Get Bent by cakeiton

Chapter 66

I don’t own anything Inuyasha.

A/N: This chapter of snippets is for SessKag Week 2020 Day 4: Comedy. And susie

Little whiskers swayed through the grass as a rabbit hopped lazily through a small field, unaware it was being watched.

The puffy, round cheeks greedily swelled as little teeth munched on its treat, not knowing how close it was to being a snack for a hungry, faux youkai.

It cute, small button nose twitched, mocking Kagome from where she stood.

Rabbit sounded perfect, it made her mouth water… but it was too adorable to murder.

In a huff, Kagome turned and muttered, “Stupid fluffy feet… stupid cute nose…” effectively scaring the rabbit away as she stormed off into the trees.

Well… hunting bear seemed like a good idea…


Debris riddling the furry apendage that whipped behind her, Kagome crashed through high bushes and made another giant leap away from the chasing bear.

In her panic, she had forgotten that she was trapped within Sesshoumaru; someone who could kill their prey by staring at it. Or, you know, show even the tiniest amount of youkai and scare it off.

Glancing behind her, Kagome tripped and landed hard on the unforgiving ground.

The crazed bear was on her in an instant. Mind fogged with fear she instinctually swiped the claws and waited for what seemed like an eternity.

‘What was that about never being helpless again?’ she thought bitterly.

Then, a heavy weight crushed on top of her armor.

The animal was dead, pinning her to the ground, and bleeding out.

Sesshoumaru’s deep baritone thrummed through her, drawing out his voice in disgust.


Her stomach was a little uneasy, but she somehow got through cleaning the bear and eating the raw meat. In her head, Kagome was making gross faces, but the youkai body was completely satisfied with the meal.

As she finished, she wiped her mouth and looked down at the clothes completely covered with blood.

Sure, she had panicked earlier, but seeing the aftermath made Kagome realize how dangerous that actually was. Then she remembered that even though she had admonished herself for feeling helpless, she had never called for help. She had done it alone.

Even if it was with someone’s else body, she took the win as her own.

‘Sesshoumaru’ headed for camp walking a little taller with a stomach sated, heart filled with pride, and silver hair heavy with gross bear blood.

Rin giggled as Shippou continued searching through the yellow pack for a very unhealthy snack. The priestess had become lax in regulating his sugar intake lately and it now, it seemed, all the candy was gone.

Then, he stumbled across little white packets of thick, golden syrup that was normally used for tea.

Shippou thought it was strange that Kagome took so long to open the packets- she had just stared at them for a minute before doing so- but was then rewarded with the sweet taste of honey as him and Rin sucked them dry.

Sesshoumaru became curious to their enthusiasm and shortly joined them until all three were a sticky mess.

The real taiyoukai suckled the honey off his fingers until he realized that they were not, in fact, his fingers at all… and quickly ceased the outright improper behavior.

Just then, Shippo gagged on his treat. He rose his tiny clawed finger to the direction of the forest and began sputtering incoherent dribble.

A blood sodden ‘Sesshoumaru’ was returning to their small camp. Inuyasha jumped down from his tree, sniffing wildly at the iron in the air and looking confused, but seemed to stand down his guard after a moment. Sango could be heard gasping at the horrendous sight of the demon lord walking up to the kid, kit, and ‘Kagome’. They were surrounded by empty condiment packets and covered in a sweet, wild scent. Sesshoumaru, disbelief clear in his eyes, began to growl.

The blood-soaked demon stared at the honey-coated miko and stated, “You’re a mess.”

His blue eye twitched and Inuyasha’s laughter could be heard from across the clearing.

“Osuwari,” he commanded, sending the hanyou to the ground, and fumed at the youkai-trapped miko.

A/N: This whole thing is silly. Just nonsense. Thanks for reading/reviewing :]