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Created On: 10/07/2016 00:37:36

It's getting there! Something big is in the works alright New chapter is out, hope you like it! Hope you're not buried under homework!


Created On: 09/20/2016 20:55:40

That's awesome! What are you studying?
Feedback from Jenna: Right now I'm just getting the basics done, but I'm getting a bachelor in elementary education ^^


Created On: 09/16/2016 22:34:22

Thanks Jenna! I'm glad each chapter draws you in! The next chapter is out, so I hope you like it. And I'm not sure. I think its just a fear of failure but then I'm also afraid of success which is weird I know. It's like I'm anticipating being ripped to shreds by people that are used to quality writing and I've had no formal training as a writer so I'm kind of worried it'll show. It's probably just my own head games, ya know. Being my own worse enemy and stuff, but I'm considering it seriously, have been for a while. Anyway, how are things with you? Work going okay?
Feedback from Jenna: ^^
It's not all that weird, there is a lot of things that go along with success that can be scary. I personal think your work is good quality. Could it be improve? yes, but it's my opinion that with anything one can always improve and should want to. I don't think most people have formal training. Sure people can go to workshops, but I don't think that's formal training. I'm extremely bad about that, I don't finish the second or third chapter when I write.
Things are going great! I just started my first year of college a month ago work is okay, I'm only going in on the weekend so I can focus on school. I have to have a 3.5 to keep my scholarships and grants.


Created On: 09/01/2016 22:51:54

I've actually been thinking about writing books but the thought of putting it out there in the world is terrifying to think about -.- I would love to make a career out of writing but I don't think I'm good enough to do that lol.
Feedback from Jenna: What terrifies you about it?
I think you more then good enough!


Created On: 09/01/2016 07:41:00

Hi there! Thanks for another great review! I thought of your comments about Plynus when I wrote chapter 12 lol. I hope you don't flip! Chapter 12 is hot off the press, and thank you for your well wishes! I feel better. Its easy for me to get down in the dumps, sometimes for no reason at all I hope your day is going good and that this chapter cheers you up if its not!
Feedback from Jenna: Bahaha xD
That happens to me sometimes, I watch a favorite movie to cheer myself up Thank you!!!
Have you ever tried writing your own story?


Created On: 08/25/2016 18:18:56

Sorry work is such a pain >.lly happy I could brighten your day with a few words on a page! Lol, I'm really flattered. There's a new chapter out today, and hope it brightens you day up too!
Feedback from Jenna: XD their not just words on a page ^^ I love the new chapter!!!


Created On: 08/17/2016 16:56:58

Another great review, thank you! I hope this chapter answers some of your questions and that it leaves you with even more questions lol. I'm still debating about Sesshomaru's father, if I'll have him here or not. Not sure
Feedback from Jenna: Yep, more questions XD


Created On: 08/05/2016 01:01:09

I enjoy our chit chat as well I don't have many friends on this site that like to chat so this is great! Oh yeah, the time stamps. I normally put them up if a day has passed or a significant amount of time has gone by, though sometimes I don't have them up is because the new chapter is a continuation of the same day from the previous chapter. I really should put them up though, I might end up forgetting what day it is when I start another chapter lol.
Feedback from Jenna: Same!
Ohhh. Lol that would be troublesome xD


Created On: 08/04/2016 15:17:19

Thank you for reviewing Cold! I swear I love to read your thoughts on my story, it's a consistency I've come to enjoy. That's actually a great idea, backing my stories up elsewhere. Trust me, that is how I spent my time yesterday when I found my flash drive. Also, tips? Hmm, I don't know, I kind of think of my story as a movie in my head and focus on telling real events instead of a story. It helps when you believe what you're writing or at least don't feel bored when you write. If you're bored, your readers are bored lol. Can't wait for you next review!
Feedback from Jenna: You're welcome ^^ that's great, because I plan on reviewing every chapter
Yay you found it =) lol, I have a good chunk of my stories backed up, but since I like to write them down on paper not all of them are - I hate typing them up.
True, it's hard for me not to get bored with a story or the idea the story has T-T
I have come to enjoy our talks XD


Created On: 08/02/2016 21:45:59

Well I'm still deciding when and how Kagome's secrets will come to light and when she finds out Sesshomaru's dirty laundry. Kagome's power, well it won't be miko power, not really, but it'll be something. Sota will have a significant role. I absolutely plan on adding more of the planet's culture into the story, as much as possible. Thank you, I'm really trying to balance detail and story. I hope you continue to enjoy!
Feedback from Jenna: I hate planning when I write, though it helps a lot lol xD
Yay, culture!!! Looking forward to it
I have a hard time myself. Either it's way to much detail - where the reader drowns in it - or it's to little. You're doing well, any tips?
New chapters XD I'm going to go Pokémon hunting, but those chapters are are the first thing I'm doing when I get back!!!! Thank you so much ^^

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