The Lost Moon by Maria-Salvatore29


Disclaimer for the Entire Story:

All rights reserved to Rumiko Takahashi and to the respective owners of "The Moon Embracing the Sun."

However, ALL storylines, albeit: (a) an adaptation of Rumiko Takahashi works; and (b) the original works of the owners of "The Moon Embracing the Sun" is the intellectual property of Maria-Salvatore29.

Author's Notes: Thank you for all of your wonderful reviews! However, I wanted to say a few things:

a.) If you are confused with the story, that's alright, because you should be. However, keep in mind that everything would be explained later. *wink* So for now, enjoy "not knowing".

b.) There are/will be a lot of Original Characters in the story. I would make a list at the end of each chapter to avoid confusion.

c.) DON'T BE CONFUSED WITH THE NAME. Kagome is Tsuki. When the story brings you Further into the Past, Kagome would be addressed as Tsuki there, okie?


Feudal Era…

Kagome huddled close to herself all night long, occasionally caressing the slightly rough cot where she sat and feeling the coldness of the wooden floor. The small tree house did not seem habitable for a human but she did not have a heart to voice out her frailties when Sesshomaru’s frailties were out in the open.

All the mysteries around Tsuki kept her up and messed with her heart. She could only imagine how it messed with Sesshomaru’s heart. Heart that I am only now discovering.

“I would hunt,” he spoke from his stiff perch. “Stay.” Then with a flash of silver, he disappeared from view, leaving her pouting in irritation.

“Stay? Stay!” She protested out loud. “How dare he treat me like a dog?” She kicked out her legs and groaned when the blood circulated in her limbs again. “Sesshomaru’s bad mood is so contagious. I feel like I gained several wrinkles ever since I was with him.”

Trying to regain her usual cheerfulness, Kagome climbed to her feet and came with a decision. “Alright, Kagome. Let’s show Sesshomaru that he cannot be mean to you.” With a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, she descended from the tree house and explored the surrounding forest for almost half an hour, wondering at the rich abundance of flowers and the thickness of the trees, indicating its old age.

Amazingly, she heard a stream up ahead and was surprised by a moderately high water falls. “Oh Kami! I always loved a good swim.” Without another thought, she tightened her skirts around her body in order to gain a freedom of movement, which she needed for the dive.

Squealing in delight, she executed a perfect dive and landed deep into the refreshing waters below, but before she could come up for air, she got submerged into a memory. Tsuki’s memory.

And in the memory, Kagome could see Sesshomaru’s face, he wasn’t smiling and he had his characteristic indifference, but there was something light about his expression—there was happiness in him.

“Sesshomaru-sama!” Tsuki called out. “Hideo-san is back,” she pointed in the other demon’s direction. “I think Akina-chan caught more rabbits than he did.”

Sesshomaru turned with a ghost of a smirk at Hideo and remarked, “Hnn. Outdone by a human girl, Hideo?”

Even Hideo’s blank face held a bit of brightness, as he tossed his hunt beside the crackling fire, before glancing at Akina’s smug face. “She was indeed ruthless, my lady.”

Akina grinned at her mistress, as Tsuki gave a thumbs up. “I would certainly outdo Sesshomaru in fishing,” she declared, giggling at the young demon lord’s slanted glare. “I know you hate fishing, so if you can catch more than me, I would give you a reward.”

Akina grinned at Tsuki’s impudence and even Hideo’s lips twitched with a smirk. Sesshomaru tilted his head and graciously accepted the challenge, “I am looking forward to my reward, then.”

But as he stepped into the stream, Tsuki splashed him with water. “Arrogant youkai!”

Eyes gleaming with amusement, he immediately went on to catch a fish, when Tsuki struggled. “Unfair! You have claws, I have blunt nails. The fishes can easily slip my hands!”

Sesshomaru smirked at her frustration and said, “I have won.”

At that moment, though, Tsuki finally caught a fish with her bare hands, squealing in childish delight, and in her haste to get to Sesshomaru, she slipped into the deep waters. The current pushing her farther than her little body could fight against and before she got submerged into the wave, she heard his voice. “Don’t be afraid, Tsuki. I am here.”

Then Kagome came back to her senses, sputtering and heaving as she expel lots of waters from her lungs. “Kagome,” a deep voice called to her foggy brain. She flailed her arms and legs, still lost in the memory, still lost from her last dive. She felt like she was drowning in so many ways.

A calm voice. A familiar voice. “Don’t be afraid, Kagome. I am here.”

Slowly, she blinked away from water from her eyes and she focused on his achingly familiar face. Familiar presence. “Sesshomaru-sama,” she whispered raggedly before lunging into his arms and crying pitifully.

I think I’m losing my mind, Sesshomaru. Tsuki’s memories are starting to feel like mine.


Prompt: The Soundtrack Challenge - Memories of Days Gone By

Word Count: 720

Date Posted: 09/11/16