I'm incredibly curious now. So the inutaisho left everything to Inuyasha? Wow. Talk about a blow to one's pride. This Sesshomaru (haha) has gone through a lot, was he in love with Kikyo? I sincerely doubt that but a friend maybe. As for Inuyasha... well he can't be much better off as a hanyou forced into the youkai warlord role, still he must have it peachy compared to his older brother.
I'm really intrigued by this story!
How different things go when one of the sides is willing to act rationally haha
The more he speaks the more I giggle, once or twice is fine but referring to yourself in third person in a normal conversation is just ridiculous for us modern people XD
marisel (Chapter 5) - Fri 19 Apr 2019
Ok, so you make the introduction to the story reversing sess and inu, but what happens that sess end up in 5he tree. And does that mean that inu is in charge of the west? So now what? Kagome will stay in the past or she goes to the future with the jewel? Question and more......
Alison (Chapter 4) - Tue 09 Apr 2019
Hmmm, interesting Sesshomaru seems to care for Inuyasha in this version. Curious to see how that goes.
I think its an interesting start and liking it a lot so far!
nicole (Chapter 1) - Thu 21 Mar 2019
Does she recongizes sesshoumaru and realizes everythings back it all started with a wish
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