to leave one here too. I just want to say I love how everyone is making the exact same mistakes as their previous incarnations EXCEPT for Sesshomaru. And that's just making him more dangerous. He has the same consciousness so he has the gift of hindsight, so all he's doing is avoiding the mistakes he made when it came to getting what he wanted he's not transcending his desire for those things. I also love how he he realized she might figure it out, and decide she needs help and not try to go it alone like Kikyo did, so he manipulated the situation so the one person she has true faith in is Naraku's reincarnation. 

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 35) - Mon 19 Jul 2021

As soon as you told us you were expecting, I knew it was going to be hit or miss with the updates. No one with a new baby is going to stay on a deadline... not happening! So... yeah... no worries about the length of time between, I'm just happy that you're still with us!!!

And, WOW! What a chapter!!! What a climactic chapter! No offence intended, but I was kinda hoping she'd stick with Sess regardless of his darkness and ulterior motives. Sorry that Jyohaku had to take the fall, but hey, Sess/Kag rules, whether dark or light. Unless, of course, you're just gonna have her dispose of Sess in the last chapter? I'm hoping not, but I've learned not to anticipate ANYTHING in your writing! So far, you've managed to pull me in, and prove me wrong, every single time I start guessing, lol!

Of course, I'll be waiting, impatiently as always, to see what happens next, but you must take your time with all your RL responsibilities. No pressure... well, not much, anyway... hope this finds you & family happy & healthy, and THANK YOU for coming back and reposting this incredible story.



Gabby (Chapter 1) - Thu 29 Apr 2021

great first chapter

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 34) - Mon 26 Apr 2021

Wow, our Sessh is either totally in tune with the universe, or he did an awful lot of wheeling and dealing when he was away! Missles, huh? Second Korean War?? Whoa. And now the priest thinks he's going to take on the demon, with sutras that would barely affect Sesshoumaru on a good day, much less now that he's been brought back. I hope Kags doesn't wallow too much in her guilt over having resurrected Sesshoumaru. I just get this awful feeling that something even more tragic than Jyohaku's possible demise is hanging over us... but I will read on nonetheless! Again, many thanks for making time in what must be such a busy schedule to do this story for us!!



Nox (Chapter 1) - Sun 11 Apr 2021

I've been riveted to my seat on this story, your intricate unfolding and recreation of the Inugami ritual of creating inuyokai totally flipped me. I did not expect a page right out of mythology but I love your attention to detail so I shouldn't be surprised. And Sesshomaru started out such a well heeled puppy,, I love his attention to well plated meals and buttery scones.  All the while Sesshomaru presents himself as a servent with no moral compass, whilst continuing his conquest for power. Kagome seemed to have forgotten how inhuman he really is, and lost control. I really look forward to reading where this story goes, oh and I had just watched a documentary about the New Guinea death ritual feasting and I can totally see this for his character.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 32) - Sun 28 Mar 2021

Oh. Oh, my. I get it now. Last chapter stuck with me for the entire time from that update to this... and I felt so bad for Sessh, despite the fact that it was at his urging that Kags did the deed. The whole thing with the dog, last chapter and this, confused me at first, then it dawned on me what was going on. And now, we're back at Kags' baby's conception. I can't imagine how things will progress from here, but I read with half-wariness, half-eagerness to find out where it'll twist off to next! Thank you for coming back, and continuing to update despite what must be a hectic schedule!!



Tee Jinsui (Chapter 31) - Sun 14 Mar 2021

There is not near enough reviews for this masterpiece. I normally don't leave reviews but this story is so compelling I must, thank you for writing it. I do find myself wondering what kagome sacrificed to bind sesshoumaru to her though , I thought it would be having children but if she's set to carry a heir for narumi then that can't be it.  

Carlyn (Chapter 1) - Wed 10 Mar 2021

Hiii! I'm excited to start reading your story. But I thought you might want to reconsider the title? Perhaps "Bound?" Anyways, looks like a fun story! Thanks for sharing!!!

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 1) - Tue 09 Mar 2021

WHEEEEEEE!! So glad to see you uploading so soon!!!! And so VERY happy to be reading this intriguing tale once again. I'm so glad you felt able to return to us, and that FANART... whoa!! Drool-worthy, for sure! We've been somewhat busy at work so it's gonna take me a while to get through what is posted, but I will catch up!

Again, so very happy you're HOME!



SHORTFRY (Chapter 1) - Sun 07 Mar 2021

You're back! I'm excited to read the dark edit of this! I'm glad you are still working on this!

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