InuAngel Profile Page

About Me

Hi Everybody,

I don't write fanfiction, at leat not for any sites, just my friends.  I don't think I'm good enough to post anything yet, and I want to make sure I have time to update regualry.  One of my fan fiction pet peeves is unfinished great fics with no explaination to the fans as to why.  Loyal fans deserve a why a fic can't be finished.  My other is writer's who write scenes where a character other than a demon or an explained reason; when a character is very ill or hurt is suddenly well and suffering no ill effects, it destroies a great story that is written in a realistic way. Example: Kagome is bleeding from multiple injuries and then suddenly is able to get up and wonder around with no pain or after effects from her injuries.  I don't know I was taught to research everything you write or paint.  I hope everyone understood what I just said???

I'm a college student, a second year senior. Majoring in studio art, psychology and business and minoring in art education.  My professors think that I may have adult ADHD, I say so what! I call myself an eclicticed type of person, I have many likes and none of them match, I hope I spelled that right. I'm a Christian, who does not believe in religion, I think religion is a bunch of rules a church made up, hardly any of the rules are in the bible.  I try to live each day as if it is my last.  I do have a termianl rare blood disease and I survive from monthly blood transfussions,  my friends call me a modern day vamp, so thanks to all who doante blood it really does save lives!!  I love to laugh!!  I love to have fun! I believe everyone has a right to live their lives as they see fit, meaning I could careless if anyone is bi- or homosexual it's not my business, I'm hetero. I don't seperate people into races, we are all first and foremost humanbeings.{jcomments on}


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Name Entry

Created On: 01/09/2012 21:13:26

Lol InuAngel! What was that?! I was all like o_o!

Thanks for reviewing and I'm very happy that you seem to think my characters seem realistic. I try my best. I do think Kagome will understand Sesshomaru's need for food. After all, everything you say is right. We all eat many animals and we love to eat them.

Sorry about the short chapters, but well, some of them arent SO short
I hope... Well, have a nice day ! Thanks for everything!


Created On: 12/14/2011 09:10:30

Uhhhh *blushes*

That was one long review and believe, you made up for all the pending reviews. I love it when people write on my wall. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside.

I'm glad you're enjoying my stories. That pleases me to no end, trust me. That's what I aim for. that and reviews. Also chocolate cake.

Anyways. You should post your stories too. Let me tell you. You may not be excellent at writing or maybe you're horrible. But it doesn't matter. Improvement comes with time. Being corrected again and again, makes you learn and that molds you into a writer. And if no one reviews your story then I definitely will. It's a boost that you need. Gather that courage and energy up and start posting. You can't say no to something when you haven't even tried it out. I want to see your stories so please post them.
Feedback from InuAngel: I plan to post some stories after graduation, I want to have time to devote to them. My friends read them and say they really like them I should post them. Right now I have no time, I'm an artist and I have my first gallery opening alone in April and I have 20 more peices to finish, I do ink and paint on glass. I am a senior in college with a major in studio art, psychlogy and minor in business. I am currently raising my 2 and 3 year old niece and nephew and working two jobs. I'm fairly busy, reading fanfiction is my escape so I put away an hour after my little toddler monsters are in bed and half my homework is finished, fanfiction keeps me sane and when I get a hold of some good fiction it makes my day and your work is a relief from the normal very common writings that I usually find. I'm very picky about reading my fiction. Yeay my glasses are ready today, I have no focus in my left thanks to a bad realtionship I was into after highschool, he nearly blinded me. long story for another time. Fanfiction keeps me sane, I do have some decent eorkds in a notebook to post, I want to devote some time to them daily. My pet peeve is unfinished fiction, the sites are full of them, I know some people got ill or life happened but they can let the people know what's up since they are reading their work. Take care and keep writing!
Much Love


Created On: 10/09/2010 14:58:58

Wow that was one heck of a review and I wish I could show you the smile I have on my face right now. I am so glad that you are enjoying it. I will admit when I first came up with the idea I was terrified. All I could think of was "OMG people are going to hate this, it's too much, too graphic and they're not going to go past the first chapter." But, I had never seen anything like this done before and I thought well why not. I really hadn't expected it to catch on like it has. It's not an easy story to write because it's very hard to not give too much away so early. There has to be mystery and understanding and there's still a lot of back story left to tell. Romance is definitely taking a backseat for a while, well at least Sesshou and Kags romance but it will come eventually. The answer to your question about the Tenseiga will come but not for a while yet I'm afraid. There is a reason why he didn't use it. It's really hard to write a crazy Sesshou to be honest and still trying to keep him as readers know him. There are obviously going to be a lot of moments where he is compeletely OOC but hopefully that's expected.

I'm really glad that you found it and that you will continue to enjoy it. I'm working on chapter 8 this weekend and with any luck it'll be up soon. Thank you so much for your lovely review and your continued support I hope I don't disappoint!!

With much gratitude and appreciation,
Feedback from InuAngel: I don't review much so when I do I do! You won't dissappoint and I am very glad that you decided to go with it, it is a very unique point of view and I can see how hard it may be to write. I bet he didn't use the tensiga(sp) to spare them the nightmare of having to relive their death, Rin remembered how she died as well she is terrified of Kouga. Anyway, I don't really want my questions to be answered outside the story! I'm glad your taking their relationship slow and not having Sessy healed in three chapters and dating by the fourth mated on the fifth. Keep it real don't be discuraged or afraid of what others will say do your thing D! It is expected for Sess to be OOC who wouldn't after all of what he has been through, if he was it wouldn't be right. It's refreshing to read something off the charts, good for you. By the way I read fics for plot, and content I read one of your reviews and was blown away, why would someone review your story just to let you know you misused a semicolon? LOL I didn't notice I was to enthralled by the story to worry about something so trivial! Wow, and incrediable story is before them and they worry about a semicolon! I'm not a professor grading papers! Ignore reviews as such and keep writing! As for my reviews I call'em as I read'em! I call your fic incrediable, awesome, intriegeing(sp), all the above fancy words meaning greatness! Can't wait for the next chapter Write On!
Much Love


Created On: 07/03/2010 10:51:58

LoL! I think that had to be the second longest review I've ever had! The first was Texanlady's review of my Inu/Kag fic Malice over on Ff. net last year. Anyway, I'm really honored that you enjoyed the story so much!

Feedback from InuAngel: I've read Malice as well, another masterpiece of yours. I haven't reviewed it yet, that story is incrediable!!! All of your work is, your excellent, don't let anyone tell you other wise. I'm honored to have read your work. Write on!!
Much love

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