Prompt: Change- Monkey Majik + the Yoshida Brothers
Kagome closed her eyes as her best friend roared at the sky, tears running unchecked down his tan cheeks as he cradled the empty body of Kikyo. Her soul had moved onto a better place, no longer sustained by the life force of others and the hanyou hadn't been ready to let her go.
They were silent as Inuyasha cried for the woman he loved. She may not have been well-liked by them, but she still deserved to be mourned. Endless minutes trickled away with his tears, before he finally laid her to rest in a grave he had dug alone, shrugging off his companion's offers to help.
It was sunset now, the sky a myriad of colours so rich, it looked like the Kami had taken paintbrushes to the blank canvas of the sky with a vengeance.
The time-traveller hugged Inuyasha, surprised when he hugged her back tightly. Looking up into his eyes, Kagome jumped to find his golden gaze was burning fiercely as he looked down at her. Pressing his lips to her forehead for a quick moment, the half-demon released her before walking away, the others following him unquestioningly.
Kagome glanced back at the burial mound atop the hill, thrown into stark relief by the sun's last effort to light their world before submitting to the night.
"Goodbye, Kikyo."
As the travellers left the original Shikon Miko to her afterlife, Kagome couldn't help but glance between the setting sun and her friend with eyes that burned like the celestial object... She didn't know what it was, but the air was different.
Something had changed.