InuYasha's Playhouse by Sarah


I do not own Inuyasha, the characters or otherwise.


It was raining that night. The sky was dark, and I had no sense of direction. All I was certain of was a neon sign nearing as I walked on. I felt wet brick against my hands as I steadied myself. Cold and hungry, I forged on.

InuYasha’s Playhouse

That is what the sign read. I was at the mercy of the large metal door that belonged to this business. I began pounding on the cold metallic door as hard as I could. The world began to spin around me and I dropped to my knees. I begged the door to let me in, I pleaded with the universe and any gods that may listen. Open this door! At that moment, a miracle. The door cracked open ever so slightly, and I wept.


Enter Kagome

Before being accepted into InuYasha’s Playhouse, I was a heroin addict. I never had money, and would often give my body for another hit. I was fortunate, however. I never contracted a STD, and I never overdosed. When I was found at the door, close to death, I was brought in, cared for and was offered a position after a few months of rehabilitation.

The girls had brought me to a hospital that night and stood by me for the next three nights. They had to switch out, of course, to attend to their work shifts.

Now, I am a stripper at one of the best strip clubs you would ever have the pleasure of going to. The girls taught me to dance on and off the pole. I enjoy my profession. I get to have fun and make a great amount of money! Business men love InuYasha’s Playhouse. Honestly, the best part of being a stripper here is Sango. She is my best friend, and the greatest support I’ve ever had.


I held her hand. Her cold, lifeless hand. Warm tears were released from the very depths of my being and fell to the white tiled ground. On that day, time itself seemed to stop. I felt the world give, and crumble beneath my feet. On that day, my heart stopped singing, and sealed itself in stone. On that day, two of my loves were gone forever.


Enter Sesshomaru

Two years have passed me by since my wife, and my unborn daughter left me alone in this world. I had been my dear Kikyo to the hospital when we here hit. The universe decided to torment me most cruelly and leave me to die alone. That day I promised to seal myself off, and focus on my work alone.

I am a lawyer, working in the law firm my father and his father had built. I am rich with money alone, and poor in what is important. Since Kikyo died, I sold our house and found a one bedroom apartment where I hide myself away in. I don’t need many material possessions. The only activity I find myself paying a lot for now is seeing a stripper at InuYasha’s Playhouse. I see her every Thursday, although I am sure she doesn’t know it. She reminds me so much of Kikyo in her looks. I will watch her every move, wishing that she will jump off that stage and tell me she is Kikyo, and had been lost for some time. But instead her shift will end, and I will retire to my small apartment and go to bed, dreaming of better days and better nights. Of a little girl I never met and never will. Of smiling blue eyes and home.


This story is the revamped InuYasha SS Inc. I realize it has been three years since I had last updated that story and much of the story line was confusing and made absolutely no sense at all!!! So here it is, my new version. There are no lemons yet and I apologize, but there will be! Be patient! Let me know what you think, and if you have any ideas, please share them! I embrace all criticism!