Higher Education by SunsetMiko

Chapter 36

Each prompt in this chapter has been labeled with the challenge it goes to.


Prompt: Crossing Fate (Soundtrack Challenge 2)

Kagome checked the clock again and sighed. She'd expected Sesshoumaru back after only an hour but it had been three. She'd spent the time studying and finishing up her assignments so that she was free to relax all weekend, but now she was growing worried. Still, she didn't want to come off like a nagging wife and so she didn't text him. Instead, she selected her outfit for the evening while texting with a few of her sorority sisters about the party.

It was looking to be an excellent night. Miroku's frat always went all out with a fun, interactive theme and good liquor. They had the best drinking games and they never let you down music-wise. They had at least two brothers assigned to be the DJs for the evening and they worked hard on their playlist. Kagome was eager to do body shots with Sesshoumaru at the party. They were always fun, as well as sexy, and now that he'd conquered the difficult task of picking up a shot glass with no hands, she knew the taiyoukai could enjoy himself without being self conscious.

She was eager to dance with him again. It felt so right, with her body pressed to his, moving to the beat of the music thumping through the house. She loved the way he gained confidence as time passed, how his hands would finally run over her body and his lips would find her throat and shoulder. She loved showing him off, knowing that other girls wanted him but they could never have him. He was hers, all because she could see the potential hiding under his shyness and his dress suits, because she wasn't a shallow bitch.

She hoped Sesshoumaru would be back soon. She wanted to make sure they ate dinner before the party so they wouldn't get drunk too quickly on empty stomachs. Sure, she could have a cup of ramen in her room or go without him, but neither of those felt right. She'd shared most of her meals with the taiyoukai this last week and she enjoyed being with him. She was surprised that they could spend so much time together and not get on each other's nerves. Most couples she'd known had that problem, not being able to stand being near each other for long periods of time.

She wondered if that meant that they were truly right for each other. She never got bored with him and he didn't get tired of her either. They could sit together in silence, each working on their studies, without irritating one another. They could share all their meals and every moment of their free time, with no issues whatsoever. She already knew that she'd made an excellent choice when she decided to be with Sesshoumaru. He'd proven that to her at every turn. He was the sweetest man she'd ever met, and so sexy. He was gaining the confidence he lacked and she loved sharing that with him, helping him develop a healthy dose of self esteem. He made her feel so confident as well. She was perfect in his eyes, which constantly made her feel better about herself. He was everything she'd ever wanted or needed, all in one very arousing package.

Kagome jumped at the sound of a knock on her door and she blushed, as if the person on the other side knew her thoughts. The miko hopped to her feet and opened the door, smiling at whom it revealed. "I was worried about you," she said softly. "You were gone a long time."

"I know. I am sorry. It took longer than I had expected and I was too busy to text." He checked the clock, realizing just how late he truly was. He had succeeded in collecting every bit of paperwork he needed and even succeeded in having his father sign the lease and send it back, along with the money, before he left work for the night. So long as nothing went wrong, he would be receiving a call tomorrow confirming his approval. Then he would be able to pick the keys up Sunday morning.

He'd already begun to plan how he would show her his surprise. He would take her there as soon as the keys were in his hand, telling her that he had something special to show her. The outside of the building was not clearly marked as apartments, so she wouldn't know where he was taking her. He'd have her close her eyes in the elevator and guide her to the door before telling her to open them. The first thing you saw from the doorway was the living room with its black and white furniture with brightly colored throw pillows and a bold and colorful painting hanging on the wall. It looked elegant in his opinion and he hoped she would like it as well. The place made an excellent first impression.

If things went well, he would ask her to assist him in purchasing bedding, as well as new towels for the bathroom. His were still in fair condition, but he still wanted new ones that would fit better with the apartment. It wouldn't take much effort to pack his belongings and move them from the dorm to his new place. All he really had was clothing and books, and most of his textbooks were already at Kagome's place.

He ached to ask her to move in with him right away, to tell her to pack up her things and join him, but he knew that was moving too quickly. No, he wouldn't ask her to move in, but he would invite her to stay the night with him whenever she desired, which he hoped would quickly turn into every night. Once she spent all of her time there with him, then it would make sense for her to move in completely and, hopefully, it wouldn't seem like such a big step.

"It's all right," Kagome said with a smile. "You ready for dinner?"

"Do we have time before the party?" he asked, knowing how badly she wanted to attend the frat house gathering.

"Plenty," she assured him. "It'll be at least an hour or two before things really get started and you never want to get to a party too early. Do you even have a red shirt?" she asked.

"I do," he replied. "You picked it out last weekend."

Kagome looked confused for a moment before remembering what he was referring to. "Good. I can't have all the girls thinking you're available."

"They would quickly learn that their assumption is wrong," Sesshoumaru told her. "Because I have no interest in any other female, no matter how much they desire me."

The miko smiled up at him. "You already have me," she teased. "You don't have to be so perfect all the time."

"But it is the truth. They could approach completely naked and offering themselves to me and I would not be the slightest bit tempted."

"You are the sweetest man alive. So, is the shirt clean?"

"Yes, it is in my room. We can pick it up after dinner. And you will be wearing red as well?" he asked, insecurities peeking through.

"Of course I will. I don't need guys hitting on me, not when I've got the only one I want."

Prompt: Drop by drop- a whole lake becomes. (Stella's Proverbial Challenge)

The couple held hands as they approached the house three lots down from Inuyasha's fraternity, each dressed in red. Kagome looked absolutely stunning in a crimson dress that clung to her body, showing off her curves. Sesshoumaru had begun to get used to seeing her in somewhat revealing clothes without wanting to remove the eyes of every male that dared to look at her with a melon baller. He trusted her, knew that she had no intentions of leaving him for another man, and so he didn't worry about it. Yes, their gawking still made him uncomfortable from time to time, but he knew better than to try to tell his girlfriend how to dress.

The taiyoukai wore jeans and a red t-shirt that showed off his muscled chest and abdomen. He knew Kagome approved of the fit by the way her eyes drifted over his body, eyelids at half-mast. Her reaction made him feel attractive, something that had never happened before the miko, and he walked with a bit more confidence in his step. Not only was he attractive to the female population, but he now knew that he had a big dick. Kagome had been right about that. It did give him an injection of arrogance. Even though no one knew but he and his girlfriend, it was there in his pants to remind him he was bigger than most men. He had something the women wanted and they couldn't have it.

Kagome was pleased with the bit of swagger in Sesshoumaru's step. Finally, he was getting it. He was accepting that he was attractive, that girls were interested in him. Finally, he believed it. The confidence looked good on him, the bit of arrogance in his eyes making her smile. He deserved it. He was absolutely gorgeous with a body women would kill for. It was about time he figured that out. She wasn't worried that the arrogance would grow out of control, that he would get a big head and become a jerk. That would never happen to her taiyoukai. He would always be a little bit shy. He would always need her beside him to remind him of the truth. He knew what jerks were like, had one for a brother and another for a father, and he would never want to be one himself.

Sesshoumaru winced at the volume of the music, preparing himself for the discomfort of being inside with that noise level. So long as he had something else to focus on, he could block out the sound, and Kagome was the perfect distraction. They reached the front door, which stood open wide, and Kagome entered first, holding firmly to the taiyoukai's hand to not lose him in the crowd. He followed along behind her, his eyes locked on her ass, as people bumped into him from every direction.

It was still early in the night, but there was already a crowd of people dancing as lights blinked in the front room. Looking up from Kagome's rear end, the taiyoukai narrowed his eyes, taking in the flashing red, yellow, and green lights, the only source of illumination for the dancers. He studied the people surrounding them, noticing that most of them wore green. Some who, he presumed, did not have green to wear were covered in green stickers. He spotted a few wearing yellow but almost none in red and he suddenly felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb.

They both looked up at the sound of someone calling the miko's name, searching the crowd for whoever had yelled for her. Kagome grinned as she spotted her friend pushing his way through the throng of people. When he reached her, he held his arms open wide and the miko slipped away from Sesshoumaru and threw herself into the hug. Jealousy bubbled up in the taiyoukai, but he stomped it back down. He knew that Kagome and Miroku were only friends and study partners and that he had nothing to worry about.

Inuyasha smirked from a short distance away, hiding in plain sight in the crowd. It seemed as if Kagome had more than one guy buzzing around her. He spotted the discomfort on his brother's face, though it was hidden away quickly. He could use this, Sesshoumaru's insecurities. He could put doubt in the taiyoukai's mind, thoughts that perhaps he wasn't enough for the miko, that she was sneaking around with someone else. He doubted Sesshoumaru would believe it at first, but as time passed, his jealousy and insecurities would grow, slowly decimating his trust in her.

"You don't have drinks!" the monk exclaimed.

"We just got here," Kagome told him.

"That's no excuse," he said with a smirk, grabbing a tray of jello shots from one of the freshman frat brothers, who were being used as servers for the party. "You know you love them!"

A bright smile showed on the miko's face as she picked up two tiny plastic cups. She handed one to Sesshoumaru and put the other to her lips, sucking the contents into her mouth. She quickly claimed another, this time using her tongue to liberate the jello from its container.

"Did you use the whipped cream vodka like I told you to?"

"I did. I think they came out well."

Kagome turned her focus to her boyfriend, who was still holding his first jello shot, looking at it appraisingly. "Give it a try, Sesshoumaru! They're awesome!" She watched as the taiyoukai mimicked her actions, sucking the jello into his mouth.

"Not terrible," he said, accepting another and downing it quickly.

Inuyasha watched as Kagome and Sesshoumaru downed shot after shot, his smirk widening. The more intoxicated they were, the easier his task would be.