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Darknessdawns (Chapter 226) - Thu 09 Feb 2017

This story is progressing nicely and of course we will read your doujinshi. Well at least I will as long as you let us know when its up.

Natalia (Chapter 226) - Thu 09 Feb 2017

Yes I would read it! With pleasure! I like how you write and draw! Good luck with your plans! Thx for updating can't wait for sesshoumaru to meet her squeal!!!!!!!!! Lol I am so excited!

Sessygurl (Chapter 225) - Thu 09 Feb 2017

I love that Kagome stands up for herself. Inuyasha is so stupid as usual.

Charlotte Loraine (Chapter 225) - Wed 08 Feb 2017

He's such a jerk, I'd sit him too! Lol. I can't wait to see what happens when sesshomaru reappears. 

Darknessdawns (Chapter 225) - Wed 08 Feb 2017

I am so excited that this story has caught up with the anime. I can't wait to see what differences you write in. As well as poor Sesshoumaru's feelings when he sees her for the first time. I am so looking forward to reading more of this. By the way did someone say doujinshi?

Sayuri (Chapter 224) - Sun 05 Feb 2017

waaa~!!! I want moooreeee!!!! *.* such a good story!!! omg omg omg!!! Sesshou-chan!! <3

Loveyaa (Chapter 224) - Fri 03 Feb 2017

Ahh! All he needed was Kagome to call out to him. I like your version of why he reacted to Kagome better. Things are getting intense and nothing has even really happened yet! I can't wait to see what actually happens next :)

FireDragon (Chapter 224) - Thu 02 Feb 2017

OOH not exactly following cannon then. Yay she started to remember! so looking forward to more.

Sparkle (Chapter 224) - Thu 02 Feb 2017

The excitement and the suspense is killing me. I love it.

MythMagykFae (Chapter 224) - Wed 01 Feb 2017

Vauge memories... I can see this going very wrong...

I can't wait for the next! Will he know her!? Maybe it comes back when he hears her name?

KShadeslady (Chapter 224) - Wed 01 Feb 2017

Little bits and pieces. Very nice.

Sessygurl (Chapter 224) - Wed 01 Feb 2017

Love it! Is she going to rub his ears?

MythMagykFae (Chapter 223) - Wed 01 Feb 2017

NO! Wrong brother WRONG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad she's back, also eww it licked her!

Charlotte Loraine (Chapter 223) - Wed 01 Feb 2017

Uh ohhhhhhh!! I'm so excited to see how this plays out.

KShadeslady (Chapter 223) - Tue 31 Jan 2017

Aww...Still a sweet scene...I know that heresy on a a Kags\Sessh site. But I have a soft spot for Inu. He's just a lost boy. Nice update! Thanks so much.

Susy V (Chapter 222) - Mon 30 Jan 2017

She's back!! Oh, let the games begin!

Beelzebub (Chapter 222) - Sun 29 Jan 2017

I love this story. Please update soon c:

MythMagykFae (Chapter 222) - Sat 28 Jan 2017

Hmm, so the memories are still blocked, but it seems she can recognize them to an extent... hopefully Sess can bring them back!

Charlotte Loraine (Chapter 222) - Sat 28 Jan 2017

loved this one, can't wait to see what happens next!! I hope it's a multiple chapter update!! Lol. I'm just ready. I'd be happy with just one too. I'm in so much suspense.

FireDragon (Chapter 222) - Sat 28 Jan 2017

you really enjoy drawing this out don't you? LOL  I guess that is better than rushing things.  thanks for sharing looking forward to when Sess comes back especially when he realizes who she is.

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