Worthless Human by Chante


n. Fauvism: A movement in painting characterized by vivid colors and free treatment of form. It was popular in Paris during 1905/early 20th century. Some call Matisse a leader of this movement. 

“Shit” She muttered, trying to focus.

 What was she on?

 The world was so bright. When were colors ever this vivid?

She stumbled, trying to remain upright and keep her light lunch down. Since when was fish that heavy? Her hand moved to her forehead, trying to calm the raging headache that was blooming right behind her eyes. She had been standing still for the last five minutes, trying desperately to keep the gods-forsaken toad from knocking her over. She glared at him for a moment, closing her eyes after a few seconds too long of his skin being bright and rich and absolutely blinding her.

“You worthless, insufferable human-“

Kagome tried to ignore him, tried to focus on avoiding the pooling of saliva in her mouth.

“How dare you cause Lord Sesshomaru-“

She shivered, her mouth filling with bitter, thin saliva, as her efforts to empty her mouth of the substance redoubled.

“Are you daft now, you stupid human wench!-“ Jaken squaked, his arms flapping more like a chicken than a toad.

She couldn’t stop it. She couldn’t hold it back any longer. She groaned before she threw up, the contents of her stomach sullying the fabric of Jaken’s robes. She winced before she purged her stomach again, emptying it of the fish and the poisonous plants that Jaken used to season it.

She wiped her mouth, glaring again for a second at Jaken before she turned, planning on going to the stream, and promptly passing out.

Words: 248