For some reason right when he mentioned the fancy restaurant my brain envisioned Kagome eating dinner with him and then swelling up like a pufferfish with allergies, no idea why. The story is already so funny!! Looking forward to the next update!
Internally squealing so loudly right now! Adorable one shot!
Zyren (Chapter 1) - Sun 27 Dec 2015
Oh! How sweet!! I love nervous Sesshoumaru. This reminds me of a scene from one of Sherrilyn Kenyon's books, part of the Dark Hunter series. I don't remember the title but the main couple was Bride and Vane I think. Which is fitting because Vane was a were. Will Sesshoumaru and Kagome still be demon and miko? Update soon!
I get flustered when someone tries to give me a can't bar, but expensive jewelry!? Love it!
Adorable. Will there be more?
Also was this taken down and re-added? I know I've read this one before I just don't remember if it was here or on
That was incredibly cute!
Saiya (Chapter 1) - Sat 26 Dec 2015
hahahahahahahahahaha so Cute hes so shy.
How sweet. I'm interested to read more. Please update again soon. :)
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