Mist by The fairy Shelley

Maiden of Mist

When I heard the distant roaring of the great falls, my hands began to tremble, and the peace I had felt when I first set foot in my canoe fled. It was, I think, the realization that there would be physical pain before death that made me shiver and shake. I prayed to the Thunderer that my death would be swift and that my courage would remain with me until the end. Then I threw my useless paddle away as the canoe entered the rapids and I watched the falls growing nearer, the sky reaching down to touch the very edge of the water as it plunged into the abyss. I gripped the sides of the canoe as the current heaved the small craft to and fro, moving me swiftly to my end... Excerpt from Spookie New York by S.E. Schlosser.

Bright blue eyes stared at the approaching falls. Her one love of this earth was gone;
Hojo had left her alone. He died in the hunt, honorable to all. That didn’t stop the sting in her young hart, didn’t prevent the tears. There was nothing for her: no child, no love ,no hope. Shaking hands made there way to the sides of the canoe, in a steadfast attempt to strengthen her resolve. If the Thunder God only ever answered one prayer, let it be to die fast.

 Soon enough she was over the edge and heading down, knowing that soon she would be in the spirit world. If only she knew just how right she was. Before the young maiden knew what was happening she fell… right in to the arm of a golden-eyed man. Soon she was dashed away to the god’s home under the waterfall.

 Blinking eyes adjusted to the bright surroundings as a mist filled the room. “I see you are awake,” boomed a voice. Looking around the maiden laid eyes on the man who spoke, if one could call him a man.

The being had long silver hair tide up in a high ponytail and gold eyes. “I am Inu no Taisho, the god of thunder. What is your name child?” In a small voice the human maiden replied “Kagome”

 “Well Kagome, I can not very well let you leave my home until your hart is mended. You may go anywhere on the grounds you please but I will advise you my son Sesshomaru does not take kindly to strangers.”

 So, Kagome stayed on Inu no Taisho’s lands and helped every way she could. Soon Kagome gained respect from both gods, and after her heart healed the once cold Sesshomaru and her were married. Not long after their marriage Kagome gave birth to a beautiful son. The boy’s hair was as black as a crow, like his mother’s, and his eyes were pure gold, like his father’s. The boy fallowed his grand father every wear and the family was happy.

 As time pasted however, Kagome started to miss her people and wished dearly to see then. Rumors of a spider poisoning the water upstream reached Kagome’s ears and she knew she had to help. Kagome approached Inu no Taisho and begged the god to let her warn her people, “Please, if I don’t they will all die.” Inu no Taisho feeling for his young daughter in law granted her one hour “Make note you can not stay long and if you fail I can not interfere.”

 In a desperate attempt to save her people Kagome tried to convince the town elder, Kaede, to move everyone to higher ground. “The water is not save for your people to drink,” came Kogome’s soft voice. “If you stay everyone will surely die.”

“And how did ye come by this information young one.” The elders voice was scratchy and worn, “I need not be needing no lie from you.”

“The fish swam by and warned me and the birds in the trees saw the spider, they told me too. I am Kagome, wife of Sesshomaru and daughter to the thunder god. If you cannot believe me, there is no one you can believe. I am the one who sits at the table of the gods for the humans.”

Moved by the girl’s speech and sensing no lies form her, the elder agreed. Upon the elder’s agreement, Kagome returns to her new home under the falls not knowing that the spider had planed on returning.

 After a weeks time the spider returned to collect the dead bodies. The town was deserted to the spider’s grave disappointment. So over come by his rage, the spider started shaking the earth. This awoke the thunder god and his family. Again afraid for her people, Kagome begged Inu no Taisho to interfere.  The Thunder god again took pity on his lovely daughter and her people. “I shall not let this spider chase your people.” He through a great thunderbolt at the spider and killed in but in doing so he split the land.

 This caused an unwanted effect in the waters flow as pieces of land crumbled away to make a great semicircle. Huge amounts of water started to fall right above the god’s home.  This devastating turn of events forced Inu no Taisho to rush under the falls and hold of the water as long as he could. Calling out to his son, “Hurry!” The thunder god had Sesshomaru collect his son and wife just before it was too late.

 Inu no Taisho took his family up to the skies, were he built a new castle out of thunder. The Thunder god no longer thunders in the falls of water but in the clouds, were he and his family can watch over all the people. Kagome still sits at the table of the gods and speaks for the human. One can feel safe know that there are those in the spirit world looking out for the well being of all. 


A/N: Hello I do relize that this fanfiction is much more about a father and a daughter, but it was a really lovey story I just wanted to get out of my head. Thank you, as always.

The fairy Shelley