Golden Veil by BelovedStranger

Chapter 273

Word Count: 100

Prompt from Stella Mira’s Soundtrack Challenge #9: Blend In

Akahito was too far gone in his own torment, he didn’t realize the woman beneath him wasn’t willing. He’d never before forced himself on a female, would hate himself if he was in his right mind and realized just what he was doing. All he felt was pain, the voices in his head trying to fragment his mind into a million pieces. He wanted to hide from them, to make them go away, but the only way he knew how was to lose himself within the warm comfort of a woman’s lush body.

Not just any woman, this woman. Kagome. 

CLIFF NOTE #1: I want to make sure you ALL realize what I am trying to get here since I know some of you may not understand, though it is stated pretty bluntly. Akahito is NOT in his right mind. He is so desperate for comfort that everything else gets pushed back in the back of his mind. He does NOT realize what he is doing. NO he would NEVER consciously attack a women thusly. Now, that being said, no, I would never condon his actions despite his mental state. Emotions can blind a person so completely that they can committ the most awful crimes without realizing it.