Logophile by ThatDarnCatt


Just a random idea I had one day. Completely based off the postings of a twitter page I follow. Just a way to do random drabbles to get the juices flowin.

Chapter one: Mizpah

Mizpah: (n.) the deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death

                Kagome sighed as she stared out the window. The snow fell is hurried clumps that gathered on the sill of her two story home before the harsh wind blew them into flight once again. Days such as these seemed to have become quite routine; she woke; she watched; and she waited. Her heart screamed in her chest as her solitary wait by the front window continued.

                He promised and she believed him. Blind trust seemed to be what made their relationship work. Many times he asked her to believe in him and trust him with no explanation as to why- and she did.

                This time was no different, the action of him leaving seeming as natural as it was heart wrenching. They would be living as a couple always does, fighting over who gets the last piece of chicken with their play fights turning into lovemaking. Then his phone would ring, the sound permeating through their home and dissolving the warm happy air that it always seemed to take on when he was home, and with a soft spoken apology and askance for understanding that shone in golden eyes, he was gone.

                This time it felt different. Something was wrong. His characteristic wandering and disappearing acts usually only had him gone a few days. A month had gone by and there was no sign of his Youkai markings or moon spun hair.

                Kagome worried, her sapphire eyes filling with tears that threatened to spill over. She knew from the moment she met him that there was a part of his life she would never know. He told her as such when they met.

                “My job requires utmost confidentiality and the ability to up and leave.”

                She, being so enamored with him, had agreed blindly and promised never to ask. Their courting had been quick and full of sweet gestures and romance, and their mating had lasted at least a week. Kagome loved him with everything she had, even though her heart broke into a million pieces every time he had to walk out the door with no explanation. Her mind screamed in fear that she would never see him again and rejoiced when he finally breezed through the door as if he had never left, pulling her close and holding her as if his very life depended on it.

                But this was different; this felt wrong. She knew something was wrong. Despite his distance, it was like she could always feel his love.

                Now all she felt was cold.

                She turned from the window to warm the coffee that had gone untouched when a hesitant knock on the door broke the silence that had enveloped her home. In her shock, she dropped her mug, shattering the white ceramic with the puppy prints all over it.

She turned and answered the door, her eyes brimming with tears unbidden once again as she took in the site of the uniformed official on her doorstep. The dark haired man, his violet eyes showing only grief and sympathy, took off his cap- the shield that sat on the brim glinting in the gloom.

It was then she knew.

He was never coming home.

Hope you enjoyed.
