Just Wanted It by AishiteruKoibito

I Just want it

I do not own Inuyasha or any characters from the anime =]

Please enjoy the simple read. Thank you!


It was going to happen tonight.

Kagome walked with determination to her car. Her heels clicking soundly on the cement floor echoing through the parking garage. She unlocks her car and throws her pink bag and her purse into the back seat of her car and enters the driver seat. Turning the car on, she adjusts her sunglasses and looks into the review mirror and smirks, yup, definitely happening tonight, no matter what. She was making sure of it.

Pulling out of the parking lot, music blaring windows down, today was going to be a great day.

Kagome was a 24 year old successful woman who was married to the hottest man on earth and the busiest man on earth, Sesshoumaru Tashio. They were college sweet hearts and married the same year they graduated. All their friends said they were making the biggest mistake of their lives, but none of them understood how truly happy they were. It wasn’t like some young relationship that you tire of each other easily. The moment they met, they instantly connected and acted like an old married couple.

While they did go out and have their fun at the clubs and bars, their fun was sitting in the dorms cuddling with cheesy movies, homemade dinners, and cheap wine. They were together for 5 years and married one.

They had their own place, a dog named Kuma and both had successful careers straight out of college. While their other friends were struggling with multiple children and no relationships, not that there is anything wrong with that, but that just not what they wanted.

Kagome pulled into their driveway and got out of the car, grabbed her bags and headed to her door.

They had a small home they were renting right now, with two bedrooms. It was everything they needed right now with no children. When they decided to have children they were going to find a neighborhood they liked and find a house that fit their needs and go from there. Opening her front door, Kuma immediately began to jump on her legs. Bending down and giving him a rub on his head, she pushed through the door and set her purse and bag down.

She was home alone at the moment as Sesshoumaru didn’t get out of work for another two hours or so. Kagome opened the back door to let Kuma out and went back into the kitchen to put fresh water and food in Kumas bowl.

Kagome checked the messages from her answering machine and seeing that none were in need of immediate attention, she left them on their for later and proceeded to let Kuma back into the house. She gave him a treat, another pet on the head and grabbed the pink bag and proceeded to her bedroom.

As she opened the doors she was greeted with gray and white walls, it was a compromise between them, he picks the color of the walls and she can change the color of the bedding to whatever color she can find to match the walls. Currently that was a turquoise and gray comforter with turquoise window drapes. She loved colors but he not so much but that’s why they made a compromise they were both happy with.

Taking off her shoes she slipped them onto her shoe rack and pulled her shirt off leaving her in a tank top. Grabbing the bag she brought she dumped the contents on the bed and smirked. Taking the tags off of each item, she everything out then turned, grabbing her towel and went to the attached bathroom.

Undressing quickly, she turned her phone onto Pandora and put some music on and jumped into the shower. Quickly she washed, shaved and got out, wrapping her hair in a towel she walked back into the room and put her robe on. Sitting in front of her mirror, she got her eye shadow and lipstick she wanted to wear ready.

Quickly rubbing her face, shoulders and arms in lotion, she began putting her eye shadow on. She didn’t want to put too much make up on, but simply wanted to bring out her blue eyes, just like Sesshoumaru likes. Doing a smoky looking with grays blues and black, she outlined her eye with eye liner giving her a very dramatic and sexy look. She topped it off putting on red lipstick, being careful not to let it hit her teeth, she smiled into the mirror in front of her and winked.

Letting her hair out of the towel, she brushed it out still damp, and put curling mousse into her hair and put curlers into her hair to keep the curls.

With the curlers in her hair, she went back to the kitchen and grabbed the lighter from the kitchen drawer and went back to the room. Glancing at the clock she had about twenty minutes before Sesshoumaru came home.

She lit the candles she had in the room. They were lavender and the only thing that didn’t bother Sesshoumaru’s sensitive nose. She put back the lighter and went back to the room and looking at the items she bought.

She took off her robe and laid it on the end of the bed. Grabbing the first item, she slithered her toned body into the clothing and smiled. It was perfect. She finished putting on her clothing and looked at herself in the mirror.

Today was definitely the day.

Putting her robe back on, she sat back at her mirror and took the curlers out of her hair and let the waves fall down her back. Sesshoumaru loved when she did her hair curly because she didn’t do it often.

Getting up she went to the bathroom and rinsed her mouth with mouth wash and retouched her lipstick. While shutting the door to the bathroom she heard the front door open.

She smiled while she felt her stomach clench with butterflies and laid on the bed with her robe untied but not opened and waited.


He was exhausted.

Which is a rare thing to happen for Sesshoumaru but today was relentless and tiring. Nobody seemed to know anything at work today and of course him being the president of the company, he had to pick up all the slack and get things done quickly. At least he was able to come home on time. He hated being late home. Thankfully today was over, as he shrugged off his suit jacket and took off his shoes he took a deep breath and smelled lavender and smiled.

Looking down to Kuma who was patiently waiting to be acknowledged, Sesshoumaru let out a soft growl which had Kuma’s tail going crazy. Sesshoumaru bent down to rub his head and sent him off. Watching Kuma walk away, Sesshoumaru headed to where he smelled Kagome while stretching his neck trying to get rid of the impending migraine.

Passing the kitchen, he opened the door to the bedroom and froze looking at Kagome on the bed looking very much like a temptress.

“Welcome home Sesshoumaru” Her voice husky with arousal.

Sesshoumaru took a deep breath and practically purred. His eyes flashed red momentarily, all traces of exhaustion disappeared as he shut the door and walked in. As he got closer to the bed, Kagome sat up on her knees, her robe opening slightly showing a flash of black and his pants instantly got too tight.

She grabbed his tie when he got into walking distance and pulled him flush against her body, his hands grabbing onto her hips.

“What is all this Koi?” He asked, sliding his hands inside the robe running his fingers along the lace he felt.

Smiling she pulled his shirt from his pants slowly and began to unbuttoning his shirt.

“Its been too long Sesshoumaru. We are too young to go a month with no sex.”

He chuckled softly and leaned in to nip at her ear “Nymph.” Nibbling his way to her lips he kissed her hard and deep, pulling a moan from her throat. Pulling away slightly, he dragged the robe down slightly to get better access to her neck and began nibbling along her neck and collar bone, listening to the hitches in her throat.

Her fingers fumbled with the last two buttons of his shirt and the moment it was released she pulled the shirt down his arms and then ran her nails down his chest.

Growling, he took the shirt off completely and began to undo his pants quickly kicking them off along with his socks and boxers.

Kagome grabbed the tie that was still around his neck and crawled backwards pulling his onto the bed. Quickly he removed her robes and glanced down at what she was wearing and groaned slightly.

“You will be the death of me woman” He growled as he laid her back against the bed. Running his hands along the black see through lace bra, he leaned down and bit her nipple between her teeth causing her to gasp, sliding her fingers through his hair. Quickly her nipple hardened feeling the contrast of his wet tongue and the rough texture of the lace was driving her mad.

Her body was on fire with so much want and need. She gripped his hair as he kissed his way to her other nipple and gave it the same attention as the first. Her back arching slightly as he ran he right hand down her side gripping her hip firmly.

When he was done, he continued to kiss and nip down her body, nibbling on each of her hip bones, looking at what she was wearing. Technically it covered nothing, but the black lace seemed to go around her woman hood and connect to knee high stockings leaving everything bear for his liking. Without giving her chance to think he quickly delved in with his tongue causing her hips to shoot off the bed with the intrusion, a deep moan leaving her throat.  

Sesshoumaru smirked and spread her legs wider, putting them over his shoulders, while his hands held her hips down. Kagomes hands gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into them slightly as she continued to moan loudly.

She felt her first wave approaching already, she was to stressed and tense that the orgasm burst through her like a dam causing her to call out Sesshoumaru’s name. She laid against the bed, breathing heavily, as Sesshoumaru continued on. Although she finished, he was not ready to leave from between her thigh and continued.

He enjoyed the after twitches she endured as he continued and decided to add a bit more. Reaching down with one hand, he inserted two fingers causing her to arch her back and moan again. He glanced up and saw that her eyes were closed and she was breathing hard, He simply curled his fingers how he knew she liked them and started pumping them in and out, sucking and nibbling on her clit as he did.

He could feel it in her body, as another orgasm began to build up and with it building he added another finger, and started pumping into harder, causing her to fall over the edge again. Leaving her body in a quivering mess, he licked the juices flowing from her lips, enjoying each twitch of her body.

He crawled up slowly, licking and nipping his way back up her body, stopping to give more attention to her nipples before continuing up kissing her hard.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back with just as much compassion. Pushing his shoulders slightly he leaned up. Smiling at him she pushed his chest and told him to lay down on his back. Doing what she asked, he laid back resting one hand behind his head, the other running through her hair.

She smiled and kissed him softly before kissing her way to his neck, nibbling and sucking on it. Following the path down, biting down occasionally, she met face to face with her prize, and blew gently on the tip that was already moist waiting.

Licking her lips, she leaned in and just took the head of him in her mouth and smirked as he gripped her hair. He was never rough, but he knew what to do just enough to make her turn into mush. She slowly slid him into her mouth, taking him slow and hard. His hand guiding her but never forcing her, gradually her rhythm picked up speed causing small moans to escape from his mouth.

He was too big to fully fit in her mouth but she was able to manage to let him slide down her throat a few times, without gagging, which brought out louder moans from the youkai under her.  

He pulled her hair gently to signal that that was enough, as she let go of him with a pop, she licked the head a few times before slowly climbing up his body. She grabbed both of his hands and held him down as she positioned herself over him.

She was in no way stronger than him but Sesshoumaru let her have her fun sometimes. Looking into his eyes smirking, she lowered herself onto him slowly. Moaning as the ache with in her instantly vanished at being filled with him. Sitting on him completely, she relinquished in the feel of being full and smiled. Yes, this is all that she wanted.

Slowly she brought herself back up and began a slow but hard rhythm, causing both of them to gasp and moan. She kissed him as she moved her hips over his and eventually let go of his hands so he can grip her hips.

With his hands on her hips, he held her in place as he picked up the pace, pounding into her, hitting a spot deep inside that within moments, she dropped her body onto his chest moaning, as she grinded her hips against him, riding another wave.

Breathing heavily, she fell over onto her side with her eyes closed. Feeling him follow on top of her, she opened her legs allowing him back access to her but opened her eyes as he felt her flipping her over onto her hands and knees. Moaning in anticipation, she arched her back, resting her head on her forearms, presenting herself to him fully.

Sesshoumaru looked down at his wife and growled as his hands gripped her ass roughly, angling her hips for him to shove himself back into her, causing her to scream slightly in pleasure. He began pounding his way into her, enjoying the sounds that were coming out of her and the sound of their bodies slapping together.

He looked down at her and realized her hair was covering her face completely, and leaned down gripping her hair into a pony tail, pulling on her hair slightly to arch her back, Sesshoumaru pushed on harder; the new look causing his body to tremble at his impending release.

Kagome was in bliss, her mouth hung open, only incoherent sounds and moans escaping her throat as Sesshoumaru pulled her hair with just enough pressure to make it more pleasurable. Over and over he hit deep within her and she felt the rising feeling, even bigger if possible then the others she had today.

She felt his body twitching, knowing he was soon going to release and fully focused on the feeling in the pit of her stomach growing bigger and bigger. At the last moment Sesshoumaru pulled on her hair so her body stood flesh against his, his fangs digging into her shoulder, his hips thrusting deep in her, she screamed as the dam broke.

From head to toe she felt waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Blacking out slightly from the pleasure, when she opened her eyes, she was laid back down on the bed on her stomach with Sesshoumarus head, on her back both breathing heavily.

Slowly Sesshoumaru slipped out of her, causing both to moan softly. Laying down next to her he pulled her tired body down next to him and held her body against his. As both got their breathing back to normal, Kagome smiled, completely relaxed in his arms and whispered,

“I knew I was going to get some today.”

Sesshoumaru chuckled and pulled her even tighter against him and rubbed his nose against her neck and mumbled,

“Who said anything about being done.”


Thank you for reading. Just wrote this off a whim to have a bit of fun. Hope you enjoyed it!