Still Perfection by AishiteruKoibito


I do not own Inuyasha or any characters from the anime =]

Please enjoy the simple read. Thank you!


The sun was still in slumber by the time I was awake. The birds were still cuddled on their branches; not ready to make beautiful music. I stood there in the doorway. It was quiet. I took a sip of my tea and smiled softly. I leaned against the frame of the door and held the cup with both hands softly blowing on the tea to cool it down. The light was off in the bedroom but the hall way light let a soft glow emanate into the room, just enough to see but not enough to disturb the slumbering body on the bed.

Soft breathing could be heard from the bed adding to the gentle hypnotizing noise of the fan was music to my ears. I loved these moments. These moments that were so perfect. It was the thing I looked forward to everyday. No rushing around or loud noises to disturb, just a serene peace that got me ready for my mornings every day.

I took another sip from my tea and glances at the large clock hanging on the wall and saw I had a couple of more minutes of this peace before I had to disturb it. My eyes fell on the body on the bed and I smiled again. Peaking through the coral colored comforter was my mates head. Silver hair lay perfectly behind him, glowing slightly from the light. It was like a fine silk that I love running my fingers through. His back was facing towards me, never sleeping with a shirt; I was always given the opportunity to enjoy the view of his very masculine back. It is weird that just looking at his back kind of turned me on.

Shaking my head before those thoughts started to form in my head I pushed off of the door frame and walked to the bed. My feet silent on the carpet, I take one more sip from my tea then set it on the night stand next to the bed and look down at his face and smile. How could I have gotten so lucky. I glanced a little further down and covered my mouth to hold a giggle as I see a black fur stretched out along his torso. Whenever I left the bed my mate’s hands wandered looking for me and our dog was always the victim of his clutches. Firmly in his grasps the pup was snoring with his muzzle tucked into my mate’s neck.

I’ve taken many pictures of them in this position but it never gets old. I reach down gently and rub the dogs ears and it twitches gently. Smiling again I glance at the clock and sigh softly. As if on cue, I hear the birds wake and begin to sing their songs. I look up to our windows and see the slight glow of the sun coming up. Glancing down again, I take one more moment to look at my mates face and appreciate the gold glow on his face, making him look even more regal. I hate waking him up because he looks to peaceful and the moment he fully wakes up, that peace seems to go away.

After another second, I lean down and place a soft kiss on his cheek. He stirs slightly and I smile and drag my lips towards his ears, while resting my hand on his arm and whisper.

“Rise and shine”

He huffs softly and I lean back watching his face. Slowly he opens his piercing amber eyes and blinks a few times to get the sleep out of them and he yawns, his fangs showing sharp. I place another kiss on his cheek and he turns his head and stares at me.

“Good morning mate”

I smile and say good morning back. I sit on the edge of the bed and he turns around wrapping his arms around my waste. I giggle a little as the dog huffs as he falls into my mates back. He lifts his head, one ear flipped backwards, and looks between me and my mate and huffs again. He stands up stretching and curls up against my pillow with his back to us. I shake my head again and look down and see amber eyes staring at me.

“What do I have something on my face?”

 He lets a small smile form on his perfect lips and shakes his head slightly.

“No. Just thinking about how lucky I am.”

I smile brightly and lean down to place a soft kiss on his lips. He tightens his hold on me and pulls me to lay partially on top of him. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his strong heart beat and close my eyes for a moment enjoying the sound. He shifts again pulling my fully on top of him, tangling my legs with his.

I grin slightly feeling something press against my stomach and glance at him “It seems your happy to see me”

He grins and pulls me for another kiss then whispers against my lips “I am always happy to see you mate”

I giggle softly and rest on his chest again. We don’t have much time to relax so we take all the time we can get. Using every second we can to spend with each other because every second is precious. I just breathe in his scent and close my eyes thinking about how lucky I am. His hands are running up and down my back relaxing my completely and just think, how deadly those hands can be, but to me nothing but peace and pleasure has been delivered.

He starts counting down in a whisper, and I smile and open my eyes looking towards the door way. On cue, shuffling feet could be heard in the hallway and two silhouettes appear at the door. I slide to the side of my mate and reach my hand to the two beings standing and instantly both scurry into the room and up on the bed onto their papas chest.

“Good morning mama, papa!” A gap toothed smile greats us and we say it back.

“How did you too sleep?” Ichiero, the morning bird smiles and says great. I look at his twin sister who is still rubbing sleep out of her eyes doesn’t answer.

“Mayako, are you still tired? You could have slept a little longer, you didn’t have to get up with your brother.”

She shakes her head and scoots her body between me and her fathers and rests her head on her father’s stomach.

“I missed you both.”

I run my fingers through her hair and smile softly. I look back to my mate and see happiness with in his eyes as he talks softly to Ichiero.

The sun is fully awake now and the birds are off finding their early breakfast worm. I look out the window and see the blue skies and just smile. I love my life and these moments. No matter what, I will treasure these precious moments because the way life is set up, these moments become rare.


I turn to the voice and stare into the amber eyes of my mates and see concern. I shake my head and lean in for a small kiss.

“It’s nothing Sesshoumaru, just taking in these moments. Who knows how many of these we will get.”

He nods understanding and slowly rises, picking up both the children and puts his legs on the floor standing, in only sleeping pants, he turns to me “Come let us get ready for breakfast.”

I nod and follow suit.

The rest of the morning is filled with laughs and kisses and a sense of tranquility. We both get ready for work and get the children ready for school. Standing at the door way to the front door, I look up to Sesshoumaru and he leans down and kisses me goodbye, and we all walk out leaving a quiet home behind.

Taking a deep breath I look up into the sky feeling the sun on my skin and I smile. I can’t wait until tonight so we are all together again. Those moments I look towards. The stillness in the busy lives of ours.

“I love you Sesshoumaru.” I call out softly. He looks back at me from his car and gives me a small smile.

“Love you koi”


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