Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi-san. I as the Authoress of BR make no claim to it.
Proverbial Challenge, 2014
Prompt: A fool may give a wise man counsel.
Word Count: 500
Week: January 30, 2014
Watching Kagome now, seated at the center of their futon, her face glowing with warmth, health, and love... As she stroked tender hands over her swollen belly. Sesshomaru, thought back to that day. The battle had been long and hard fought. Their entire coalition had sustained many injuries. Even he himself, though his were minor by comparison. From Kouga and his wolves, Ayame-hime and the Northern Ookami Tribe, Sango the Tyja, Miroku the Houshi cursed with the Kazanna through his grandfather and father before him. Kohaku, Sango's brother, now a member of Sesshomaru's pack and guardian for his yojo-chan, Rin.
Then, of course, his Hanyou brother Inuyasha and the true Jewel... The glue that held them together, the Miko, Kagome. They were trying to recover from another barrage by Naraku and his minions. Inuyasha, leaned heavily on Tessaiga. Sango was bleeding from a head wound, Miroku was swaying from the poisonous effects of the Saimyosho. But they all refused to give in. Determined to rid Sengoku Jidai of the Arachnid Hanyou. Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw Kagome rise purposefully to her feet. After hitting the dirt to avoid being impaled by a sharp set of tentacles.
There was temper, determination, and something else... Something Sesshomaru could not name in Kagome's gaze. “Naraku!” she shouted, causing the arachnid to turn his leering gaze to her.
“This ends now!” The Miko's voice was surprising flint.
“And how do you plan to do that, alone, little Miko...” Naraku sneered.
It was true most of the Tachi was down for the interim. And Kagome doubted Sesshomaru would lend his Bakusaiga's power to her final assault. Though even if he were inclined, Kagome knew it was her task to bring about Naraku's end. And so she called her full power to the fore. Until she glowed, a living flame, with it. Channeling that power through her bow and into her arrow, Kagome let it fly.
Her companions watched in stunned silence as Naraku turned to naught but ashes. The arachnid's half of the Shikon no Tama, falling to the hard packed dirt. The most surprised being Sesshomaru, himself. The Daiyoukai had no idea the Miko possessed such raw, untapped power. He watched as Kagome called Naraku's half of the Jewel to her, with power alone. Saw as it was purified with but a touch from her small, capable hand.
As the pieces unified, the group gathered around Kagome, Kouga relinquishing the shards in his legs, and Sango the one from Kohaku's back. Only then, did Kagome silently make her wish.
“I wish peace, happiness, and long life for all my friends.” Kagome thought.
When the shining pink light faded, the Shikon no Tama was no more. And all of them were healed.
Sesshomaru, felt compelled to ask, “Miko where did such power come from?”
“Love can be a weakness, but also a strength.” Kagome replied.
The Daiyoukai thought the words foolish then, but realized their wisdom later.