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04/06/2020 13:10:53Re:Help to find 2 fics pleaseSearching for a Fic...3236
04/06/2020 02:20:54Help to find 2 fics pleaseSearching for a Fic...3236
04/06/2017 23:03:46Re:Looking for a ficSearching for a Fic...2750


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Name Entry

Created On: 10/08/2020 20:07:06

Thank you for your review on "Tradition!"

"Hanyou Spirit" is the first part of the "In the Spirit of Tradition" series. Sorry for the confusion - I hadn't yet decided to make it a series when I first published "Hanyou Spirit", so I had to go back and re-label it.

Thank you for reading!


Created On: 05/20/2020 03:40:00

Hello, Inuaddict! I just wanted to say thank you for your review on Fixer Upper! My cheeks hurt writing it! lol
Feedback from Inuaddict: Well those were supposed to be hearts, but thank you so much!


Created On: 05/28/2017 00:42:00

You're the best! I'm glad you're liking Legal Jargon! I love diversifying things when I can. I love the West Indian accent. I'm sure I have a 5th cousin twice removed out there somewhere... maybe... idk. jk. lol Hoping I can get submerged in the culture one day with a visit.


Created On: 05/15/2017 07:07:53

Thanks very much for your kind review for or Fleur de la vie! I am very happy you like it! I Will always do my best! Thx again!


Created On: 06/02/2015 11:50:20

Thanks! I'm still deciding on a good song for a sequel to Devil's Backbone... Feel free to offer suggestions!
Again, thanks!

Stella Mira

Created On: 04/08/2015 13:36:56

Thank you for reading and leaving such wonderful comments. You made my day. Seriously.

I feel the same way when I'm writing him.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far and hope you'll keep on reading. More to come. Soon.
Feedback from Inuaddict: EEP!! Yay I cant wait!!


Created On: 12/08/2014 14:47:32

Awww, thank you so much! Your review on my drabble collection gave me the warm and fuzzies, I swear! I'm really, really happy to hear you enjoyed my drabbles!
Feedback from Inuaddict: THEY ARE ADORABLE!! Thanks so much!!

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