Any Given Christmas by Luna C.

Dreams of Six

A/N: Last chapter of this story! God knows I started procrastinating after the holidays were over. Anyways I'm glad everybody enjoyed it. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Dreams of Six

“So what do you think of this past holiday?” Kagome asked, cuddling closer to her husband as they watched T.V.

“It had its ups and downs.”

“Well I enjoyed it.” she sighed. “I just hope you and Inuyasha could get past your hostility towards one another, it’s really annoying when we’re trying to do things as a family.”

“He starts it.”

Kagome gave him a side glare. “Don’t pout.” Sesshomaru merely huffed, he wasn’t pouting. “Anyways, I really think you enjoyed it, especially my gift to you.”

He nodded, not really paying much attention since Kagome was in her rambling mood. This always happens after the holidays, Kagome recollects about everything and he learned to just nod every once in a while or when she pauses to look at him.

“…I’m so excited about this pregnancy, now my dream of having six kids is starting!”

He stopped mid-nod and graced her with a bewildered look. “What? Six? I thought one was enough.” If he had to go through this rollercoaster of whirling emotions with Kagome five more times, he might lose his mind.

“So out of all that I said, that’s what you picked up on?”

“You were talking about… something. But six kids, I think you are overdoing it.”

“So you don’t like my dream?” he could have sworn, he heard some crickets chirping in the background, then he realized it was the commercial. It made no sense, especially since crickets couldn‘t sing nor had hands to hold bells.

“I think it’s a good dream.” Hopefully, she changes her mind after the first pregnancy.

“Best holiday ever.” she said with a smile, her mood turning a complete one-eighty, and the commercial changed to a happy song, like it was in tune with the woman’s emotions. “Now, I want some lemon soda, I‘m feeling nauseous.”



Prompt: Bells

Word Count: 306

Sunset Miko’s December 2013 Challenge