Created On: 04/22/2011 21:06:39
Thanks for your interest in Illumination! As for Naraku and his desire for love from Kagome, it just seemed to make sense... after all, that's what he originally wanted from Kikyou, and that's why he became Naraku. He just went about it all wrong.
Created On: 03/06/2011 13:07:14
Thank you for your review in Blessed by gods!
It makes me really happy to know, that you enjoy the story and tidbits I write. ^^
Created On: 07/10/2010 20:04:54
I'm glad you are enjoying Accidentally Funny so much! It's good to hear that you get some good laughter out of it, since that's what I'm aimin' for!
Amber  Feedback from ILM: can't wait for the next chapter
Created On: 06/03/2010 22:15:19
Thank you so much for the review  Feedback from ILM: i love to review
Ko Torii
Created On: 08/28/2009 10:11:13
hello there ILM,
I just wanted to let you know that I got your message and would be happy to help in any way. Also, your comment board looked lonely so I decided to drop a line.