Kettle Pot by Luna C.

Man's Best Friend

Summary: He hated that dog with a passion, too bad he had to tolerate it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Man's Best Friend

He hated the dog.

The small, white-furred Pomeranian was the devil-incarnated. It was there to make his life a living hell every time he visited. It would start barking at him, snarling with its small fangs and attacking his shoes. If he stayed the night, it would raise its leg up and pee on him, soaking either his socks or pants. It was nearly impossible for them to cuddle, the dog would always get in between, and when it was time to sleep, he had to keep an eye open to make sure the dog doesn’t chew off his face.

He really wished Kagome haven’t bought the dog, it was a pain in the ass. He couldn’t have a comfortable day with the woman without the dog doing something stupid. He felt the dog was out to get him, but that was a silly thought.

Even now, it was simply sitting there, staring at him with its little beady eyes, like it was waiting for something. He hoped it didn’t pee on his socks again, he was getting tired of it and frankly, he was still upset at the fact his pristine white socks were a muted cream from the consistent stream of warm, smelling urine that doused them every time. He wondered if Kagome was getting tired of washing them too.  Luckily, he wore some gray socks today.  

If only she got rid of the dog, then they both would be happy.

“Sesshomaru, do you want popcorn?” Kagome called from the kitchen, the clatters of dishes sounding loud as she placed them away.

He glared at the dog, knowing that every second his eyes weren‘t on it, it would do something very suspicious. “Whatever you want.”

The stare-down lasted until Kagome came into the room and plopped down next to him, a large bowl of popcorn in her hands. Sesshomaru wanted to roll his eyes and punt the dog out the window. This sort of thing happens every time Kagome was in the room, the cute innocent act the dog seemed a pro at.

It was highly frustrating when the diabolical acts happen only when she was somewhere else that her eyes can’t see, but what was annoying as hell were the scolds the woman gave. Instead of locking the beast on the balcony or in its cage, a simple no left the dog whimpering, and of course Kagome would fall for its charm.

Right when she sat down, the dog jumped up and cuddled itself between them, giving him a lasting look before plotting its head down on Kagome’s lap.

He must admit the animal was far more cunning than the average dog.

“I hope you and Fluffy are getting along.” Kagome nonchalantly said, rubbing a small triangle-shaped ear, causing the dog’s eyes to become drowsy.

“Hn.” He merely said, not willing to comment on that statement. She wouldn’t believe him, she thinks that dog was an angel, but if she saw one of its acts, she would think differently. That dog was a demon, plain and simple.

Man’s best friend, he scoffed, whoever said that was a damn liar.

Well he loved Kagome, and since he loved her, he had to put up with her dog, but he wondered how much longer will he tolerate its behavior before he snapped, causing him to do something that will make Kagome possibly hate him. Kami knows she loved that dog as if it was her own child and any despicable act against it would be a severe offense.

All night long, the dog was content against Kagome and for once he relaxed, though he kept a keen eye on the dog, knowing that it was up to something.

“Well, I’m beat.” Kagome said after they watched the movie they rented. Yawning, she stretched her arms high and her legs out, causing the dog to wake up from the sudden movements. “I’ll just wash this bowl and we’ll go to bed.”

Sesshomaru nodded, feeling a bit tired. He leaned against the couch, closing his eyes for a moment to rest.

Unfortunately, he felt the telltale signs of something warm and wet coming on his feet. He growled, opening his eyes as he saw the same content, smug look on the dog’s face while it had its leg lifted in the air.

At that moment, Kagome entered the room. Her sigh annoyed him even more.

“I wonder why he always does that, maybe he likes you or something.” She went through the usual task of cleaning up the mess her small dog left behind, including the half-hearted scold. Kagome finished and picked up the dog, cuddling the creature close to her. “All done, I’ll see you in bed.”

Sesshomaru already knew the deal, standing up to head towards the bathroom to wash his feet. He darkly glared at the dog, hoping it would combust into flames.

He just had to tolerate the mutt.

Loving Kagome meant loving that small insignificant creature of doom, no matter how much he hated it.

But as Kagome walked away, the mongrel had the nerve to give him a small doggy smirk before disappearing around the corner.

Soon, he thought to himself, he’ll have his revenge.


Prompt: Love me, love my dog

Word Count: 870

Stella’s Proverbial Challenge

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