Chances by Kristine

Summer 2015

I decided to write this fanfiction because I have yet to run across a story like it. There may be some out there that have similarities but mine won’t be the same. I laid awake one night, wanting to write a passionate story. I thought of movies I enjoyed in my childhood and went to google, after nearly an hour of searching, I found one of my favorites.  Obviously it won’t be the same as the movie, because where’s the creativity in that? Enjoy the ride and thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. However, all of my story’s plot does belong to me. I appreciate constructive criticisms along with reviews. 

Know the lingo= 

Ohayoo Gozaimasu: Good morning!

Ja Mata: Thanks


Year: 2015

Season: Summer

“Ohayoo Gozaimasu,” Kagome mumbled, rubbing her eyes. “Same old?” The male barista questioned. Kagome nodded, checking her wrist watch. She was dressed in a short sleeve polo and khaki capris. It was nearly 6:30 am. The coffee shop Kagome had recently favorited was starting to get busy and she could not afford to be late this bright summer morning. She had to be to the new dig site in a little less than an hour. With traffic obeying her wishes, she would be about 10 minutes early.

Which she was perfectly fine with, as she was the lead archaeologist for this large project. It was her job to be early and prepared. After finally getting the approval of the closest shrine, they were going to begin digging today.

The cute male barista handed her the order, “That’ll be 736 yen.” Kagome nodded, smiling back and handing her visa card to him.

She signed the receipt, adding a nice size tip. “Ja Mata!” She waved, closing the coffee shop door behind her.

Carefully securing her precious coffee in the cup holder of her Toyota, she starts her long and humid work day.


Kagome had a feeling she had been to this particular dig site before, just 510 some years ago. The land was flat and nearly barren, with the exception of some wild flowers blooming around the foot of the hill. There was only one tree, which Kagome noted to be odd. The large tree was stationed at the top of the hill. Shutting her car door behind her, she takes in a deep breath of the morning.

Stretching, she sighs. ‘I sense all kind of stuff here. Hopefully with my miko powers and archelogy skills, my team will come up with something decent today.’

Cars begin to pull into the dirt parking lot and her team begins to circle around her waiting for her orders for the day.

“Ohayoo Gozaimasu, Higurashi-san!” Her fellow coworker, Katsuo greets with a smile and a wave. Kagome awkwardly smiled back to her male coworker. She had recently suspected he was homosexual, until he had asked her on a date. Now, she cringes every time he speaks to her. The Miko mentally scolds herself, shaking her head of those thoughts.

With new determination, Kagome smirks. “Alright everyone! I know it’s early, I know it’s gonna be a hot day, but, we are going to start digging today! I want you all to split into two teams, one on the top of the hill and one on the bottom.” People nodded and began to unpack their tools.  “I will come around and give specific orders about where to dig and how far. Please be sure to heed my words, there are plenty of very old and fragile artifacts here. We dig slowly and carefully today. Take your time.”

Her teams start to disperse, the sun begins to rise in the sky.


She had particularly kept an eye on the top of the hill, sensing that whatever they were about to find was of significant importance.

 ‘It’s almost noon,’ Kagome thought, using her hand to block the view of the sun. She had just reapplied her sun screen, making her skin slightly sticky.

Kagome had decided to sit on the top hill, taking a quick lunch break with those sitting on the top of the hill.

Everyone she works with is friendly.

Her team had dug quite far today, even with the summer heat. She helped as well. The things she had sensed earlier were becoming stronger, meaning the removing of dirt meant they were getting close.

 ‘I can’t even recognize this place anymore. I have no memories of it, but I’m sure I’ve been here before… Maybe if there was still grass and trees here it would be much easier to remember.’

Kagome’s eyes widen as something inside of her pulsed to life.

“Do not touch that!” Kagome screamed, warning the team below her. “Wait for me!” The group immediately stopped.

Every bit of her miko powers were pricking at her, warning her of danger.

She carefully made her way down the hill, then kneeling where they were gathered. Taking a brush in hand, she cautiously wiped away the dirt. Her finger grazed something hard, and suddenly all the dirt blew away.

‘That’s strange… I purified the Demonic Aura.’ Kagome mused, somewhat surprised by her untrained powers.

‘I forgot how powerful I was when I left the feudal era.’

Eyes were watching her, noticing how carefully she handled the object.

“What is it, Higurashi-san?” Katsuo asks, leaning a bit too closely to her.

Kagome nearly leers at him, ‘Personal space, buddy!’ Refocusing on the task at hand, she is virtually blinded by the sunlight’s reflection.

“Oh,” Kagome gasps, “It’s a mirror.” Her fingers gracefully outline the edges of it, taking in its appearance.