Golden Veil by BelovedStranger

Chapter 275

Word Count: 100

Prompt from Stella Mira’s Soundtrack Challenge #9: From Dusk Till Dawn

While Akahito recovered, getting back to his feet, Kagome quickly put her yukata on to cover herself. When he advanced, she backed up, clutching her robes tightly to her chest.

“Stay away from me!”

“Kagome, I… I didn’t mean… I’m so sorry.”

Watching him, Kagome saw him look truly confused, even remorseful for his actions. She didn’t care. He had tried to…

“You’re sorry?!” When he opened his mouth to speak, she silenced him with a sharp wave of her arm. “And you wonder why I find you despicable? No, I don’t forgive you. I will never forgive you. Never!”