Addy Profile Page

About Me

I'm a 20 year old college dropout in the Navy.  I don't come to Dokuga much any more, but I am on tumblr a lot.  I've been a member of Dokuga since 2009 or 2010 I can't remember, but since the chat stopped working I haven't really come in here any more.

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11 years ago




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  Velvet Sometimes
  Lady Serianna
  Creature of Shadow


Addy has 2 stories

All life is selfish. That is the nature of living. Yet, can there be such thing as an unselfish wish? Kagome finds out the hard way, that there isn't. She loses her body and her soul, and is flung back almost three hundred years into the past, to start a new life. The catch? She can't save herself.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 15 Apr 2011  -  Updated: 31 May 2011
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 3,373  -  Reads: 6,060
Kagome's come back from the future, and accidentally brought a disease with her that will forever change the Tachi. For one of r0o's challenges.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 24 Mar 2011  -  Updated: 13 Apr 2011
Genre: Action, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 7  -  Reviews: 26  -  Words: 8,437  -  Reads: 18,042


Name Entry

Created On: 04/25/2011 22:39:32

You're making me want to spoil everything.


But I guarantee you'll like the twist.


Created On: 04/12/2011 16:43:49

You certainly are presuming a lot of me, my dear.
Thanks for the review on Fake Princess


Created On: 04/11/2011 17:08:28

It doesn't stay sad for that long, I promise. The next chapter is a little heavy, but I can assure you Kagome gets her chance to shine and that Sesshomaru definitely notices.

I apologize for Narchesa being self-absorbed, but that's how her character is, alas.

Either way, I truly appreciate you reading an reviewing! Thank you so much!


Created On: 08/09/2010 20:44:27

haha. sorry about that =S longer chapters make my story easier to read XD i should have done it from the beginning >.


Created On: 08/09/2010 18:08:19

reply to: From chapter 18 on, it's blank... DDD: Is this posted anywhere else, or is my compter faulty?

no there isn't anything wrong with your computer. i did a bit of summer cleaning on my chapters but i didn't want to lose my reviews so it is blank chapter 18 onwards. no worries! you're not missing out on anything XD if you are ever worried that i screwed something up on dokuga, check my other posting on ffn! thanks for reading


Created On: 07/31/2010 09:46:24

Sorry for the delay in answering reviews, and thank you for your review on Blood Stained.

I can't wait for the kid either, lol. Its going to bring much struggles,lol.


Created On: 07/30/2010 06:44:13

Thank you for yet another review on Chain.

I'm sorry I took so long with the chapter, but it seemed like everytime I had time to write it, I didn't feel like writing at all. :/ I don't know if the next update will be a quick one, either, since I have a summer exam in August, and I'd like to go visit some friends who live in a different town before my holiday ends. ^^; So I'll be busy in August, but I'll try to get as much writing done as I can.

- Chie


Created On: 05/14/2010 10:14:59

Thank you for another review on my story Chain.

If you don't like my slow updating pace, you may wait until I have finished the story. I'm sorry, but I'm just not one of those writers who update regularly and frequently. The story doesn't always come easy to me, so writing a chapter may take a while. This time, however, I'd also like to point out that August for me was exam after an exam, a deadline after deadline. Now, however, I'm on my summer break and unless the block hits me hard, I should be able to update a bit more often since there is no school demanding my time. Also, I waited several days before posting the finished chapter so that my beta would have a chance to proofread it.

Once again, I'm sorry for all the delays.

- Chie


Created On: 04/01/2010 15:46:21

Thanks for reviewing Chain again. ^_^

You're welcome for the update and I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Been having a bit of a problem with not being in the mood for writing lately, but I was glad I was able to finish this chapter on time, since for the next month I'll be completely swamped with school work...

Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter!


Created On: 02/22/2010 05:22:38

Heh~ :3 Glad you liked the chapter and thanks for another review! ^_^

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