I love it love it love it! Kagome not remembering was so sad and it's wonderful that she is getting her memory back. Reading this gave me the feels!
EEEEE! The mind may forget, but the heart will always remember...
Beautiful reunion, I look forward to more!
God I love it more with every chapter!!!! You're awesome!
Jean (Chapter 249) - Mon 24 Jul 2017
I'm so happy they are together and she is remembering! Love the chapters and how the story is going, keep up the good work!
Alashia (Chapter 249) - Mon 24 Jul 2017
Wow! I'm so happy Kagome was able to remember something and find their way back to each other.Now I hope everything will be okay this time. Can't wait for the next updated!
I love this story, keep up the good work!
Pep (Chapter 249) - Mon 24 Jul 2017
Aah yes. This update has pleased me greatly eue I can't wait to read more x3
Oh...Great Big Sigh...that was just wonderful. I love the fluff! We really needed this This little bit of joy for them both. Inuyasha just needs to be assured that she won't forget him. Thanks so much for all these lovely updates.
aww yay!! finally!!! i can't wait to see how this progresses. :) Update soon! You are amazing!
Im at a loss for words at how happy this update made me. I was super excited to see Kagome and Sesshoumaru finally spending time together. Hopefully she will regain her memories before long, or perhaps learn to love Sesshoumaru all over again. I also find myself wondering not only about her bow but their training ground and what has become of it.
Thank you so much. This almost brought a tear to my eyes. I love the line when she's told Inuyasha she was always Sesshoumarus. She was his first. I also love how she put her trust in him as she leaped knowing that he would catch her. I cannot wait for whats in store for the future.
Marie (Chapter 249) - Sat 22 Jul 2017
yes, much better. with another cliffanger and i luv u's
Victoria (Chapter 249) - Sat 22 Jul 2017
I love this story! This is exactly why I got into reading fan fiction in the first place. Your story is beautiful and I hope you keep it up I couldn't live with it not being complete.
Yeah! Been here since the beginning and I'm all kinds of pleased that they are back together!! A little irritated that she promised not to leave Inuyasha, but I guess that's her character. Can't remember if Kikyou has been resurrected. Been reading too many stories it's hard to keep them all separate. But anyway, maybe Kikyou's presence will change her mind.
I love the multiple updates in one, especially when it would otherwise be a cliffhanger until your next update. Please keep them coming. Can't wait to see what happens next.
KAggie (Chapter 249) - Sat 22 Jul 2017
My heart is all a flutter! I love the big leap into his arms! XD Perfect Kagome! Time to crack down on Naraku!
Aww I love it they are together and Kagome is remembering in bits and pieces. YAY! awesome update and Yes I love the longer updates! The the Bomb.
Marika (Chapter 249) - Sat 22 Jul 2017
Oh my god finally, thank you!
Elle (Chapter 249) - Sat 22 Jul 2017
Never, ever review. (Busy. Lazy. Sigh.) But did want to drop in and say that I'm so glad they've finally reconnected. We've waited a long time for this. (Because in a roundabout way, we've been waiting for them to come together since chapter 1.)
Anyway. Thank you for writing this! For not giving up on it. Your efforts are appreciated. ^_^
Lorena (Chapter 249) - Sat 22 Jul 2017
I'm glad they had this moment- I do feel bad for Kagome, but Sesshomaru's role was starting to break my heart-
Natalia (Chapter 249) - Sat 22 Jul 2017
As my heart is melting! So beautifully tender! A big thank you for the multiple update! Take care and good luck!
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