Reviews for Divergence by Nefret

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Ashes (Chapter 9) - Thu 01 Jan 2009

Nice. I like the bit about the lesson not to steal being ground into her head. It made me smile.
I'm so happy you started updating again! *wheeeeeeee*

kedala (Chapter 9) - Wed 31 Dec 2008
I simply love, Love, LOVE this story! Your Sesshomaru is absolutely scrumptious and pompous and perfect!!! Ah! I love it. It makes me feel all warm and fluffy inside.

maddie50 (Chapter 9) - Wed 31 Dec 2008

I am very curious to see what Sesshoumaru will do next.

not-active (Chapter 9) - Wed 31 Dec 2008


I wish I had come across this story/your writing in general much sooner! I'm normally not one to like AU fics, but this is excellently written. I will add this to my favorite stoies for sure.

KAggie (Chapter 8) - Mon 29 Dec 2008
So I've read the first story and continued on my way to this one. And I have to say that you're doing an amazing job. I love how you portray the characters in this type of society. My favorite tye of genre if I do say so myself. Keep up he great work and I can't wait to read more of this. :D

anna (Chapter 8) - Mon 29 Dec 2008
I love this story--and I love where this is going. Can't wait to read more!

hikari hime (Chapter 8) - Mon 29 Dec 2008

Hmmm... Kouga is going to have his own innards handed back to him by an overly pissed inu youkai. lol.

Ahhh... a good excuse for us to observe the behaviour of an untrained miko and a daiyoukai under the same roof. -evil chuckles-

Good chapter XD

Dewa mata

Ashes (Chapter 8) - Mon 29 Dec 2008

*happy dance* Whhheeee! I was so totally caught up in the last chapter it was rediculous. You rock.

maddie50 (Chapter 8) - Mon 29 Dec 2008

Hopefully that mean wolf was not Kouga. A very interesting development. Obviously Sesshoumaru's association with a human has been noticed by some of the demon community.

Saholia (Chapter 8) - Sun 28 Dec 2008

I love your storytelling style--very original. I am so exited to see where this story is heading--and I am almost to the point of obsessed with! Great plot so far--hope you update! ^.^

kedala (Chapter 7) - Sat 27 Dec 2008
I was oh so excited to see that this story had been updated...and with TWO chapters!! This is one of the pieces I check back for very often and I'm so happy to see it being continued. I love the way you portray Kagome's teenage angst years and her relationship with Sesshomaru. This is truly a wonderful tale!!

maddie50 (Chapter 7) - Sat 27 Dec 2008

Is this a can live with and can't live without situation? Each of them do not fit into the respective worlds of the other. Kagome we know is not emancipated and therefore still has to answer to her parents. Right now Sesshoumaru's living situation has not been brought to light.

LC Rose (Chapter 7) - Fri 26 Dec 2008
Just found this wonderful story and speed-read through the whole seven chapters b/c I just couldn't get enough! It was addictive. The flow and story and plot are fantastic! And I'm so enjoying the interactment between Kagome and Sesshoumaru and Kagome and Miroku. I especially love Miroku's character in this one. Absolutely brilliant and I am SO looking forward to more.

hikari hime (Chapter 7) - Fri 26 Dec 2008

Awwww he's so sweet, but in a very Sesshomaru-esque kind of way, no OOC-ness here ;)

'I dislike crying.' For him to say that aloud, I can imagine him actually panicking in his own mind 'Kami, she's going to cry... no, please, don't cry...' lol

Good chapter. I loved it.

Dewa mata

hikari hime (Chapter 6) - Fri 26 Dec 2008

Poor Souta. But he really loves his sister very much, doesn't he?

I love this story. It really reminds me of those people, geniuses we call them, that made our world how it is now.

Your characterisation of Kagome, Sesshomaru, and Miroku, is very good, the taiyoukai being my favorite by far (but I'm being partial here lol).

I look forward to your next chapter.

Dewa mata

Ashes (Chapter 6) - Fri 26 Dec 2008

You updated! I'm soooooo happy! Yay! *super happy dance* I liked the blatant step forward this chapter is. Even though there was really nothing fantasical about it I got the definate impression that something was going to happen very soon. Well written, I really like how you portrayed Souta, it made me think of my own little brother. Thanks so much for comming back.

Taramarand (Chapter 1) - Fri 05 Sep 2008
Please, please, please update this!!!!!!!! I must MUST know what happens next!!!!!

kedala (Chapter 1) - Sat 19 Jul 2008
I hope you haven't abandoned this story. Your writing is absolutely wonderful and being able to stumble upon a piece on this site that isn't riddled with grammatical errors that make you want to pull out your hair is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Then, to couple that with a unique plot and wonderfully drawn characters, well, you get your story. Please update soon!! K

Coraline (Chapter 5) - Sun 06 Jul 2008
The frequency of your updates is maddening, but I fear it is the length of time between chapters that allows you to produce such superior work. I shall be patient, if you promise to keep writing.

Wynter89 (Chapter 5) - Fri 04 Jul 2008
This is a very fascinating fic. I love how the essay plays along with the story, it is very in depth, a lot of thought has been put into it. I love it! I cant wait until you continue. good luck

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