I love it so far! glad to hear that despite them "hitting rock bottom," Sesshomaru has no intention of going through with the divorce, just work is tearing him apart for attention as he has such an important job. Awesome that Kagome is not going to die in a few decades, but I'm curious to see what else happens with her transformation. I'm surprised your stories don't have more reviews; if you had stretched out the chapters and uploaded every other day, I'm sure you'd have a ton more! The only thing that irks me (the only thing!) is Kagome's eye color. I was under the impression that they're blue but I see it's sticking to the anime eye color for her. Anyway, thank you for sharing your wonderful stories! I loved this and the Silver Dove prequel.
Ah, what a terrific ending!!! Such a beautiful storyline, carried throughout both stories: captivating, intriguing, and full of action, plot twists, ups and downs. Simply WONDERFUL. Thank you so much for everything... for finishing them both, for posting them here, for never really giving up... and for leaving our fan fiction world with two more classics to read and re-read. As well, wishing you all the best in your writing! Who knows? Maybe I will even finally make an Instagram account!
Great! Loved it!
I think I know who the archangel is. Since he said she used to be human and he seemed disappointed I can't help but think it's a guy who liked Kagome. Plus the name, Archangel, sesshomaru and Kagome campaign lovers were based on angels and demons. I don't want to give a spoiler so I won't see who I think it is but I know it's definitely that person. I might be wrong though since I haven't fully read this chapter yet.
Crap they forgot to shpw the warrant
To answer the A/N. YESSSSS it was the right choice!
Ooo I don't trust that Sasuke and his kid.
Ah this story is life! I'm making the effort to review every few chapters because it deserves it.
Ah this story is life! I'm making the effort to review every few chapters because it deserves it.
Urrghhh these S women are disappointing me! Samara needs a chill pill and Sara........ That lafy needs the whole prescription. ????
Ah, this is sad. I really wish someone would help Samara see that her friend is evil. And I feel so bad for Kimora. Dude
I'm so sad that this will be your last fanfiction. This is so good. And not much has even happened yet. I live for your two stories. I can't wait to keep reading the rest of this. Thank you
Such a great story. Thanks for your dedication!
This is so good. Please update regularly .
I loved this story. A job well done. It was definitely worth the wait.
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