Oh I had to laugh a bit at the name 'You Han Nin City'. I read it as Hanyou Ningen city and as Ningen Hanyou city. :)
Imaginative play on words.
I love this story. I re-read it a couple of times and I find myself hoping that you have not abandoned it because that would be so sad. :(
I understand the reasoning behind the idea of implanting secondary cameras behind the eyes of Kagome and Kikyou because I assume it has something to do with the dangerous missions that they embark on, but I hope that they will be removed as soon as the threat of Naraku has been eradicated. I would have an issue of privacy since the cameras can be activated remotely by HQ control.
I really hope you continue this story and will be in a position to update more regularily as possible. I know RL takes prescidence. :)
Great writing!!!
I hope you are doing well.
So good! I honestly started crying at the beginning of this chapter and all the way through it. Beautiful writing and amazing ideas!!!! Keep it up <3
I was a little disturbed by the idea of cameras in their eyes. I understand the tactical significance, but since the control room can turn them on remotely at any time, they have basically given away their right to any privacy. Being a parent myself, if I had been Kaede I would not have let that be done to my child. No way!!
Absolutely lovely chapter! I love that your characters are actually developing as the story goes along - Sesshy is slowwwwly losing his rigid cold heart and Kags is just so freaking adorable along with Shippou!!! ^_^
Awesome can’t wait to read more!!
I like how you gave the information on the characters in the story. Typically, this sort of thing annoys me. However, I feel that you executed this explanation very well and helped me to understand ahead of time just who everyone is. Very nicely done!
... Okay listen here.
This story is already awesome.
I really really NEED an update to this - or I MIGHT just go kinda... psycho.
Nice beginning to this story. It is very well written in style and formatting.
Is this story a revision from a previous posting? It's that this story sounds vaguely familiar, although I could be way out in left field or that I might be mistaking it for another story I may have read. Oh well, I know that I am going to enjoy reading it.
I like your setup for the story...giving the vital stats on the main players and the background story of the organization...nicely done.
I am looking forward to the next chapters to be posted...soon I hope.
Excellent job!
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