Swamp Tale by MomoDesu

It Began With A Princess

A/N: First thing I've written in some time, so I hope it's enjoyable! This is for Sunset Miko's 2014 once a week challenges, for the first prompt, beginnings.


The southern weather would be something Sesshoumaru would never get used to. In all of his years, never had he encountered such undecided weather conditions as he did in Miami.

His dog seemed to like it, though.

Princess seemed to like anything; she was very easy to please, as it seemed to be the way with non-demonic canines.

The moment he had moved to the area, a dirty little fawn and white cow dog showed up on his front porch and that was that. He was hers, she made sure of that. No matter how many times he took her away from his property, she somehow found her way back, each time dirtier than the previous.

After six times of her returning, he bit the bullet and brought her into his home – only after a nice long bath outside.

And then it was just the two of them in his comfortable bungalow on the edge of the Everglades.

Just Sesshoumaru and Princess.

And he couldn't be happier.

Each time the weather changed, Princess seemed happier and happier. When he didn't think he could find happiness in a situation, Princess would prance in and everything in the world was alright again. Even the worst day at work could be erased with one unwanted sloppy doggy kiss at the end of the day.

Sesshoumaru fanned himself with the hand that wasn't holding Princess' lead. “Why must you lead me so far from the comfort of our home?”

Princess looked back at him and grunted, then led him further down the secluded dirt road.

Canals ran on each side of the roadway, crawling with wildlife and plants that seemed to take over the entire area. Cranes could be heard in the distance, something that was similar to his homeland. Otherwise, this swamp was an entirely new thing for him. Even still, after years of living there, the different sounds of the swamp bothered him. The first time he saw an alligator he almost screamed like a pup. He and Princess made a bargain to never speak of that to anyone.

A splash in the distance caught both his and Princess' attention. Something was amiss.