Summary: Kagome should have thought twice before opening that present.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha
Cookies from Hell
Kagome stared at the innocent looking box that laid in the center of her desk. It was wrapped neatly in pale pinkish paper with a large white bow. But the thing that made her pause was the name of the giver.
Sesshomaru Taisho.
Why would he give her anything? She pranked him on a daily basis; yesterday he fell for a simple pie-above-the-door trick which anyone could have seen a mile away.
Pulling out a pencil, she hesitantly poked it, jumping back a step when it landed on its side. A couple seconds passed and nothing happened. Kagome furrowed her brow. Now she was curious.
Another quick jab and still nothing out-of-the-ordinary happened. Perhaps there was nothing wrong with it and she was overreacting. With a shrug, she sat down, thinking whether or not to open the present or merely throw it away. A more logical person would have thrown it away but her curiosity flared uncontrollably. She wondered what made him be nice to her, and the fact what was in the box.
Tentatively, she ripped the paper off. Several cookies came into view and they appeared to be store-bought. Well since he didn’t make them, Kagome was pretty sure they weren’t poisonous and with a happy munch, she speedily ate the entire thing.
Sesshomaru casually walked by, giving her a tiny smirk. “I hope you enjoyed the cookies.”
Those words planted a seed of dread.
During class, she felt a gurgle in her stomach. And then an insuppressible pressure that seemed eerily familiar. Quickly, she raised her hand frantically and with permission, she hurried out the room, resisting the urge to place her hand against her bottom.
Damnit, damnit, damnit! Those weren’t store-bought cookies!
Her face red and panties down over the grimy toilet, she angrily cursed Sesshomaru for tricking her.
He used laxatives in those cookies.
Prompt: Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
Word Count: 310
Stella’s Proverbial Challenge