Ooo story time such a good chapter Sesshomaru writing stories and poems so cool.
You my dear author, have just given me a new head canon to run with. Just imagine: Sesshomaru sitting lazily on the engawa, looking out over his garden on a cold winter night, a warm cup of sake next to him, parchment spread across his lap, a brush dipped in ink hovering over the blank piece waiting for his words.
Sorry, I rambled. But I'm so excited we get to see Sesshomaru writing here. And I love the way you've written the SessKag interaction in this chapter. They have a really good friendship developing in this story, and I can't wait to see where you take this!
SmilingFool (Chapter 15) - Thu 10 Jun 2021
Oh moving along and Kagome seems a bit better under Sesshomaru's care at least Sesshomaru's haiku's are not on war or the enjoyment of killing. lol Loved this chapter they are learning about one another ....
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