Angel with a Shotgun by *~*Missy*~*

Yew and Concentration

Kagome sighed as she prepared for her visits.  She was wearing at three piece suit to make her stand out and look professional.  But she was finding it hard to concentrate when she had such a bad feeling deep down inside of her.  She didn't know what it was but there was just something incredibly wrong.  She sighed and shook her head once more.  She walked into a college that wasn't far away from her parents, but they offered affordable living on campus that Kagome was quite happy with.  She enjoyed the college overall.  She was going in to talk to the dean now.  Why she was talking to him and not a representative she wasn't certain.  However, she took a deep breath to prepare herself she could do this.

She walked in and the first thing she thought was exactly how imposing the dean looked.  He was tall, much taller than her small stance.  Her had pure liquid mercury hair that was breath taking to look at.  It was tied in a ponytail and drapped over his shoulder.  His eyes were stricking, the most amazing shade of molten gold.  She was taken aback for a moment and had to catch herself, moving to sit in the chair before him.

"Welcome, Miss Hirugashi."  His voice rumbled deeply in his chest and she couldn't stop the slight flush that spread across her cheeks.

He was struck by a certainly quality when he saw the women.  She was gorgeous to be sure, yet he could tell she was very intelligent.  But that was this sorrowful quality that ensnared her like a blanket.  It made him curious about her nature and what would have caused this.  However he was already enraptured and curious about this women, that was why he made sure that she was sent directly to him for her interview.

"Hello."  Her voice was rough and she swallowed hard.  "Please, call me Kagome."  Some of her voice had returned as her wide ocean-like eyes looked at him.

"My name is Sesshomaru Tashio, I am the dean of the institution.  I see that you are interested in attending and from what I have seen from  your records we certainly would be lucky to have you.  If you are able I'd like to personally give you a tour of our facillaties."

"Oh dear, Mr. Tashio, please do not inconvenience yourself like that."

"It is nothing."  He was brief, he clearly expressed what he had to say in few words, but Kagome could respect a person like that.

"Very well then, I would be honored, Mr. Tashio."

Words: 433

Challenge: Sunset Miko's Concentrate, Language of Flowers Yew-Sorrow

A/N: Well here's the latest chapter.  I hope that you guys enjoy it!  I wanted to say thanks to those who reviewed this story.  I'm not sure how frequent updates will be as I am in the process of updating all my FFN stories at the same time but I love that some of  you have chosen to go along this ride with me.  Please Read and Review and let me know what you think. 

Ja Ne,
