Redemption through Blood
Chapter Four: Surprise, Surprise
I have lived for many centuries and over these centuries I have rarely if very been surprised, but as I saw that little vixen of mine lashing out at the council. Well let’s just say surprise was one of the many emotions going through my mind. It seems my word of choice for her was well chosen. The miko is, to say the least, an interesting addition to my normally mundane life as a high school, history teacher. I have to suppress a chuckle every time I recall the look of utter shock that crossed Intrepiduss countenance as Kagome attacked.
Such an interesting creature this miko, she defies every law of humanity I know and as I think back I realize that she is not human anymore. A small part of her is still very much human but as I recall the words of my father I realize she has been changed by my blood. My father warned me once about never letting a miko get my blood in her system for if it did and she was strong enough then she would be turned partially youkai that would forever crave my blood. My clothing had been drenched with my blood and in my mouth the night I bit her. It is no wonder that some of it my have entered her blood stream. The only problem with that is a vampire is never meant to taste the blood of miko or it would purify them from the inside out, but as my blood hit her system her own powers excepted my own and allowed a vampire for the first time to taste the purest of blood. I too have become just as addicted to her blood as she is to mine.
She is much like a stray cat. . .
And I think I may even keep her.
Sesshomaru, for the first time sense he was a child, gawked at the scene before him. Kagome had shredded the old vampire like he was paper. Sesshomaru knew that he also could have killed the elderly vampire but he had not wished to bring on the wrath of the entire vampire race it just wasn’t worth it. ‘To late now,’ he thought with a shrug as he approached the enraged priestess or whatever she was. To his surprise, Kagome did not move at all when the other council members tried to move her, but as soon as he placed his hand on her collar she went limp and released the body without a second glance.
Sesshomaru starred down at the woman in his hand and began to ask her what in the world she thought she was doing, but the little thing was unconscious. He let out a rather frustrated growl before sending a glare at the rest of the council that clearly said,’ do NOT follow!’ Then Sesshomaru turned and left the manor, leaving two bewildered vampires in his path.
Strages starred after them and for the first time in many, many years he felt true fear. He had always known Sesshomaru to be powerful enough to kill him, but he never expected him to be strong enough to control a creature of such power. This female was of enormous power to be able to maul Intrepidus to death and yet she listened to Sesshomaru like a well trained pup. ‘What the hell is going on,’ Strages pondered, ‘I’m going to need to contact the Queen about this one.’
Meanwhile a still very surprised Sesshomaru was heading back to his home with a passed out miko covered in blood laying in the backseat of his car. She had and ironically peaceful smile on her face despite the gore that coated her now clawless hands and once pristine white shirt. “What a strange girl you are Kagome,” Sesshomaru whispered under his breath as he averted his eyes from the image in the rearview mirror.
When they finally reached his home, Sesshomaru carried the girl inside and back to the couch they had woken up on. “You seemed to be spending more time on that couch than myself,” Sesshomaru remarked to no one in particular. He watched her for a moment his eyes glazed over with thought and remembrance before he turned swiftly and headed into the study.
After a good bit of searching he found his hidden quarry, which just so happened to be a very tattered blue journal. “This should be it,” he muttered softly before opening the aged book and turning to one of the older entries. He scanned the page before finding what he was looking for, it read:
Journal of Lord Inutasho
I have come across the most intriguing of things today. It was told to me by my dearest ally and friend, a bit of a warning in dealing with Mikos. It seems that the more powerful of the species can become quite addicted to a taiyoukais blood if they ever get a good taste of it in their system. It is a bit of an irony really seeing as it turns some of them into the very demons they kill. Though this transformation of sorts is rather hard to accomplish sense both participants must have powers of great reckoning, I am not even sure if I bear enough power.
I have only met one of these cursed mikos and the creature was rather terrifying in truth. With blood red orbs and insatiable thirst for the blood of her turner. I do not think the youkai lasted very long for I hear she killed him and later herself for the lack of blood. Though I believe the reason she killed him was because she had hated the youkai previously. It makes me wonder, if a taiyoukai and a miko that even some what respected each other ever came under the curse; would they kill each other or could something more come form this unnatural bond of blood?
Sesshomaru pondered over the writings of his father for sometime before coming to the sudden realization that Kagome and he really did respect each other. It was obvious in her eyes every time she looked at him and even though he denied it Sesshomaru knew, deep down, that he respect her one many levels. The strength hidden away behind those o so innocent and quite deicing, blue eyes was just too addictive for any man, and he knew. Though he figured she did not. ‘Little Vixen,’ he thought again for likely the fiftieth time that day.
Hearing a muffled groan coming from the next room, Sesshomaru got up from the desk and walked over to the couch, his father’s journal tucked securely under his arm. When he entered the room he saw her sitting up and stretching out like a cat after a nap. “Read this, it is important,” he demanded flatly, startling her, as he shoved the book under her nose.
Kagome almost snapped at him before she saw the seriousness in his golden orbs, ‘okay, well save complaining for later.’ She briefly scanned the well written page before gasping in horror. “You, you mean I’m bonded to,” she gulped almost choking, “you?”
Nothing in the world could stop the chuckle that escaped his throat as Sesshomaru observed the utterly shocked and mortally petrified look that had passed Kagomes expressive features. “It would seem so little miko, it appears that you are not only bound to be by my inu youkai blood but my vampire blood as well,” Sesshomaru answered stoically even though his golden orbs still shined with mirth.
“What the hell am I suppose to do if I’m fricken addicted to you,” Kagome practically growled, well that is until she replayed what she said in her mind. After realizing the innuendo in the statement the anger practically melted away, leaving behind a very bright blush.
“Addicted indeed,” Sesshomaru mused, not quite ready to tell her he also needed her blood to be able to survive in the sunlight for much longer.
Kagome scoffed stubbornly as she scanned over the page once more before passing the book back to Sesshomaru, who placed it on the side table. “So what exactly does this mean?” Kagome asked nervously, gulping at the thought of what had been written in that journal.
Sesshomaru shook his head, unsure of what to say, ‘What does this mean for us?’” I think it means that we will have to stay close to each other until we find a reverse to the spell,” he answered after a much thought on the issue. To Sesshomaru the idea seemed rather reasonable but Kagome on the other had looked like she was gagging on a lemon. “Wench?”
Kagome coughed well more like hacked as she thumped her chest slightly. After a few more coughs she finally managed to get out, “We can’t stay close to each other all the time; I have to return to the Feudal Era TODAY!” Kagome was expecting some type of rebuttal at this statement for the man standing before her but all she gotten was the slow upwards curl of his lips into a haughty smirk that left behind only one thought in her muddled mind, ‘O shit!’
Sesshomaru could practically see the yellow color of fear creeping into Kagomes aura as he smirked down at her. It was one of the few times the girl had ever shone him any real fear and he was relishing in it. Of course sooner or later he had to voice his thoughts that brought about the smirk and so he did, the deadly smirk still in place as he said,” Then I suppose I will just have to accompany you to the Feudal Era, ne?”
Kagome practically growled at this, his smirk may be dead sexy and attractive and handsome and did she mention sexy but it was evil, pure, sinister evil. Her eyes narrowed and her aura flared with red anger but she knew he was right and it had to be done. “FINE, you JERK!” she snapped out as she got off the couch and moved over to a phone resting on his dresser. “I’m calling my mom now alright.” Sesshomaru didn’t answer, merely chuckled breathlessly at her as she picked up the phone and began to dial.
“Mother, hey it’s me Kagome. I’m sorry I haven’t been home in two days but something important came up. I will be home soon I promise, I’m so sorry I have not been able to call.”
“O honey it’s alright, I trust you, I had thought Inuyasha may have come and gotten you early.”
“You’re the best mom, but no I’m not with Inuyasha, but I am with a friend. Hey mother how is Ji-Chan?”
“O he is fine, actually his leg wasn’t as bad as we thought and he will be back to good in a few days so you won’t have to stay and help if you don’t want to.”
“O that’s great mom I’m glad to here he is ok. Well I’ll be home soon.”
“Goodbye honey.”
“Bye Mom.”
Kagome hung up the phone, feeling much better than when she had picked it up. Her mom wasn’t worried to death about where she was and Ji-Chan was okay. Sesshomaru can you take me home now, I need to get ready to leave for the Feudal Era,” she remarked calmly, completely cooled down from her earlier outburst.
Sesshomaru nodded a small smile of amusement on his face at her quick change in temper. “I need a moment to get some things, remember I’m going with you,” Sesshomaru remarked as he rose and headed into his room.
Kagome grumbled something along the lines of, “How could I forget,” but otherwise waited for him. It did not take him to long to come back with a pair of baggy dark green pants, a tight black muscle shirt on, and two normal katanas at his side. “I didn’t know green was your color,” Kagome remarked curiously even though she thought the outfit looked really, really good on him.
Sesshomaru scoffed slightly as he remarked,” The green pants is so I will not stick out in the feudal Era with my normal slacks.”
Kagome merely laughed, her eyes dancing with mirth,” This coming from the man who used to where pristine white robes in the middle of the forest.”
This only earned her another scoff as Sesshomaru headed for the door and motioned for her to follow after him as he went outside and got into his car. As they took off at the same speeds as before, Sesshomaru once again heard Kagome whispering small prayers to god, actually if he was hearing correctly it almost sounded as she was giving a list in her prayers. What a strange girl.
They reached the shrine rather quickly after a few rushed directions on Kagomes part and Sesshomarus amusement. As soon as the car was parked Kagome grabbed her things and leapt onto the solid ground, once more muttering away prayers like a mad woman before she took off up the shrine steps. “Come on Sesshomaru, we have to hurry before Inuyasha comes and kidnaps me back to the Feudal era,” Kagome called out with a giggle, all thoughts of his crazy driving and deadly car pushed from her mind by inhuman optimism. Of course in Kagomes mind the optimism came from the thought of there being no cars in Feudal age Japan.
Sesshomaru followed after her, his steps a bit more refined and slow as he took in the shrine’s surroundings. Sesshomaru smirked slightly as he took in the less polluted air and the sounds of nature instead of exhaust fumes and loud humans. ‘I should visit this place more often after I return,’ he thought as he reached the top of the long stairway and began to take in the layout of the shrine buildings, mentally marking off the small broken down well house in the corner of the yard.
Kagome wandered around the kitchen stuffing packs of ramen and chocolate in her abused yellow bag as she went. “Mom I’m going to be leaving as soon as finish packing ok,” Kagome yelled, even though her mother was standing right behind her.
“Ok dear, be careful,” Kagomes mother remarked with the same brightening smile Kagome was known for.
Kagome starred at her for a moment, wondering at the sanity of her mother before she just shook her head and bounded up the stairs to gathers some extra clothes and her ‘precious’ bathing supplies. She sent one longing look at her shower and at her sinfully comfortable bed before she ran back down the stairs and out the door in search of a certain irritable, high school teacher.
Said High School Teacher was standing in the doorway of the well house, his back to her, as he looked at the aged wood of the well. “Are you ready to go?” Sesshomaru questioned Kagome, his eyes never leaving the well.
“Yeah, let’s go ok,” Kagome whispered, suddenly feeling the need to be silent by the look of what seemed to be forlorn longing the crossed Sesshomarus stoic features. He merely nodded and took her hand as they approached the well and soon stood on its edge. “You are going to have to disappear really quick once we go through, Inuyasha will be by soon to get me once he catches my scent,” Kagome remarked absently before jumping into the dark depths, her suddenly smirking companion following close behind.
(I Could End it Right here, but then this chapter would be to short so ONWARD!)
Sesshomaru snaked his arm around Kagomes lithe waist and pulled her out of the well in on swift jump, as soon as he was sure they were in the Feudal Era.
Kagome let out a startled ‘eep’ as she was suddenly yanked into the sky and dropped on the grass outside the well, but as soon as she turned to give Sesshomaru a piece of her mind, he was gone. She blinked in surprise turning in a circle a couple of times to see if she could spot him but there was nothing, just the lingering tingle of his aura to tell her he was near by. “That’s kinda creepy, I wonder if he practices that just to scare people,” Kagome giggled an image of Sesshomaru jumping up and down on a pogo stick with a look of utmost seriousness suddenly popping into her mind.
A couple of strangled giggles later and Kagome was humming softly to her self as walked down the overgrown path leading to the village. “Where in the world is Inuyasha, he is normally here when I get out of . . . Whoops spoke to soon, here he comes,” she muttered as the hanyous familiar aura hit her senses.
Inuyasha landed not but a few feet away from Kagome, his face twisted in his normal childish scowl as he snapped out,” Oi Wench what took you so long.”
“Inuyasha,” Kagome started, a sickeningly sweet smile twisting her lips before she scowled,” SIT! I’m on time you jerk, no need to yell at me!” With that she huffed angrily before heading back down the path in search of Sango and Miroku.
Up in the trees, Sesshomaru bit back a snicker as he watched the hanyou eat dirt all because of a single word spoken by a small female. ‘That’s my girl,’ Sesshomaru thought with a smirk, his inner demon (what am I suppose to call it, he isn’t a demon anymore? Perhaps it’s the devil on his shoulder snicker)suddenly possessive of the miko.
Kagome picked up speed a bit as she spotted her best friends in the distance. It only took a few seconds for Shippo to start running towards her before jumping into her awaiting arms. “Kagome-Chan why where you gone so long, I was worried,” Shippo whined.
Kagome looked down at the little kitsune with surprise as she questioned,” What do you mean Shippo I got back when I said I would.”
“Actually Lady Kagome you have been gone for ten days when you said you would only be gone for five. Inuyasha tried to go done the well to get you, but it wouldn’t let him through,” replied Miroku as he finally reached her. Sango, who was standing slightly behind him for obvious reasons, gave a nod in agreement.
Kagome starred at them with a slack-jawed expression as she thought over this information. “Are you sure?” she asked, even though she knew it was a stupid question. Everyone nodded once more and she wasn’t quite sure what to say. “I was only gone for three days in my time, and you say Inuyasha couldn’t pass through.
Shippo nodded enthusiastically as he piped up,” Yeah it was really weird too. He tried almost everyday.”
“Perhaps you should not try to cross through for awhile Kagome,” Miroku remarked wisely.
Kagome nodded for a moment before Sango exclaimed,” Well no reason to be sad about it, Kagome is back now and Inuyasha will get over it sooner or later.”
Kagome laughed and hugged her ‘sister’, careful for Shippo, as she conceded,” Yeah your right we will deal with this the next time we get back, right now lets just get on the road and continue our search.
Miroku nodded sagely as he joined in the hug, both of his hands wandering slowly southwards before a large slapped and a scream echoed through the forest.
Inuyasha was back by this time and his anger was momentarily put on hold as he laughed at the swirly-eyed monk. Of course his anger was only slightly out off as he growled out,” Oi Wench lets get going now, we have a lot of time to make up for thanks to you!”
Kagome growled, but decided the fight wasn’t worth it, deliberately ignoring him as she turned and headed towards the road the lead away from the village and towards the next shard.
Meanwhile Sesshomaru was stuck between laughing his head off or tearing someone’s head off, he settled for staying impassive. Though the memory of the monks wandering hands and the hanyous insults made him want to kill something. Kagome belonged to him and him alone, she had the mark to prove it, and so no one should be touching what was his!
Somewhere in the back of her mind Kagome felt his animosity and stayed a few feet away from the males in her group. Even when Inuyasha told her to get on his back so they could travel faster she refused, kindly telling him that it was uncomfortable for her.
Inuyasha sulked the rest of the way, deciding to just stay a ways ahead of the group, pushing them further and further along. “We need to go see the old man to find the way to break through Narakus barrier,” Inuyasha spat out after awhile.
Kagome had to almost physically stop herself from gasping when he said this. ‘What the heck is going on, Inuyasha already has the Red Tetsusaiga to break Narakus barrier, what is he talking about,’ her mind was in a chaos as she thought about it. ‘Could it be that . . .’ her thoughts stopped there, completely unable to comprehend what was going on. Though she really didn’t need to comprehend anything, the answer to her unvoiced question came soon enough.
Inuyasha suddenly stiffened and crouched down into his fighting position, Tetsusaiga already drawn and transformed. Sango and Miroku had also taken up their battle stances as Kirara transformed in a fury of flames. Kagome, unsure as to the approaching enemy, pulled out her bow and notched an arrow.
Their enemy reached them in no time his platinum silver hair dancing in the air as he approached them causing Kagome to gasp as the very familiar golden orbs and pristine haori and hakama registered in her mind. Her bow slipped from numb fingers as she starred at him as he cracked his knuckles and allowed the acidic green poison filled his claws. The bite on her neck started to burn as if on fire but that was all forgotten as she felt the utter confusion filling her master’s aura. ‘O God,’ she thought, even as she whispered one dreaded name,” Sesshomaru.”
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.