27. Anniversary Drabble II
Prompt: Kagome's pregnancy
Universe: Post-Canon
Genre: Humour, Drama, Romance.
950 Words
He had known before she did. One moment she had been contently tucked against him under their light blanket, the next she had found herself staring at the ceiling after Sesshoumaru had abruptly flipped her over. His hands were on her waist, pinning her down to the futon and she squirmed and giggled from the ticklish sensation as he buried his nose to her stomach, taking deep, loud sniffs.
Then, he slowly looked up, his golden eyes wide.
A deer caught in the headlights, she thought, laughing at that awed, puzzled expression. The laughter quickly died as his lips crashed against hers.
* * *
Bile rose in her throat the moment the combined smell of fish and vinegar hit her nose. Her hand tightly clamped over her mouth as her stomach stirred uneasily. She scampered up from the tatami, her feet almost tangling in the layers of silk in her haste. She ran across the room, out to the veranda where she proceeded to be audibly sick. Sesshoumaru was by her side in an instant, first hovering hesitantly but soon he was running his claws through her hair and rubbing circles on her back in a feeble attempt to soothe her as she emptied her stomach.
* * *
“One more bite,” Sesshoumaru tried to coax, but Kagome only shook her head.
“I’m full,” she insisted, her words punctuated by a yawn. It was only early afternoon, but lately it seemed she always got tired at this hour. Try as she might, she simply could not keep her eyes open, though the losing struggle of lids slipping shut and periodical nodding off was fairly amusing to witness.
“Very well,” he relented. Gently, he gathered her into his arms and laid her down, his lap serving as a pillow.
“Rest,” he ordered, and with a soft sigh, Kagome finally succumbed to the weariness.
* * *
At first she was not sure what had woken her up, but then she felt it again, so small and faint she wondered if she had imagined it. Her hands came to cradle her stomach, and she slowly stroked the visibly rounded belly. As if in response, there was that shy, gentle flutter again. Kagome smiled, and briefly fought against the urge to nudge Sesshoumaru awake from his light slumber. They were half-way through, and there would be plenty of moments to share with Sesshoumaru.
But the privacy of this one was what made it so magical; a moment that was fully her own.
* * *
Kagome cradled a cup of tea in her hands and shifted a little in discomfort.
“Do you need another cushion?”
“I’m fine, Sesshoumaru,” she assured him.
“Are you sure?” he frowned.
“Yes,” Kagome told him firmly. “If you want to help, go tell a servant to draw me a bath.”
These days the backache was starting to be a near constant companion. It wasn’t anything bad, really, more a slight tension and tightness of muscle than actual pain, but uncomfortable nonetheless. The baths helped, though, and she tried to keep her complaints to a minimum. Sesshoumaru was enough of a worrywart as it was.
* * *
She bustled about the room with purpose, humming to herself as she dusted off the nooks and crannies, wiping and polishing the wooden frames of the shouji screens. Sesshoumaru stared at the fuss and her energetic flitting about with a disconcerted frown.
“Leave the cleaning to the servants.”
She did not pause from her spirited battle against dust. “I don’t want to!”
“You should take it easy,” he insisted, unable to keep the worry from his voice.
Kagome ceased her busy-bodying enough to level her mate an irritated look.
“I’m fine.”
Sesshoumaru did not agree, but knew that arguing with Kagome would be futile.
* * *
The shy soft movements had given way to vicious kicks, and Kagome often groaned. Their offspring was a lively one, and seemed to have little regard to its poor mother and the insides gracefully housing it.
“It takes after you,” she grumbled to her mate after a particularly sharp kick to her abused bladder. “A ruthless fighter.”
He laid his large hand to her swollen stomach, and amusement flashed in his golden eyes. “Just pray it does not have your temper.”
Kagome gaped at him in sudden horror as the realisation hit.
“Oh god, we might be getting another Inuyasha,” she wailed, unsure whether to laugh or cry.
* * *
“Argh, I’m done with this!” Kagome snapped. She tore off the heavy, draping uchikake, letting it fall to the floor in a heap. She really didn’t need any additional layers of kimono, she was already carrying enough extra weight on her own accord. She sank to the cushions with a sigh and propped her feet up on a stool to ease the swelling of her ankles. From across the room, she caught Sesshoumaru’s gaze and flashed him her best imitation of puppy eyes. He abandoned his papers and took a seat next to her, obeying her wordless plea. With firm, familiar strokes, he begun to massage the aching muscles on her back.
* * *
Kagome groaned as she planted her hands on the tatami and inelegantly shifted from seiza to all fours. Sesshoumaru’s hands wrapped securely around her arms and he helped her up to a standing position. She leaned against him gratefully, taking comfort in his silent support. Her girth was making her feel even clumsier than usual.
Then, with a sigh, Kagome let go of him.
“I’ll be right back,” she promised. “Though I’m seriously considering moving into the toilet permanently. That might be more convenient at this point.”
His lips twitched at the jest, and she gave him a wry smile in return, before waddling outside, closely followed by a maid servant.